The key to repairing the roof, that any favorable treatment to repair than to shift again. There are several basic types of roofs, which are applied taking into account the functionality of the building. Shed roof very simple - they are mainly used for farm buildings, roofs, hipped roof and poluvalmovye, scrap, roof terraces, four-plane which execution, which form an additional room, hip roofs and complex shapes: domed, cylindrical, mnogoskatnye. By type of roofing material are soft roof, metal roof, folded roof. Roof repair always starts with disassembly of the old coating and repair ceilings. Replacement of damaged beams and planks, the strengthening of the device or cement-sand screeds attic floor, under a simple roof or insulation material for the mansard roof. After repair of interior space, work begins with roofing material. Soft roof in violation of sealing and leakage completely change to new and after replacement heater. Materials for modern soft roof far ahead of the old roofing material. Today is a choice of soft tile roof and, based on fiberglass, asphalt with a multilayer structure. Such roofs frost and moisture resistance, unpretentious, their service life to 40 years. Metal roofs of roofing iron usually eliminate the damage with the help of tow soaked in hot bitumen and promazyvaem top bitumen mastic. Large holes are eliminated with patches of tar paper or roofing felts, and the top is poured hot cement. Repair tile roofs is the replacement of damaged tiles, promazyvaniem cracks and voids. After the replacement of damaged scales to check whether the structure is not disturbed and the connection details of the coating. To repair a slate roof the method promazyvaniya damaged areas and Teschin solution based on cement and raspushennogo asbestos. Slate swept, cracked further purified with a wire brush, then wash the roof. For a primer under construction using a mixture of PVA glue, not before the roof is completely dry. Primed surface area of ??strengthening solution applied in 2 layers, one after another drying. The thickness of this layer should be not less than 2 mm. This technology prolongs the life of the roof to 10 years. Slate roofs require accuracy and soft shoes. The main requirement to repair the roof - it's compliance with safety: Check the strength of coverage and reliability of the ceiling, use safety equipment and do not hurry.
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