Monday, May 30, 2011

As his hands to repair the floors

Sometimes, the old floorboards crack begin to creak and the gap formed between them, which is constantly clogged debris. To get rid of this defect, do the following: take a string or rope, wet glue and joinery by using a chisel to score a try in the cracks between the floorboards. After one day, when the glue dries, it should give a decent view of sex. We need to take a small piece of linoleum or oil-based, not insulated (a linoleum is broken at the folds). Next, fill this linoleum from acetone, this solution make a thick putty, while stir dissolved vinyl. Now zashpaklyuyte prepared putty cracks, using a spatula. Sand the seams of cloth and you can paint the floor. Stitches that have turned us - flexible and not afraid to crack. Another close up the seams, you can use a stencil. Cut out of construction paper or film stencil. Special plaster is applied with a spatula on a cliche, fill the crack. It turns out that the floors themselves are clean and seams missed. HOW TO REPAIR Parquet. Gap in the dance floor can be repaired with a paste which is prepared from sawdust and mixed with oil paint. Pre-filings do not forget to sift through a sieve, paint touch up the color of floor and drain. After the repair areas should clean up the first rough and then fine sandpaper. When you begin to repair the wooden floors and are not able to find a masked putty nails, try the following: a sewing needle namagnitte in limbo move over the surface of the board and sits where the nail, a needle will bend.

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