Monday, May 30, 2011

Home from a bar - benefit the economy.

The main advantage of the house of timber is not in its environmentally clean source material, and not even in the warmth and comfort that stand guard over your family. During the economic crisis of the principal and the main advantage of the construction can only be its economy, and in conjunction with all other advantages, the wooden houses of timber began to occupy the leading position of sales in the suburban housing. Bruce has dimensions 150h150h6000, which makes it a universal design, and allows you to erect buildings of any purpose, from the house to the bath. In addition, he has high beam quality indicators: the density of material, skilful cutting, forming a square cut with no errors, as well as additional prostroganny bar allows you to avoid further finishing. The very construction of houses of timber consists of the following stages, each of which runs under the clear control of quality and compliance with all the parameters of the construction. The price of this home is the cost of the work, the cost of the foundation, beams, roof construction and assembly, finishing work (planing, sanding and konopatki timber). All the houses are made of high quality timber is excellent keep warm even the coldest winter. Due to the natural material, the room supports the natural environment, not allowing the material otsyret, or moldy. Houses made of beams have become part of the history of our country, because this house is the man a whole century!

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