Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Types of plywood

Plywood call sheet or plate made of several layers of veneer glued together with special materials. By the method of manufacturing plywood is divided into sawn, planed and peeled. Now sawing in the production of plywood is rarely used, most common is peeling veneer. Sheet of plywood veneer sheets obtained by imposing on the core. Material for the core can serve as wood and other materials. Plywood is determined by the species from which made its outer layer. The composition of it may be homogeneous and combined. In the first case the outer and inner layers are made of some wood, in the second - from different. The third type includes joinery boards, the core of the thicker layers and the rest is made of slats. By type of plywood surface is divided into polished - is designated as R2, and sanded - NSH. Also, there is laminated plywood. Depending on the water-resistant adhesives, plywood will be divided into several categories. FB - limited moisture resistance. Suitable for irresponsible details. FA, FC, BAF - the average humidity. This plywood is used in the manufacture of furniture and interior decorating. FSF - water resistance. Because of this veneer can be used in outdoor work. PBS - bakelite plywood. Very high moisture and heat resistance. This plywood is used in the construction of ships and cars. Depending on the external data and quality veneers used in plywood, it is divided into four grades, plus Class E - Elite.

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