Friday, June 3, 2011

Appointment of foundations

Foundations are supporting part of the building and are designed to transfer loads from upstream structures on the base (soil), they also serve to protect the walls from ground water. It should be noted that the cost and complexity of the construction of the basement is fairly high and amounts to 15-25% of these indicators over the house and fix errors in his device, often exceeds the initial cost, and therefore the construction of foundations should be treated especially responsibly. Stability and durability of homes are provided in the first place-resistant and durable foundation. Depending on the form and manner of bearing on soil foundations are columnar, tape and Slab. The foundation must be made of strong and durable materials resistant to aggressive environments. For insulation of foundations and basement masonry not subject to special requirements, firstly, because fluctuations in temperature below ground is not so significant, and, secondly, under the ground is not equipped premises. On the material foundations are divided by stone "concrete, reinforced concrete and wood, and by the method of erection - on the monolithic, modular and pile. The device of wooden foundations are allowed only in single-story wooden houses with little life and in outbuildings. Lower part of the (plane) base in direct contact with the base, called the sole foundation. The vertical distance from the ground up to half of the soles is called the depth of the foundation. Its value depends on the strength of foundation soil, the depth of freezing, etc. Usually walls are made thinner than the foundation, so from the front side it extends slightly relative to the plane of the wall, forming the base. Cap more than other parts of the wall affected by damp and mechanical damage. Therefore, its outer surface with cement mortar or plaster veneer Weather-resistant materials. To prevent moisture from entering the foundation for the walls in the basement at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground waterproof suit of waterproof material. If the house is constructed with a basement or garage, then laid another waterproofing layer - 10 cm below the floor level basement. If necessary, the foundation of the outer and inner sides obmazochnymi isolated or covered with waterproofing materials (bituminous mastics, roofing material, brizolom, waterproofing, etc.).

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