Friday, July 29, 2011


Lately, the fashion started to enter the windows and balconies made of wood, along with so-called "plastic". However, choose a frame and set it's not as easy as it seems at first glance ... Price: from $ 6 per square meter. meter with the installation recently in fashion started to enter the windows and balconies made of wood, along with so-called "plastic". However, choose a frame and set it's not as easy as it seems at first glance ... Price: from $ 6 per square meter. meter with the installation Size Limitations: The maximum height sash - 1500 mm, height compensate the missing deaf (fixed) sections. MATERIAL: Frame made of softwood, usually pine. Less common larch, but that it is most suitable for glazing. Spruce is also suitable for making frames, but work with it more difficult because of the viscous structure of the wood. Material shall be dry, that is to have only 8-12 percent moisture. Then he responds well to polishing, not crack and does not distort the design. That the tree does not absorb moisture, most often it twice impregnated with hot linseed oil, which penetrates into the wood by 2-3 millimeters. This is the cheapest option, but not the best - in a year, and even before impregnation have to update. In addition to the impregnation protect the tree from drying out moisture and help all sorts of coverage. Frames can be painted and lacquered. Master in this case say the so-called "boat" paints (based on polyurethane). Due to their frames retain their novelty for a few years. DESIGN: the facade is a glazing usually consists of 4 sections (two hinged and two deaf), the sides of the balconies to protect the deaf section or wood paneling. Depending on the wishes of the owners, size and architecture balcony deviations from "standards". After mounting the frame with silicone sealant promazyvayut slot and perimeter of the glazing. Then put the glass and pressed his glazing beads. To between the frame and the glass did not penetrate the water from the outside attach special Stamping timber. Water flow provides a "tide" - galvanized metal cornice, mounted at an angle from the outside at the level of the sill. Attach it directly into the frame to prevent water from entering the gap between the frame and the parapet of the balcony. The upper ledge wider ebb and protects not only the frame of the water, but glass from small objects dropped on top neighbors. Long-fold better to install windows wrapping on small - fortochnye. Glazing: a wooden structure is normally installed window glass (most of the Gomel and Saratov production). It is the same high durability and is easily damaged, especially if the single frame. Double pane windows is better but more expensive. Experts believe the best option for double glazing - so warmer temperatures on the balcony at 9 degrees Celsius higher than outside. With single glazing temperature difference of 5-6 degrees. Optional: decorate the balcony paneling and warm due to the lower part. As the use of foam insulation. DATE: a team of two installers produces a complete installation in 2-3 days. SAFETY: The main purpose of such a glass - protection from dust, moisture and precipitation, but not from hacking. So that the "wooden" windows on the first floor gratings are not excluded. CARE: a protective coating of frames required to regularly update.

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