Saturday, July 16, 2011

Coloring process

The paint is applied to the surface of thin layers of two or three times, and each succeeding only after the complete drying of the previous one. If the paint is applied thick, it dries and cracks will be covered with wrinkles, in addition, the paint will flow over the surface, forming lumps and bumps. Brush dipped in ink to half the length of hair, and wring out the excess paint on the edge of the tank. First, the paint should be applied to the surface fat zigzag stripes, spaced a short distance. Once on the brush will not paint applied to the wall strip to feather the same brush in the transverse direction, and then - from the top down. This approach allows us to avoid the passes and layers of paint. Paint windows and doors. Previously painted with oil paint surface, in the absence of them defects, washed with 2.5% solution of soda or warm water and soap. Without washing the new paint will stick to the old bad. When painting window frames, door frames, canvases and baseboards need to pay special attention to the quality of surface preparation. Window frames, door leaves and frames to zashpatlevat, covered with a layer of paint. Immediately after the first painting to show all defects, not seen in the process of grinding. Therefore, after complete drying of the first painting layer caused cracks and dents need zashpatlevat and handle sanded. After that you should paint the product for two times. Latches, handles and other items before painting should be removed. So as not to smudge the glass along the bars glued paper on the soapy water, flour or starch glue or synthetic adhesive wallpaper. From silicate glue on the glass remains indelible stain. Convenient for this purpose to apply the sticky polymer films, such as electrical tape. To avoid soiling the wall when painting is necessary to use cardboard, plywood or tin plate, affixed to the sites of color. This flap must be used when painting skirting boards and architraves. Windows and doors are left open after staining as long as the paint is completely dry in the field porch. Closing windows and doors, on which the paint is still wet, place between the contacting surfaces of the strips of foil or polyethylene, they will protect painted surfaces from sticking together. Paint radiators and pipes. Radiators should be painted with colors that are resistant to a temperature of 70-100 ° C. These paints are pentaphthalic (PF-115), silicones (CA-168), alkyd, and others. Sometimes the radiators are painted aluminum powder for lacquer. However, hardly appropriate, since the aluminum powder forms a thick metallic film, which retains the heat. If the old paint on the radiator is kept well, pre-sanded surface should be grit and a wire brush and without priming apply a new coating. If old paint is cracked and flaking areas, they must be clear and correct. Paint the radiators should be at a temperature of 20-30 ° C round brush and brush for hard to reach places. Tubes can be painted foam sponge or an old fur gloves, turned inside out. Given that the whitewash from the action of elevated temperatures over time, turn yellow, best radiators are painted with a pigment, paint color matching the color of the walls. Sewer pipes and other parts of sanitary equipment, covered earlier bituminous varnish, paint only after the isolation of bitumen nitro. Without sufficient isolation of bitumen will pass through the paint and ruin it. Stained floors. The floors are painted with oil paints - gustotertymi or ready to eat (usually a minium or security). The labels of these paints should be pointed out that they are also used for staining floors. Only these colors have good resistance to wear. Depend on the quality of paint coating strength and the time it dries. For razbelivaniya paints used white. Any purchased the paint and varnish is advisable to check on vysyhaemost. If the paint is ready for use, then planed boards or veneer plaster stain the size of a palm and rubbed it well. If Paste paints, then anoint three spots - paint, varnish and paint mixture with linseed oil. Covered with paint and varnish board or plywood laid on the floor and held for two days. If during this period of paint and linseed oil will dry well, then they are suitable for staining the floor, but if not, use them and should not buy new ones. Before painting the floors stripped the soil surface of the liquid paint (on 1 kg 300 g take appropriate solvent). Primer is applied by centrifugal brush or roller. Color sex in any way to produce a thin layer with careful grinding. The floors are painted in two or three. Each successive layer of paint applied to a well-dried previous layer. Of drying depends on the quality of color. First paint dried for 2-3 days and the second - no less than 3-4 and the latter - at least 5-7 days. After staining the floor is recommended to wash with warm water, or even better - the first 3-4 days to wash every day. Stain the floor begin to paint baseboards. The conventional wisdom is that the floors should always be painted in brown. Not to do so. First, the brown color on its own gloomy, and secondly, it is hard to reconcile with a number of Kolerov used for the walls. Dressy looks half ocher-yellow hue. He walks to the walls of light, golden tones. With walls of bluish tones go well with the floors of gray or greenish color. If desired, you can do decorative painting floors. It is executed as well as improved stain. After cleaning and floor fillers primed with oil paint bright colors. After drying the ground floor are painted with oil paint the same color. That the surface has turned dull (glossy further complicates the process), the paint adds 30-40% (by weight of linseed oil), solvent (turpentine or white spirit). On the dried surface of a drawing (paint composition of the darker hue), then the floor covered with an oil-resin varnish PF-283 and others. Drawing on the floor can be one color, two colors in the form of a pattern or simulate tile. Figure is applied using a set of stencils and patterned foam rollers, rubber tortsovok. The amount of paint on a decorative floor finish and performance are about the same as for high-quality finish (250-280 g/m2). Work must be in soft shoes. The paint on the floor is still wet. At the still tacky paint from the floor to put small - the size of the foot - the pieces of plastic film. On them you can walk freely. After the paint dries, carefully, with corner otderite film - floor under it will be glossy, indistinguishable from other sites.

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