Features of the high-rise windows or lost depending on how successfully pair it with a building project ... Installed in a building window assembly must meet a number of requirements. Its design should be windproof and capable of carrying out heat-and sound-proofing features. Dignity of the high-rise windows or lost depending on how successfully pair it with a building project ... Installed in a building window assembly must meet a number of requirements. Its design should be windproof and capable of carrying out heat-and sound-proofing features. On the outside of the window should not miss rainwater and ultraviolet rays from space - room air and moisture. Arising in the window design power loads must be correctly transmitted to the building. All thermal and mechanical manifestations in the areas of the window frame and the building structure and the perceived offset seam at the point of conjugation. Professional performance of this joint, that is intelligently selected geometry, bonding, insulation and sealing, are essential for compliance with the previously listed conditions. Presented in Figure multilevel model features a window unit gives an indication of the specific incorporated in the building construction window, as far as it satisfies the requirements stemming from the influence of the environment. Level (1) corresponds to the conventional surface on which the distinction is provided by the external climate and the microclimate inside the building. It should take place in a zone of higher temperature than the dew point inside the building. When the calculated values ??of room temperature 20 ° C and relative humidity of 50%, which corresponds to the dew point temperature 9,3 ° C, the surface of separation must lie in the region above 10 ° C. Then, under these conditions on the outer surfaces of the structure and within it will not form condensation. Probability of occurrence of the condensate can be estimated by the nature of the isotherms. Level (2) can be regarded as a functional area, the correct choice of which may, in particular, for some time to provide heat and sound insulation properties of windows. The connection with the outdoor climate in closed systems is on the border of this functional area, and in the open - through the whole system. In general formulation, this means that functional area should "stay dry" and did not come into contact with the indoor environment. Level (3), if expressed in a broad sense, prevents the penetration of water into the window design (for example, in "I a pouring rain) from the outside. In the window units shall be provided for controlled drainage of rain water. Apart from this it is necessary to ensure the flow of moisture that accumulates in a functional area. Graphical representation of the recalls half-timbered roof. prevent condensation inside the window assembly, as well as its surrounding structures may contribute to position itself mounted box. It is recommended to place it in the middle of the thickness of the window opening when the wall that has no intermediate warming layer, or the level of the insulating layer, if the wall with insulation. Behavior seam under the influence of heat and moisture reaction connecting seam on the effects of heat and moisture is determined by climate inside and outside the premises. If the settlement take the following climatic conditions (according to DIN 4108, part B): the room temperature 20 ° C, relative humidity 50%, from the outside temperature is minus 15 ° C, relative humidity 80%, the indoor dew point for given characteristics of the microclimate of about 9,3 ° C (for simplicity, rounded up to 10 ° C). It is clear that under these conditions, the temperature in the critical areas of the building structure should not fall below 10 ° C, otherwise condensation. Care should be taken to the nodes in the building structure, where avoiding undesirable low temperatures can not, there would be no conditions for the condensation, or to appearing moisture may be removed diffusing or stack outside. Because of the pressure drop between a pair of climatic zones inside and outside can not enter the mounting weld moist warm air from the room, as well as the diffusion of water vapor through the building construction. The risk of condensation in the cavities of joints depends on the temperature and relative humidity inside the joint. If you install a window unit should take all measures against the occurrence of moisture in the joint. If this does not exclude the moisture should be able to diffuse outward, and this requires that the resistance of the material of the building structure diffusion penetration of water vapor decreased in the direction from inside to outside. That is, should be respected: inside is denser than the outside. Of course, it is important to ensure and outer layer of protection (3), ie the window assembly must maintain integrity in the pouring rain. Thermal protection and cold bridges Heat in the area of ??the window block the binding is largely determined by its position, as well as the proper distribution of insulating layers in this zone. The term "thermal bridge" means a surface area within which, in comparison with adjacent surfaces, there are lower temperature (which is why it is called a bridge cold) and the additional heat flow. In the area of ??the window block wall made of brick or concrete closely adjacent to a window box. Various thickness of these structural elements leads to the inevitable occurrence of thermal bridges, that is quite do without heat in the zone can not be binding. The presence of windows in the opening monolithic wall shown in the graphs in the form of a strong distortion of the isotherms, a comparison which helps to understand how to better place windows in the building design to reduce heat loss. isotherms, as is known, is called the line connecting the points with the same temperature. Its character is defined by the presence of thermal bridges caused by peculiarities of the material or geometry (corners, edges, etc.). At the junction box with building design a thermal bridges both species. Isothermal graphs Using isothermal lines, you can display the temperature characteristics typical of those or other conditions of the installation window in the doorway of the building. When normal room conditions (20 ° C and 50%) is important to assess the conjugation is a basic 10-degree isotherm. to prevent condensation before the inner seam of conjugation, the isotherm must pass through the entire inner part of the design. The fewer bends in 10-degree isotherm , the less heat loss in the junction. Options for the successful arrangement of various window frames in the openings of various designs are shown in the previous figures. Insulation of the joint interface addition to protection from moisture is necessary to take care of impeccable heat and sound insulation of the connecting joint. In order for the temperature at inner surface of the interface was kept high enough to close up all the joints in the area of ??window assembly suitable insulating material. Without such isolation is a risk of cooling the inner surface to a temperature below the dew point, and then at the junction can be formed dampness. Measures to heat, moisture and soundproofing "steamproof" separation of internal and external climatic conditions and the correct pairing of the principle of "inside is denser than the outside" to prevent condensation in the joints. Insulation of the joint to ensure a higher temperature at its inner surface. With increased requirements for insulation joints alone insulation is not enough. Shove require additional sealing, using injectable and / or tape sealants. Soundproofing seams must be about 10 dB more sound insulation than the mating elements. Please note that the compressed tape sealants provide technical requirements for sound insulation, when they are compressed as for at least 20-33% of the initial thickness. Sound pressure at the edge is about four times, and at the corners even at four times greater than the center part. So what's the best sound insulation material to justify its merits only if quality seal the joint interface. Fasteners All naturally occurring in the window design power loads must necessarily be transmitted to the supporting structure by fasteners. forces acting in the plane of the window, perceived the building structure through the support pads, which should only work on squeezing. Dowels, pads and similar items are not sufficient for perception of load . It is important to make sure that the pad is correctly positioned at the corners of window boxes, as well as in areas of struts and girders, and to frame profiles have a sufficient margin of safety in bending. Dimensions of support pads should be chosen with the expectation that they will not interfere with subsequent work on fixing seam. The width of the base block should correspond to the thickness of the mounting frame. Auxiliary wedges that are used during assembly, after fixing window assembly must be removed. Along with properly chosen and placed supporting pads must choose appropriate fasteners for secure retention window in the doorway. Given behavior of frame materials with a linear extension for each of them defined the distance between the mounting points. The distance between the anchors for aluminum and wooden windows should not exceed 800 mm, for plastic windows - 700 mm. The distance from the inner corner should be in the range 100-150 mm, as well as the distance to the bar or bolt from the inside of the frame profile. The criteria for selected fasteners and fastening systems, mainly the following: features of the walls of buildings, building conditions (repair / new) features of frame material, the expected loads. On the fasteners used to know the following. Frame dowels (pins) are working on a shift, shear and bending. Their use, especially at high loads is limited by the need to maintain a certain distance between the wall and window frame. dowels should be selected large enough taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer. Jointing lining malleable enough to fold, so are receptive to the longitudinal displacement of frame materials. As hardware overlay works, mainly on the cut and can withstand heavy loads than the dowels. However, the lining may be taken only efforts at right angles. Anchors can be perceived heavy loads. They are used, for example, for fixing false fronts and in such circumstances. For each type of anchors are made static calculations allowable weight and tensile load - this data can be compared to catalogs from different manufacturers. Conclusions Bearing pads are used to transfer operating window design forces in building structures. Bearing pads and fasteners should not interfere in subsequent works on grouting. Polyurethane foam, glue and similar materials are not fasteners. Fastening the window assembly in the opening should be provided mechanically. Improper Sealing Sealing is often the cause damage to buildings. Moisture from the premises must not penetrate into the seam, and if you can not prevent this, it should be possible to remove condensate out. waterproofing and windproof layers should, in principle, be installed inside of building elements, 'and so that they inhibit the penetration in the design of air and moisture from the premises and places where the surface temperature is below the dew point does not appear to dampness. With the right execution of the window block compliance with this requirement is provided in the (1). Width of weld joint width is determined by how susceptible to change sizes, depending on temperature and humidity, used frame materials. Curing values ??for the minimum width for the profile is not exempt from the need to take into account relevant data for the sealing materials. Usually, manufacturers of these products indicate the optimal width of the seam. sealing systems When choosing sealing systems are primarily accounted construction of the outer wall. In the old houses of conjugation in the openings were made differently than it is for new construction. For new facilities can be designed principally for new ways to join window units. The renovation of the old stock contours of the window openings are often required to preserve in its original form - it restricts the choice of sealing systems, as well as ways of coupling and sealing of joints. Depending on the functional purpose, the relevant sealing systems: injectable sealants; compressed sealing tape, waterproofing cloth; structural elements (for example, molded parts, slats) they can reasonably be combined to meet the requirements. injectable In addition to sealants commonly used in the construction of silicone to seal the window joints are used, and other injectable sealants: acrylics, polysulfide and polyurethane. One of the most important properties of the sealant is its ability to perceive the relative displacement of the joint. It depends on the material and thickness of the seal, and indicates the percentage . In the general case for the cross stitch is assumed that the thickness of the sealant d should be half the width of the weld b (d = 0,5 b). To sustain this condition, you must use non-absorbent waterproof materials with closed pores and lay them in depth, so that may be defined thickness, subtract packed with sealant. injectable sealants have good grips with the basis on which they are applied. It is therefore important first to assess the grasping properties of the surfaces. Shvatyvaemost can be considerably improved by applying the so-called primers for the first topcoat. You should use only those primers of the recommended manufacturers of sealants, which are suitable for both sides of the joint. Tape seals sealing tapes are made of soft polyurethane foam impregnated and supplied in a highly compressed form. tapes from different manufacturers vary in type and design. Unlike injectable sealants, sealing tape broadcast on the sealing surfaces only load pressure, but not pulling forces. sealing tape can smooth the surface roughness of approximately 3 mm. Shove remains closed and sealed. Therefore, compressed sealing tapes are especially recommended for sealing joints with plastered surfaces, gypsum boards and other unfavorable for setting materials. tightness tape against to water, steam and noise, the higher the more it is pressed and / or wider than it is. sealing tape should be prepared for use in the seams of conjugation in accordance with weather conditions at the time of Termination of work. On cold days it is recommended to hold the tape in a warm, but in the heat - possibly cool. Waterproofing For the protection of joints in the area of ??window units are preferably used sealing webs of polymeric materials of PIB (polyisobutylene). Fabrics are particularly suitable for work on the conjugation of multilayer building components. Bonding is usually used only as an aid when mounting . In areas where the need to guarantee the secure fit and tightness in the long term, it is recommended to use a mechanical protection. The resistance of polymer fabrics vapor diffusion is so large that when laying them out have to travel further compensating the holes. As a general rule, the use of fabrics is limited to sealing areas of the upper and lower interface window. Institute of Window Technology in Rosenheim
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