Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Four of the solution of the question

Ancient Romans (the Empire) believed that a place where a person performs ablution should be not just beautiful, and downright luxurious. Let us recall the famous Baths of Caracalla. Nowadays, the question "How to Lose a three-meter bathroom?" seems much more simple, but still need to solve it ... Plastic and tile ancient Romans (the Empire) believed that the place where a person performs ablution should be not just beautiful, and downright luxurious. Let us recall the famous Baths of Caracalla. Nowadays, the question "How to Lose a three-meter bathroom?" seems much more simple, but still need to solve it ... Plastic and tile I would not advise the cheapest way to finish - wall paneling plastic panels. Construction markets to their fullest, and the color can be chosen by any of the granite-malachite-marble. That's just your bathroom will look quite like receiving (or toilet) any office. It is necessary to you? For the cheapest way to be a classic way - a ceramic tile. Variation in prices is anywhere from 200 to 900 rubles. per square meter. The most expensive tile - the Spanish, the cheapest - domestic. However, as shown by personal experience, cheap - does not mean bad. My husband and I bought on the market very stylish white tile with a texture resembling not velvet, not even some textured fabric, all for $ 240 rub./m2 (producer - ekatirinburgsky factory of ceramic products). The workers then praised her, saying, soft, well-cut. The only thing I dislike most of the domestic tiles, is the fact that if there is a pattern, it plitochki on each stencil, ie the same 'marble' streak will be repeated a hundred times under the same angle. But imported tile often comes with a shift pattern, but it costs more - from 400 rubles. / M2. The most common now, toiletries vanny design - with a border ", ie a narrow horizontal strip of the small contrast in color or just fancy plitochek. Usually the bottom lay a darker tile, then at a height of 80 inches from the floor is a strip of curb, then top with a pair of light-triple decorative inserts. So decorated 90% of modern bathrooms. Fifty years by the photos of these walls will be easy to define the era. "Canary, ficus and a guitar." "Wardrobes, bar and toilet with bordyurchikom. These considerations led us to her husband to refrain from this model tiled fashion. But what can you offer in return? In the specialized journals, directories basically all the same idea: the lower tier, edging, top tier. Or just edging. Only once somewhere flashed a funny picture: the tiles were painted by the spine, and it turned out that the wall is lined with tiles like the library. Even once saw a mirror tile. Well, the same idea: a constant reminder that a good idea to finally join the fitness center ... But in general, with a tile, we all somehow quite boring. Well, what little texture tiles, you can still understand - its harder to clean - but why not release, say, hexagonal, triangular tiles, or even some with irregular geometry? Now about the price issue. Laying tile is $ 09.10 per m2 plus here can add grout joints (0,5 $ per meter), or may be included in the total cost. By the way, about the grouting must say that it is of two kinds - cement, for example, Sopro (about 250 rubles. Per package), and chalk, for example, Atlas (it is cheaper to 100 rubles., But then quickly crumble). Must add to the list of expenses tile adhesive - not a bad mark "Eunice plus or Eunice XXI century" (120 rubles a bag). You may also need to align the wall - 7.10 $ per m2 price of work, plus a mortar and putty. Mosaic This is, perhaps, will pointernesney than tile. The fact that there is a Glass Mosaic (glass mosaic), reminded us of IKEA, and it has even become something of fashion. There's even identify important trends. First there was the popular decoration with simple colors, or so-called mixtures containing several colors. They were replaced by geometric patterns, scenes from the directories of manufacturers. Then it came to creating complex copyright panel. For the price of the entire puzzle can be divided into two main categories: the so-called elites and economy class. Expensive Luxury Mosaic (from 25 euros per meter) - is, of course, primarily Italian Bisazza., P. U Bisadzy "wide color palette (over a hundred colors), and there are so-called avantyurinovaya mosaic of fine golden highlights. Mosaic economy class can be found among Chinese companies Super Glass and J & J. The price for kitaykuyu mosaic below (from $ 15 per m2), - as the saying goes, "because of macroeconomic reasons" - but it's generally a good idea. Although the palette is not so rich - about forty colors. At J & J as well as in "Bisadzy, there avantyurinovaya mosaic. There are several techniques of making mosaics. The most complex and difficult is called "Roman mosaics. It is fully manual, and is used where an overview of the mosaic panels is expected to close, or if the picture is full of small decorative items. First, draw a sketch, then it is marked on the basis of a full-size, and it is laid out panel. To put all the elements, the standard modules - plitochki 2x2 cm - prick into halves, quarters, or even on the smaller parts. It's pretty tedious work: the day mosaicists puts 0.3-0.4 metra.Bolee cheapest way - computer graphics, or, as it is called, the matrix assembly. The meaning of this technology is that the sketch is passed through a special program, which divides it up into modules, squares - that is, to a certain color scheme - and the image is laid out on a computer set. Mixed media, as you might guess, involves a combination of computer graphics and Roman mosaics. For example, if a computer sketch of planned minor elements, then perform them manually in the traditional Roman techniques, like embedding it in the big picture. The result is an interesting result: that is made in computer technology, it looks increasingly blurred, as if creating the background, but that is lined by hand, looks very clearly, as if speaking to the front. This creates the effect of volume - and not cheap impression of a copyrighted work. Sinter is the latest invention of mankind for finishing bathrooms - a new design material called sinter. It is used as floor and wall coverings. For those who are with him have not yet encountered, give help: agglomerate - a mineral compound of cementing substance. Externally, the agglomerate is a shiny, thick, big enough and sufficiently thin plates of different colors. As a filler agglomerates may contain pieces of glass mosaics and aventurine inclusions. Species agglomerate very much - a marble, a granite from the mass of glass chips, all sorts of colors, with different fillings ... trendsetter and prices in that direction - all the same Bisazza. She specializes in the sinter interspersed with pieces of glass mosaic and aventurine. For all his shortcomings as a high price (in the office Bisazza I do not even want to call for the publication of some figures: "It's expensive. Who necessary, you know"), the sinter has one advantage - it is plastic. Heating plate to a temperature of 650 C, it can bend and cover the curved walls and other complex surfaces. For example, oblitsevat perimeter ramp bath, just repeating his path. It is convenient that the agglomerate can be used in new buildings, not fearing that, after shrinking at home in the material will crack. However, this same property requires a careful storage of agglomerate: It is recommended to keep it flat on a plate, not to put on the edge of - or under its own weight, he can lay deformirovatsya.Dlya agglomerate does not require any additional processing wall or floor. The only thing that is needed - the smooth surface. Any construction team, familiar with the laying of ceramic tiles and related products, should be easy to cope with mounting sinter. Sinter sheets can be cut into smaller pieces of a given shape and put them out of geometrical design, story panels, label ... But the elements perfectly matched, they must be cut by special machines for cutting hard materials, use water jet. Producers insist that the agglomerates will be perfectly combined with shiny surfaces, as well as their relatives on the origin and characteristics of the mosaic. The proximity of these materials should emphasize their decorative qualities and gives the interior a solemn, straight-away Rublyovo-Uspenskoye "sound. However, in my opinion, "high sounding," which agglomerate gives the interior, yet gives some plastic - synthetic, whatever one may say.

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