It often happens that the clear and obvious at first glance, things turn out to be not quite so simple. The validity of this thought had once again to make sure, when we tried to understand the nature and properties of the foam. Those who do not know what it is, remember: seen on buildings under construction or just during the repair of weird stuff bulging out of the cracks, like the foam? This is a polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam, or a single component polyurethane sealant in an aerosol packaging - construction material, widely spread in our country. Often, that is clear and obvious at first glance, things turn out to be not quite so simple. The validity of this thought had once again to make sure, when we tried to understand the nature and properties of the foam. Those who do not know what it is, remember: seen on buildings under construction or just during the repair of weird stuff bulging out of the cracks, like the foam? This is a polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam, or a single component polyurethane sealant in an aerosol packaging - construction material, widely spread in our country. Now and professional builders and gardeners can no longer imagine the installation of windows and doors, and any other repair work associated with sealing, without this unique foam. Work with it and really comfortable. Do not need any mechanical devices or power sources, the foam penetrates the most remote of the cavity and turns a few hours in a fairly rigid plastic. Polyurethane foam (abbreviated as MP) is sold in bottles in which the prepolymer is liquid and the propellant (propellant). When content is "released" from the cylinder under the influence of humidity and moisture of the surface, there is a reaction of polymerization (hardening). In the end, form a fairly rigid polyurethane foam. Here are the basic properties of the foam, for which it is so appreciated builders: - assembly (attaches connects parts of the design) - soundproof - heat insulation, - O. In addition, the foam has other obvious advantages. First, MP, expands, and fills the cavity and hard joints. Secondly, it samozastyvayuschaya, so deal with it convenient and simple. For comparison: in the past instead of the foam used for such work and cement and tow. First bred cement with water, then interfered with his tow. In short, the installation process was long, multi-layered and often ineffective. Now, only one cylinder with foam to effortlessly get the same result and even better. Thirdly, MP - versatile material: now we know more than a thousand variants of its use in construction and industry Another undeniable virtue foam: it is designed to work with all traditional building materials (wood, stone, concrete, plaster, metal, glass). The only exceptions are polyethylene, polypropylene, Teflon, silicone, etc. What should be the polyurethane foam? 1. MP should be well adhered to the surface and not drain from it. 2. Should not give greater shrinkage (the degree of shrinkage - the property of the foam to shrink in size after the complete drying). 3. Must be flexible. 4. Should not crumble after hardening (especially in the cold). 5. Weight of the container shall be 850 - 920 g (if they contain substances penoobrazuschego - 750 ml). The use of foam Polyurethane foam took the part of the market, which before its appearance was dominated by traditional materials - cement, cork, asphalt, strip of mineral wool, plaster, etc. MP has established itself as a universal insulating material filling the cracks, gluing surface water-resistant, non-conductive, ognebezopasny (this figure depends on the class of combustibility MP). All this allows the wide use of assembly foam sealing and sound insulation, bonding materials. So, let's look in more detail. Isolation (sealing) - Filling cracks in cold rooms (insulation) - Filling in cracks and crevices in the roofing materials - filling voids around windows and door frames and other structures - Filling the voids around the heating pipes, water pipes at the joints and bends. Bonding Fixing of door and window frames (and then not need to screw or nail with screws or nails). Securing the insulation and thermal insulation materials on the walls (if needed to warm a room, for example, slabs of foam, the question often arises: what glue plate to the wall? "The simple solution - polyurethane foam). Soundproofing MP reduces the noise created during operation of pipelines, air conditioners or heating systems facilities. Foam seats are buried junction hoods and air conditioners, the gap between the pipes. And since no cracks, so will not rattle and noise. The use of foam in household 1. Installation of window and door frames. 2. Filling cracks and voids during the repair and construction in suburban homes and urban apartments. 3. Widely used in the repair time indoors (eg, fixed wall panels, etc.). 4. Foam can plug the gaps and holes in the floating vehicles (boats, rafts, etc.) As you can see, the possibilities are not limited to foam. The only thing - must be familiar with how to properly use it. And for this we recommend carefully read the instructions for use. On how literate are your actions, determines the final result. Rules for working with foam 1. Installation work is desirable to carry out during the warmer months when the air temperature from +5 to +30 ° C. In this case, the process of polymerization (hardening) is better. There are, however, and special winter foam, but they are a special subject. 2. Remember that working with foam required to wear gloves! 3. Need to examine the object of forthcoming: assembly foam is best used for sealing cracks in widths from 1 to 8, see if the gap size more appropriate to take the cheaper materials (wood, brick, plastic, foam) to "narrow" the gap. If the gap is less than 1 cm, use sealants, fillings, etc. 4. Pre-treated water gap. To do this, it is quite suitable conventional spray, which the hostess used to moisten linen. Why do I need moisture? The fact that the polymerization (hardening) foam affects not only the ambient temperature, and humidity. So, the ideal conditions for the use of MP is temperature +20 ° C and humidity of 60 to 80%. 5. Must thoroughly shake the container with foam, and this should be done at least for a minute. This is needed to ensure that the contents of the container has a homogeneous mass - because the MP is composed of different chemical components, which should mix well. 6. How to work with the MP is as follows: remove the cap, wind pipe to the adapter and turn over bottle upside down. It is in this situation it must be for the entire running time. And here's why: gas, displacing the mounting foam, significantly lighter than other components. Therefore, in the position of container "upside down" components of the MP is better mixed. 7. Now we can apply the foam. Zapenivat gap recommended by one-third of their depth, because the magnetic field increases in volume in two or three. If zapenivayutsya vertical cracks, begin work better than the bottom and gradually go up (in this case, the foam will be more liquid than to keep). 8. Then you have to sprinkle water foam (again because of Moisture foaming process and the solidification is faster). 9. After about 30 minutes if the foam is not enough, add a little more. But do not overdo it: all surplus and then still have to cut, but it is money thrown away. If it does foam came out more than we would like, carefully cut away the excess with a knife. 10. Fully cured foam must occur at the very least 8 hours. 11. And one more important detail: the polyurethane foam is afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, after setting the surface magnetic field should be treated with sealant, paint, plaster, putty, cement, protect architraves, etc. Who makes it? Our market is now crowded with all kind of foam, but this does not mean that all the proposed products of quality. At the shops, and especially markets comes a lot of foam that does not match certain criteria: for example, when as a propellant used for harmful ozone gases. Or there are cases where manufacturers simply nedolivayut in assembly foam cylinders. Unfortunately, many Russian traders (fortunately not all) in the first place put the price rather than quality sold foam. Yes, and our customers 'help' them in this. After all, an ordinary buyer has almost no clue about what should be a foam (as it should be in the tank, what quality ...).
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