Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ceilings are basement, attic, intercommunication, attic. The basis of all floors is the boardwalk on wooden beams. Pedestal overlap do over the cold subfield. Bearing elements - well dried beams or deciduous and coniferous woods, with no cracks, rot. Height and thickness depend on length of flight, the distance between the beams and the load on the floor. In the brick walls of the girder is installed in a niche depth of 18-20 cm, width - 15 cm ends of the beams opilivat 60 ° angle so that they do not reach the posterior wall of niches at the ends of 2-3 cm promazyvayut hot bitumen and wrapped with two layers roofing material. On the supporting platform is placed a small plaque treated with bitumen. Free space in an alcove filled with glass wool and rubbed a cement-lime mortar. At the bottom of the beams to the side edges of the cranial nail bars 5 x 5 cm and a plank subfloor, insulated it, close the asphalt or roofing paper and clean the floor plank of planed boards in the thickness of 25-40 mm. Attic floors are of similar design. Only used for the floor boards planed quarters, since the flooring will be the ceiling under an attic room. If the attic joists passes between the heated rooms, you can not use the heater. To make the filling with sawdust insulation with lime or dry sand, previously on the floor boards are laid asphalt or cardboard. Attic floor is laid in a slightly different order. On the board first stele glassine, then heater, top cover slabs (for ease of walking on the attic during the repair). The thickness of the beams to the attic floor should be at least 1 / 24 of its length (for example, the beam has a length of 600 cm, mean thickness should be 600: 24 = 25 cm).

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