Wrapping rolled and film materials based on polymers. The sequence of operations for pasting polymer film and rolled materials is approximately the same as for finishing of paper-paper, but has its own peculiarities. Polymeric materials can unpack and deploy at a temperature below +15 ° C. If the material was stored at lower temperatures, they should pre-soak in a warm place about 24 - 48 hours. Cloth cut out, leaving the margin for adjustment to the baseboards and other details. When pasting films on paper or fabric on the wall primaries brushes to apply the adhesive with a thin even layer on all surfaces. Stack is placed on the table 5.6 webs face down, brush or ceiling brushes to apply the adhesive and the shade it around the flag. Smeared smeared cloth folded inside out and hang on a specially prepared by the crossbar, where it should be allowed to sit for 5 - 10 minutes. Film on the paper-based paste as a butt and lap to fit the relief pattern. Carefully smooth the seams with a damp cloth. Remove any excess glue with a damp sponge or rag. Film on the paper-based to a plant at the baseboards and trim, not cut. Film on a fabric base and groundless also glued to the wall first lap with overlap of 10-20 mm, followed by smoothing seams elastic rubber or plastic spatula from the center to the edges of the panels and from top to bottom. Glued cloth stand 3-4 hours, and then cut along the seam with a sharp knife or razor in the holder. Slaughtered edge promazyvayut glue, butt, and smooth down. After finishing work with a stiff brush and warm soapy water removes stains from the glue joints and cloth. Blisters and swelling eliminate piercing needle or a cutting of a razor blade and smooth. Adhesive film bonded to read. With the prepared cloths remove the protective paper on the section of 8-10 cm and an adhesive surface is fixed on the top line spacing. After that the cloth is removed the protective paper over the entire length, separates from the wall of an attached and shall be verified in a vertical line. The upper end of the cloth again applied to the top jingle of Lipno and pressed to the wall from top to bottom and from center to edges with a soft brush. In the case of air bubbles or wrinkles in the film of this place should peel and squeeze again. Permanently bonded film is smoothed with a clean cloth. The next panel is glued lap joint with an overlap with another panel of 5-10 mm. Edges should be turned toward the window that the seam would not let the shadows. Linkrust pre-soaked in water for at least 6 hours (can be soaked overnight). After that, a sharp knife to cut a long rail edge. Pruning should be done very carefully, so that when pasting between the banners did not have clearances. Canvases stacked pile, face down, and spread flat bench hammer or centrifugal brush glue (it should be thick and solid, not otherwise be able to keep linkrust on the wall when dry). Wall promazyvayut glue. Smeared with glue fabric is one of the workers standing on scaffolding (table), takes the top edge and the second - for the bottom. The cloth is applied to the wall on the top line spacing and vertical lines and smooth. Following and other cloth glued back to back so that was not noticeable joints and well-matched design. At the top of the wall linkrust often trim batten, lacquered. Linkrust dries in 7-10 days, sometimes it then paint with oil or enamel paints. When finishing vinistenom immediately before gluing the cloth adhesive applied to its back side with a notched trowel a layer of 1-1,2 mm. The cloth is pressed against the wall in a vertical line or line spacing top and carefully smoothed. Glue can not hold the flag immediately after application, so the sheet should be temporarily fixed in the upper part of wooden planks and thin nails, a third driven into the plaster. After one day, nails, and the bar can be removed. Vinisten difficult to glue in the corners. So it's best adjacent to the corner of the cloth cut out in such a way that its edge is repeated angle. Thus, cut out and the next panel affixed to another wall. If the joints are visible, they can cover reechkami wooden, lacquered. Penoplen as well as vinisten, glued back to back. Adhesives on the back side penoplena should be applied thickly. Due to the large thickness and embossed surface penoplen difficult to stick in the corners. That he would not leave, at the inflection point can be for a few days to press a wooden rack. Switches and sockets before gluing all film and roll materials must be removed by turning off the voltage, and after attaching to cut the necessary holes and set them in place.
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