Cut down and cleared of tree branches is called a whip or a barrel, and the process of cutting the whip to the standard parts (ridges) - bucking. The logs are round timber. From a log cabin made of wood? There are tricks in the definition of healthy wood made log cabin or she is already spoiled. External examination of the carcass is not sufficient to determine whether he was felled by the new logs. Well enough oshkurit timber to its whiteness is misleading. A log-it can be inside a rotten, spoiled. Scan is a two. One presses his ear to one end of the log wall, a second lightly tapping on the opposite end of anything metal: staple, a hammer, a spoon. Even with a weak strike a good, healthy wood "ring" and your assistant is clearly heard these weak shocks. If the sounds do not reach it, then log in with the rotten. Another very important, especially in the construction of "capital" at home, when cut down trees for felling. Wood, sawed summer - bad building material, there are a lot of juice. He is fragile and unstable, easily rot. Many are judged by the color of the rings (dark or light), but reliable test to iodine. In the winter the wood is going to reserve starch, especially in the core. If you throw a cut logs with iodine, the medullary rays will turn dark purple. If the wood is cut down in the summer, we saw cut will be painted a color of iodine, that is a brown-yellow. Timber. After sawing logs on the sawmill receive various Timber: plate, quart, boards, bars, bars. The plates produce, sawing in two parts along the length of the logs or ridges, quarters - sawing in two plates, the board - sawing the longitudinal direction on several parallel planes between a timber and ridges. Boards can be cuticles pushed (with a sharp wane side of the logs at the edge), half-and notation. Untrimmed obtained from neopilennogo logs and edging and half-edged - with sawn on both sides of the logs from which the cut side, or slabs. Edged boards have the same width along the entire length with smooth edges, and half-edged - unequal in length width (one end already). Most convenient for edging. Logs and sawn ridges better at edging or half-edged, which saves material and get four slabs. Distinguish the core, the central and side boards. Medullary sawed so that the heart was in their middle, and thickness greater than the thickness of the pith tube. In the central planks sawn passes through the core. Side cut out from the side. Boards obtained from logs or ridges opilivaya them with two, three or four sides. They should have a thickness and width greater than 100 mm. Beams, sawn only on two sides, called dvuhkantnymi, but with three or four parties - respectively three and chetyrehkantnymi. The length of softwood trees can be from 1 to 6,5 m with gradation 0,25 m. boards of these trees produce thick: thin, 13-25 mm thick - 40-45 mm-thick bars 50-100 mm-thick boards of 130-250 mm. Sawn hardwood trees produce thin (13-35 mm), thick (40-80 mm thick) and very thick (a thickness of 80-100 mm). Bruschi get sawing boards. Their width should not exceed twice the thickness (the width of the boards of 2 or more times the thickness), the thickness of the bars shall not exceed 100 mm. Bar can be called a narrow plank. The cross section is different. Bars made of thin boards called laths. Slats are chetyrehkantnye, trimmed on all sides, and dvuhkantnye, cut with only two. The narrow part of the board or the bar is called an edge, and wide - plastyu; line crossing the plate with an edge-edge. In bars made of solid wood (blocks can be glued) and distinguish the right boards, always located in the core of the tree and left, located to the periphery of his face. Very clean after processing layer is called the front, and the opposite - the reverse. The surface of the bar or board, obtained by cutting the wood fibers at right angles, called the butt, but at an angle more or less straight-polutortsom.
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