Thursday, August 25, 2011

All to protect the hardwood floor!

Who said we were bad live? Or else I do not like the argument that, well, forever, we are drawn in the wake of an enlightened and progressive in Europe, that all their new items and expensive items reach us even in the form of "second-hand." Not counting yourself rusofilkoy and ardent fan of the claim that we have the best ballet in the world and what we do - one sixth of the land, I piously believe in - something we absolutely get ahead. And just in the sense of well-being. Here are parquet. Knowledgeable people told me that overseas parquet afford only the advanced workers and drummer of the capitalist labor, in one word - people very wealthy. And we have - please. Who said that we live badly? Or else I do not like the argument that, well, forever, we are drawn in the wake of an enlightened and progressive in Europe, that all their new items and expensive items reach us even in the form of "second-hand." Not counting yourself rusofilkoy and ardent fan of the claim that we have the best ballet in the world and what we do - one sixth of the land, I piously believe in - something we absolutely get ahead. And just in the sense of well-being. Here are parquet. Knowledgeable people told me that overseas parquet afford only the advanced workers and drummer of the capitalist labor, in one word - people very wealthy. And we have - please. In the most unpretentious of Khrushchev's "undershirts" freely spreads good oak or beech parquet floor, which the builders laid by our people for free - the good, comrade! I am no longer talking about communal houses in the old Stalinist - there is heaps of this flooring at all. According to it, kids crawl on the three-high, and housewives rubbing swab generously pouring bleach and soda. Why? Do not feel sorry, in extreme cases you could always throw on top linoleum or synthetic rug. Meanwhile, well-fed and wealthy West flooring is considered a luxury item that can afford not every taxpayer. And if you will, the linoleum probably will not be obscure, not to mention bleach. By the way, and we gradually became clear to people - for free fun no more. In addition, and free it can be called only conditionally: in those years, when half the country sitting in the camps of the Gulag, and they were offered only to life Nara, jacket and Kyle, and they worked for the Homeland quite a gift, that's why half the population had a "free benefits in the form of gratis flats and the very parquet. Now the situation has, thankfully, has changed. And we know that should pay for everything, including for sex. And for their hard-earned labor dollars firmly grasped that such vandalism, even the strongest pre-revolutionary flooring in the end did not survive: turn black, and vspuchitsya rassohnetsya. We realized finally that the parquet - something thin and delicate, requiring careful maintenance. My mom was convinced of this, when two years ago removed the linoleum, which is up to us to lay a hardwood floor over the previous residents. Omit, how much money and headaches needed to bring the flooring in the divine form. It is now not about that. Let's talk about protecting flooring from us, the tenants. My mom blows away dust from the floor, literally and figuratively. This infinite darkness issuing guests felt sneakers, as in museums, and many daily cleaning me so tired that when patience is exhausted finally, I decided to consult with his good friends - the technical director of the firm "Parquet Hall" Vladimir Filaret. Asked: "How should this fucking hardwood floor competently defend him as best to treat without any prejudice to the purse and health?" It turned out the following: • 1. To care for the parquet will need a special water-repellent compositions - Polish • 2. Under the legs of tables, chairs and chairs (on wheels as well) should put a special transparent plastic mats • 3. There is a special "parquet" furniture. More precisely - the furniture on special wheels • 4. There are certain requirements and details for the care of parquet All of these "secret knowledge", I squealed with joy to her mother. Tell me more, that meant Mr. Filaret and his instructions understood my mother. Waterproof Polish The next day I came home from work and, as usual, wore a "museum sneakers. (Put up with these chunyami made me a wonderful property - Felt Sole excellent slides on grated floors and when certain skills can be fun to ride on our long corridor, both on the rink.) And I habitually katnulas ... Nothing happened - the sneakers do not slide. Eye on - the floor like a suspiciously shiny. After a brief conversation with my mother found out - the day she bought the facility for the care of parquet named "Pacifik" Swedish company "Bona» (Bona). "Pacifik" like a jelly and among professionals has the nickname "Polish". It is because of his excellent floor shines. But - quite firmly in place. As it turned out, Polish forms a protective film on the dance floor, more precisely, over varnish, and rescues it from abrasion. Another "Pacifik" protect flooring from water. This does not mean that I can pour water in buckets. Of course, Polish-repellent, but from too much moisture the floor can still vspuchitsya. Another thing - if poorly sealed joints between parketinami, it's great to protect the floor and not allow water to seep (within reasonable limits, for example, if someone is upset the guests on the floor shot of vodka or a glass of juice) in the gap between dosochki parquet. I also learned that the three rooms and a corridor mom spent a half liter of "Pacifica." And afraid that cleaning in our apartment will leave a lot of money - Polish liter bottle costs about 8.7 $. But not all that bad. Remembering the teachings of Comrade Filaret, reassured: the fact that the next time when my mother (one week) will meet to make a "big" cleaning up, she did not need to spend a half bottle of Polish. When you use "Pacifik" enough to dissolve in water in a ratio of 1:5 and the resulting solution to wipe parquet. That is our 1974 m2 will be enough of a cut-glass tumblers "Pacifica" (250 gr.). On that day, my mother worked a shock. And at first she kicked the floor carefully, moving from door to window. And when straightened up and looked proudly sexual grandeur, remembered that the instructions said - "grated on the parquet can not go thirty minutes! The next half hour of life mother admired the view from the window, sitting on the windowsill, as a roost. But to processed "Pacific" sex, even in six months will stick very little dust. (Another would be the hostess jubilant - but not my mom. Her credo - a day without cleaning. And here is a mountain.) To remove dust from the floor must take a bucket of water, add a little bit of soap, to get a weak alkaline solution. Then gently wipe the floor this lineup - and all! Clear Mats still chair in front of a computer desk was his mother's headache. His wheels, firstly, scratched parquet floors, and secondly, they left black marks. Now (thanks to V. Filaret!) On the floor under the chair adorned translucent mat, which became a balm for the mother's wounds. Swedish Firm Tarkett »(Tarkett) manufactures special pads for furniture with wheels. They are made of soft plastic (polycarbonate). Dimensions rugs - 100x150 cm Price 120h130 see both - $ 50. How do you think, what mat bought mom? Of course, one that is bigger. The furniture in the performance of the parquet Topics fortunate, who have no chair (a chair or coffee table) on wheels, strongly recommend: buy them in the performance of the parquet. What is it? This is furniture for those special wheels for hardwood floor: they are made of soft rubber with additives, which does not leave black marks. The only thing I learned: the Moscow furniture markets chairs, stools and coffee tables for wood flooring is not for sale. You can only buy them in stores. But first, explain in detail to the seller, what are the wheel you need. If he stares at your eyes and assures me that you say, citizen (citizen) were stunned and these wheels do not exist - in the first place, do not believe, and show how the argument of this article, and secondly, go away. Hence, in this store are working neprogressivnye people, and an assortment of them - foolish. Down with carpets and rugs I went into the bedroom and discovered that the carpet has completely disappeared. It turned out, guided me in the extracted "Parquet Hall" information that harms carpet wood floor, my mother stuffed him for his wardrobe. (I've always been irritated by our age-old habit of completely unnecessary shove things in closets, attics and balconies to some mysterious "better times". The question is, if the times are the best, FIG will then need all this old stuff?) Most of the carpet - on the rough basis. And the carpet in our bedroom at all "is mixed" on the glue, which has a nasty feature of sleep on the floor of the Palace. We walk on carpet, and consequently, the crumbs of glue at each step, rub against and scratch the parquet lacquer. Implications are clear. If you do not believe - now drop the magazine and not too lazy to lift the favorite synthetic palasik: you see what happened to your floor? That's right. Not only that - my mother ripped "with meat" function button in the wet cleaning wet vacuum! But not so long ago he was the pride of our family: he lovingly rubbed with a cloth, let alone one day when I stumbled upon him in the dark and I was very hurt, mama ta-ak looked at me as if it was painful that clumsy monster. And then - such barbarity! But she firmly declared that henceforth our home - a zone of dry cleaning. These drastic measures mom inspired memo Mr. Filaret. It said that after "ablution" vacuuming the carpet remains wet and parquet flooring underneath "preet". And he parquet is also better not to clean wet vacuum. The furniture in the "boots" I, like every decent girl, is the bridegroom. (However, I now strongly suspect that the groom, more likely, was because he was somewhere washed away after the event about which I want to tell.) And it was so. Once he came when I was not home. But the house was my mother, and you've already guessed what she did. That's right - cleaning. And according to my instructions from the "Parquet Hall. It said that "if you do not have furniture on special wheels, we can all furniture legs to attach felt heels." For turning and dragging tables, cabinets and sofas available in our house in abundance, just very useful, my betrothed. Work has begun to boil. The shape of printed cloth like a mushroom. Leg of the "mushroom" is a self-tapping screw (it can screw with your bare hands), and "hat" - a felt nose. Price boxes naboek firm "Bona" (Sweden) - 5,8 $. In the box ten pieces. How many boxes bought my mother, I never found out. You could go an easier way to buy felt pads without Tarkett wood screws that are simply glued to the legs of furniture. But I suspect that if she had each month nervously raised her furniture (including closets), checking not come off a precious felt fuse. It was very nice, and our oak parquet is now nothing more threatening. And nothing that came home in the evening, I found my mother and her future son-in-literally in a comatose state of exhaustion. Never mind that our wedding in the end to postpone indefinitely - my husband somewhere quietly evaporated. On the other hand, really, my mom did what I advise to make anyone with a parquet floor. Then it will serve you long and conscientiously. Maybe, just do not have to act in such a shock and a short time - but it is a matter of taste. And most importantly, my keeper of the hearth is now a happy thing and everyone. Source: Portal Services: Apartments »

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