Sunday, August 21, 2011

How to choose the artificial carpet

Before you buy an artificial carpet, decide you need it for 5-6 years, or the "rest of my life." Undecided? Now ask your dealer or look on the label, from which the fiber is made of carpet. If it's nylon (polyamide), it will last a long time (10-15 years at least). And if the polypropylene, the period of his service is less than (5 - 8 years). Pay particular attention to the density of the carpet (in principle, it should be indicated on the price list, but if this information is not available, ask the seller). The denser the carpet, so it is durable and the harder it hurting the pile. Before purchasing an artificial carpet, decide you need it for 5-6 years, or the "rest of my life." Undecided? Now ask your dealer or look on the label, from which the fiber is made of carpet. If it's nylon (polyamide), it will last a long time (10-15 years at least). And if the polypropylene, the period of his service is less than (5 - 8 years). Pay particular attention to the density of the carpet (in principle, it should be indicated on the price list, but if this information is not available, ask the seller). The denser the carpet, so it is durable and the harder it hurting the pile. For public buildings should be chosen with the greatest density of carpet for the hallway in the apartment quite get away from the average, and can be purchased for the bedroom and not very dense carpet. But keep in mind that with increasing density, lint price is also rising. Another important point - a way to dye yarn. If the picture suffered hard copy (you can see if the breed villi hands: Through Coloured Rustic Candles are just the top), then the carpet faster vytsvetet. If the threads are colored in mass, then the paint more durable. Do not forget about the method of production - depends on the strength of carpeting. Woven carpet is easy to distinguish from the other: from the bottom - natural jute base, similar to the mesh. When tufting method of production basis may be artificial and jute, filled with latex, latex and just. A needle-punched carpeting generally easily distinguished from all others - he looks like a felt or felt boots. Buying carpet for your home, do not forget the substrate: it is more convenient to walk, and the room becomes warmer. But for that perfect carpet look, you need to put it correctly and properly care for it. Just let it go professionals. How to distinguish good from bad carpet? Single answer is difficult. The first thing, of course, look at the price. If the carpet is worth less than $ 10 per 1 m2, it is likely to cover quality leaves much to be desired. Incidentally, the West is a cheap polypropylene carpet ($ 2 per 1 m2). His so-called - a one-time carpet and abroad use it to design the pavilions. That is, when the exhibition ends, so just throw carpet. Sometimes there are cases where a carpet imported into our country under the guise of "reusable" coating and sold as an ordinary carpet. The owners of the carpet and then very surprised that the coating instantly becomes dirty, and this mess "takes nothing." And actually, it turns out it was not dirty - from the shuffling of feet of carpet baked, as if melted. Coverage is simply not designed for long usage. But the most offensive, that buyers of this was not warned. Hence, one more tip: Do not buy too cheap carpet! Who knows, maybe your "Good cheap" purchase will thus disposable carpet! Moreover, keep in mind that the life of any, even quite high quality, and artificial carpet - a maximum of ten to fifteen years. Maximum! Do not expect that carpet can be passed as a legacy to children and grandchildren. Imported synthetic carpet and thought the producers as a practical, not very expensive, but not everlasting flooring! In the West, as is known, generally very different approach: there carpet trail for a maximum of 5 years, and then ruthlessly sent to the dustbin, and replaced by another trail.

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