It makes sense for us, the average man in the street, a parquet floor - a hardwood floor. Even in this connection there are the following associations and concepts - piece oak or beech flooring, sanding and parquet lacquer, figure in the "Christmas tree" and "checkered" ... But the phrase "PRE-fitting" known to have a narrower range of people. In general, the people this wisdom is seen as a luxury and objectionable type: "Pampering all this toy for those with mad money." Nothing like this: without fitting any floor, even laid the most expensive flooring will look lonely and messy. And besides, "accessories" for flooring are not only aesthetic but also a direct functional purpose. Explain: the wood from moisture swells, and if the room is dry, conversely, shrinking. It is logical for us, the average man in the street, a parquet floor - a hardwood floor. Even in this connection there are the following associations and concepts - piece oak or beech flooring, sanding and parquet lacquer, figure in the "Christmas tree" and "checkered" ... But the phrase "parquet accessories" already familiar to a narrower range of people. In general, the people this wisdom is seen as a luxury and objectionable type: "Pampering all this toy for those with mad money." Nothing like this: without fitting any floor, even laid the most expensive flooring will look lonely and messy. And besides, "accessories" for flooring are not only aesthetic but also a direct functional purpose. Explain: the wood from moisture swells, and if the room is dry, conversely, shrinking. In short, parquet "plays", so it is placed "freely and widely": laying the flooring, the good wizard, always leave a gap at the junction of the floor and walls (as well as columns, sills, pipes, central heating, etc.). So hardware is just intended to cover these gaps, otherwise they can to roll valuable and dear to your heart things - jewelry, keys, coins ... What is fitting for flooring? Today - it's plinth, a ring and nut. Let's start with the fact that the plinth plinth strife. The main plinth in - properly select it. If, say, you have a flat ceiling height 3,2 m, the height of the plinth should be not less than 5 cm Otherwise, he "lost" in space, and nobody paid any attention to him. Everything in nature there are three types of moldings: solid wood, veneered and columns. Plinth of the array, ie, solid wood, you can pick up under your flooring, both in the form of wood and color. Want - choose the plinth in the tone of the parquet floor want the opposite - to play on the contrast. All depends on the interior of the apartment and taste of its owner. In skirting the array, however, there is one drawback: a damp room, they can lose their perfect shape and bend. Prices on a plinth of natural wood are different, they depend primarily on wood quality and processing. Of course, the more expensive imported plinth similar home, although we are not worse! Price overseas baseboards - from $ 4 to $ 16, domestic - not more than $ 5.8 per meter. Veneered plinth is much cheaper than "massive", but look almost as well. Their foundation is made of inexpensive wood - spruce or pine, and on top of special equipment glued veneer - thin slice of some valuable species. Veneered skirting produces German company KGM »(KGM). They will cost two to three times cheaper than imported from the plinth of the array. For example, a meter plinth with a veneer of mahogany you will pay $ 3.5. But if you need more than one meter of plinth, and a dozen or more (usually because the case), we obtain the already significant difference in price. Range of veneer plinth is extremely diverse. Believe me: to any wood floor, even the most unusual and exotic, we can choose an appropriate plinth. In our market sold more plinths, columns, produced by German company Wagner »(Wagner). By the way, they are much more expensive than even the most exquisite moldings from an array: one meter "column" plinth height of 6 cm will cost $ 55. But the pay is for that: in comparison with those skirting the usual lines - just a banal strip. It is clear that the line skirting around the column does not depend upon, and in Wagner's baseboards so deftly clipped the fiber that they bend as stolovskie aluminum fork. There is yet another object of wood flooring accessories - rings. Why should they? Elementary, Watson. Okinte view the apartment, and you will see the heating pipes. Clearances a master parquet professionals do. But they will not be able to close them skirting the usual, that's for sure. Just here and need the ring, and they are specially made of two halves. Need to "surround" these halves of the pipe and glue them that if you want you can do yourself. It is a miracle of human ingenuity master of the Swedish company "Bona» (Bona) is made of the finest wood - oak, beech or ash. Rings are sold at $ 9 per pair (about 230 rubles). At the apartment, on average need of the Rings 6-8. In principle, will not very expensive, but very beautiful. Another useful thing in the economy - nut. Same thing for the majority of my compatriots misunderstood, because ordinary thresholds at the entrance to the house and "hardwood" nut - this is not the same thing. While the nut is placed, of course, at the threshold, but not outside, but inside the apartment - in front of the room, bathroom, kitchen ... Nut looks like a narrow decorative strip - metal, wood or cork - and needed to close the joints between different types of flooring. For example, in the living room you lay parquet flooring in the bathroom - a beautiful ceramic tile in the nursery and the bedroom - carpet and the kitchen - linoleum. All the wonderful and beautiful. But the joints! If you do not hide them with nut, then, firstly, will not finish and unobtrusive elegance in the interior, and secondly, if you do not tighten nut joint (say, between the parquet and linoleum) - with the time required to start the problem. Why - is understandable. Especially those who move into an apartment for five years - ten years ago and never did it repair: a gap at the joints between the flooring and carpet beating a lot of dust and dirt that no vacuum will not stand. A linoleum, reptile, certainly on the side pulled up so that every day (and especially - the night!) There is a danger to stumble and break your neck! What to bring matters to mutilation, in my opinion, it is wiser to go to a good store of finishing materials, to buy these same nut and install them for a small fee. I was told that, and metal and wooden nut in his own good. Wood, for example, you can choose to match a desired tree species: they will be well in harmony with wooden furniture, doors, frames ... Complete with mounting nut is always sold as rack (the one bolted to the floor with screws, and it has glued himself nut) . Over time varnish on the nut, of course, poobotretsya, but it is easy to recover one stroke brushes. Variation in prices for these useful products rather large - from $ 20 to $ 60 per set. Metal nut make "a bronze, silver or gold." They are perfectly in tune, for example, decorative door knobs, and also successfully fit into the interior of an apartment or office. Metal nut sold separately from the mounting rails. This is done not by accident - if the paint wears off with the nut, then they have to throw away and buy a new nut. And bolted to the floor rail will do nothing (even after many years), and, of course, no change is needed. Mounting rails can be bought for 180-230 rubles, and the nut expensive - approximately 200-380 rubles. Accordingly, they are cheaper than wood. But that's not all. Wooden and metal nut, in turn, are of three types: straight, leveling and finishing. Direct used to cover the joints between two different kinds of flooring in adjacent rooms or to process the transition from one type of coverage to another. But keep in mind that direct Nut come in handy if the two meet at the same level. If coverage were at different levels (this often happens during the transition from the parquet on the softer coverings - carpet, linoleum), then here it goes wooden and metal leveling nut. And they both make the transition from one room to another neat and beautiful. Trailing Nut mostly needed in the hallway or in the balcony, that is, in places where there is a level difference of sex. In the formed gap (between the flooring and the threshold) and laid nut, which closes it with his "body." But the most versatile, in my opinion - it's cork nut (price per meter - $ 20). At your request they can make any shape - for example, a semi-circle or zigzag. Moreover, the nut can be both ends and leveling, and direct. They consist of three layers: the two vertical thin planochkami sandwiched layer of cork. So: when parquet "plays" (shrinking, crack), the tube will "work" like a spring. And these nut can still be great to save money - no mounting rails for them not to. They need to stick to the same base as the parquet floor, and they clearly fit flush with the flooring. The only negative - this nut can not be glued at the junction of flooring with linoleum or carpet, because technically they can not cover the raw edge of the cover. And yet. Produces cork nut only firm Parquet Hall. But be warned: buy them at the store only with wooden floors. Well, my dear. I hope now you agree that without the parquet fitting your interior will not sound like a finished work? And I'm convinced you that without all these lovely my heart baseboards, rings and nut your apartment looks so ridiculous and wrong, like a symphony without the last chord? Source: Portal Services: Apartments »
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