Em> For old apartments - is primarily a demolition and dismantling obsolete walls, stripping the walls and ceiling. This stage - one of the dirtiest stages of repair. In many older homes preserved a good hardwood floor. Save this miracle will help plastic film, topped with hardboard, but in any case have to be restored parquet after repair, ie tsiklevat and varnish. It should be borne in mind that if the flooring is already many times tsiklevalsya and its thickness is not large, it may not survive another operation to update. For old apartment - it is primarily scrap and dismantling obsolete walls, stripping the walls and ceiling. This stage - one of the dirtiest stages of repair. In many older homes preserved a good hardwood floor. Save this miracle will help plastic film, topped with hardboard, but in any case have to be restored parquet after repair, ie tsiklevat and varnish. It should be borne in mind that if the flooring is already many times tsiklevalsya and its thickness is not large, it may not survive another operation to update. Another of the very dusty work - replacement of window units and installation of window sills and slopes. This must be done immediately, because in subsequent stages of dirt and dust will be unacceptable, while painting works generally not open the windows (not allowed, big swings in temperature and humidity). After installing windows and window sills should be their right to protect the plastic film, window sills, in addition covered hardboard to avoid scratching. The next stage - the work of laying the wiring. Wiring can be laid in the walls or floor. To ensure electrical safety and reliability of the wires inside paved metal or plastic pipes. Tube protects wiring from external damage with a drill, as well as to replace the wire completely without opening the walls and floor, just dragging the new instead of old ones. For what would have been electric, "lace oneself to tight, you must immediately consider and agree on it in the contract, because in the pipe should be laid special wire. Paint work is carried out after the laying of electrical wiring. A common mistake when working in parallel - one forgot to lay cables, and painters have already plastered and lined the walls, as a result of additional gestures to seal cutting grooves in the finished wall. Location of switches and sockets, their number should be carefully considered in advance. Typically, electrical wiring diagram included in the design project. Even if you do the repairs yourself, or invite someone expert in any case it is necessary to draw a wiring diagram, where the wall is unfinished. System in the future should be ready for service in the event of failure. In addition to wiring (220) laid telephone cables and connections for television by cable. Power cable should not run with the telephone and the antenna to avoid interference and noise. Particularly delicate moment associated with the laying of cable television. Often for what to do in an apartment two (or more) TV, just a "reliable solder" parallel to the second cable, thereby lowering the resistance of the cable with 75 ohms to 37.5 ohms. As a result, the image quality becomes much worse, there is "snow" on the screen, not taken a number of programs, etc. To avoid this, we should invite a specialist with special equipment, so that he measured the signal level for each branch and the TV set or TV amplifiers, TV, or filters. Painting work took the longest time, so they serve as possible in parallel in all rooms. Delays associated with technology features. Each layer of plaster (or putty for finishing) should be completely dry before it is applied next. But the result is stunning - absolutely smooth walls and ceiling make the room visually bigger in size, any finish: paint or wallpaper fit exactly, remains a picture, no distortions. Work in the bathroom and kitchen begin in parallel with the painting works. The so-called dirty work is best done in the first place and at the same time. Carried out welding work, shtroblenie and layout of pipes in accordance with the plan of placing plumbing. Preparing eyeliner under the radiators are installed taps and brackets, radiators themselves at this stage are not installed. Wiring in the bathroom must always be earthed. If the home does not provide wiring "of the earth, the earth wire can be connected to the body of a standard panel, which has an electric meter, and if the house never been placed on" land ", it is necessary to calculate the RCD on all instruments to earth. Further work in the bathroom are on your plan: · installed bathroom · then line the walls; · tiled next stage is mounted ceiling and tiled floor. In the last set other plumbing fixtures, faucets and accessories. Upon completion of installation of wiring, installation and Escutcheon raspaechnyh boxes held control voltage at all points. Cable ends are isolated and placed in Escutcheon. At this stage, sockets and switches are not set in order to maintain their marketability. Parallel to make the finish plaster walls. For the technically precise control of the drying layer of plaster (fillers), apply Moisture - special devices measure the humidity of the material. The next stage of works on the device screed floor. Coupler can perform various materials - from the ordinary masonry cement-sand mixture to a self-leveling floors. · Plus a simple mixture of its low cost, minus - a mixture is much more difficult to align along the horizon and the time of final drying of such ties is 40 days, only then you can spend the next phase of work with gender, ie, term is large enough. · Liquid self-leveling floors - much more expensive, but very tech stuff. Alignment occurs almost "automatically", ie filled with a slurry mixture, which spreads out and makes a horizontal surface. Time of the final dry - 15 days, ie significant gain over time. · System "warm floor" is set in the screed. In case of failure of the so-called "wet process" technology is used dry lining (bulk technique). Followed by a coupler installed door frames and doors. Installation of doors should be made taking into account the thickness of the flooring of the future. The door itself after installation can be removed from their hinges and removed during repair, or pack it in plastic wrap to protect it from damage. Parallel can be painted ceilings and laid tile in those areas where it is scheduled. Tiling should be carried out completely dried screed. Device Technology floor depends on the planned coverage. In most cases (unless the topcoat is not a tile) screed cover asphalt mastic and placed plywood sheets, pulling them to the floor with screws. To ensure tight attachment of plywood and long life floor without creaking and heaving one sheet of plywood fastened to the 30-50 screws. Plywood provides additional heat and sound insulation. After installation of plywood can be pasted wallpaper before painting. In the rooms where the finish flooring - laminate or parquet boards, primarily ordinary wallpaper paste (not for painting). Then carry out installation of flooring. If the topcoat is a parquet floor, the first thing laid parquet tsiklyuetsya and covered with a layer of lacquer. After that the label of conventional wallpaper, flooring and then the rest is covered by layers of paint (depending on quality flooring and paint). This sequence is associated exclusively with the operation of sanding, during which produces large amounts of dust. Despite the fact that a good surface scraper machine equipped with a vacuum cleaner, a sufficiently large amount of dust deposited on the surrounding objects, including on the walls. This dust is very corrosive and ill-washed, so not to spoil their wallpaper paste, after sanding, but that parquet is not scored any excess moisture before Wallcovering its cover with one layer of lacquer. In principle, the basic work can then be regarded as complete. It remains to establish the baseboards, decorative elements, switches and sockets, curtain rods, hang doors, trim, etc. The sequence of operations is given only in general terms and depending on the specific situation - the number of rooms in the premises, the availability of resources, the specifics of the construction of multi-level space - may vary . Here is a simple case for the introduction of production technology works. In general, it is based on natural logic and every person, capable of analysis can construct a sequence itself.
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