Today in Moscow and Moscow region is bought and sold a significant number of apartments in new buildings. Almost always it's an apartment building is that there is a person who buys an apartment comes in and sees a "bare" concrete ceilings, walls and floors. Of course, that before him difficult questions arise related to the finishing bought an apartment. The one who first encountered this a number of issues at once is not easy to decide on the correct choice of different solutions that could ensure the optimum combination of cost of materials and work with the required quality level of their performance. Here there are like two extremes: low labor costs (as a rule, teams from neighboring countries) or the well-known and expensive construction and repair company. Between these two bands have a significant number of firms in which prices fluctuate within this range. Since the cost of work (excluding materials) may fluctuate in today in Moscow and Moscow region is bought and sold a significant number of apartments in new buildings. Almost always it's an apartment building is that there is a person who buys an apartment comes in and sees a "bare" concrete ceilings, walls and floors. Of course, that before him difficult questions arise related to the finishing bought an apartment. The one who first encountered this a number of issues at once is not easy to decide on the correct choice of different solutions that could ensure the optimum combination of cost of materials and work with the required quality level of their performance. Here there are like two extremes: low labor costs (as a rule, teams from neighboring countries) or the well-known and expensive construction and repair company. Between these two bands have a significant number of firms in which prices fluctuate within this range. Since the cost of work (excluding materials) can range from 15,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 5,0 thousand u.e; from 12,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 4.0 thousand U.S. dollars and from 10,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 3.0 thousand U.S. dollars to 3-bedroom, 2-bedroom apartments and one-bedroom apartments, respectively. Therefore the question of how to approach the choice of those who will produce the finishing works, how to properly assess the level of spending on certain kinds of works and materials used to carry them out, what should be the technology of these works is very important, and it allows the right decision save considerable money. The solution to this and many related issues are very difficult to find if there is no relevant experience, and mistakes in construction and repair works are very expensive. Therefore, generalization of experience gained in finishing a large number of apartments and town houses can be very useful for all those who first encountered these problems. So you've come to the "bare" apartment, and the first question you ask yourself: where to start. If you can afford significant additional costs, it is possible to hire a designer who will perform and submit for approval in several ways the design project of your apartment. But not always you, as the customer likes what you impose any decision on the design of your home. Therefore, as well as by material circumstances, in most cases, design decisions are made by the customer himself. So, where to start, it's two kinds of work that could and should be carried out in parallel, namely: redevelopment of apartments and conversion of electrical, as well as the laying of communications for air-conditioners, if needed. Let us dwell in somewhat more detail on the remodeling apartments. Most often there is dragging on breaking barriers in the rooms, walls, bathrooms, a part of the duct in the kitchen and additional doorways or arches in the capital (bearing) walls. Demolition of much of the main walls is undesirable. Here there are two aspects to the issue of redevelopment: the formal - is to get approval in the relevant services, and actual - is the fulfillment of these works. As part of obtaining permission to redevelop it should be noted the following: demolition of partition walls in the rooms, walls, bathrooms and a part of the duct in the kitchen, usually done without a permit, as in practice these issues are governed by the local housing management services and their value is low. As for openings in the walls of the capital, it is better to try to get official permission to redevelop, and the easiest way to apply to the services in charge of these permissions as if they have special firms dealing with it. In this case the price is the minimum clearance is obtained, although it is not so small and in different areas of Moscow and the region is varied and can range from 1500 to 2500 cu As part of the price of scrapped interior partitions, walls, bathrooms and air duct in the kitchen with the removal of garbage in the container is from 3-4 U.S. dollars, per m2 depending on the number of floors, distance from the container and other conditions, such as how often Police caught the workers hauled trash in the common container. Order the first of a special container for construction waste is 40-45 U.S. dollars, and a 3-room apartment at the average level of redevelopment takes about 3 containers (up to end repair about 4-5 containers). The breakdown of a solid wall of reinforced concrete layer is about 20 cm is 5 to 6 U.S. dollars per m2, and the strengthening of metallic structures from the opening 100 to 200 U.S. dollars depending on its size (this also includes the cost of the necessary metal.) Erection of new walls at the floor bricks for example, the new plan bathrooms costs about 20 U.S. dollars per m2 (including the cost of materials, delivery). As part of the conversion of electricians should note the following: before the beginning of this work the customer must accurately determine placement in the apartment of all kinds of sockets: power, telephone, television, computer, and the findings under the lamps and additional lighting, empowering the findings under the cooker, water heater, and washing электропрополотенцесушитель machine. It is best to plan apartments on a scale note placement of all elements of electricians. At the same time, often an additional introductory panel is placed in the apartment. It establishes the individual circuit breakers to power outlets, lighting, electric water heater and washing machine, and at least one thing in common RCD for the whole apartment, though it is best to install multiple RCDs: the socket on the cooker, on the water heater and washing machine. As the water heater make better use of storage water heaters with capacity up to 1,2-1,5 kw. Because instantaneous water heaters require a capacity of up to 8-10kW and with an electric power of 8.6 kW create an overload for the mains, which leads to malfunction. Most often used for lighting wire OPV 3 x 1.5 cost about 6 USD. m / n for power outlets OPV 3 x 2.5 cost around 10 rubles. m / n, and cookers for PPV 3x4 cost about 15 rubles. m / n. Wires laid on the floor in a special corrugated plastic pipes, and in the walls for wires made by cutting grooves in which well fit the wire. Are commonly used corrugated pipes F 16 mm and 20 mm in F, which are sold in coils of up to 100 meters and cost about 6 USD. m / n. and 8 rubles. m / n. Accordingly, the field units of sockets and switches in the walls of the hollowed out the special grooves, which are installed in the appropriate accessory boxes. At the stage of the power scheme flats must make a choice, what type of sockets and switches will be installed and it was under this type of wiring accessories to choose appropriate Escutcheon. Currently, the sale of a large amount of different types of wiring products, both domestic foreign production. However, in our opinion on the best combination of price and quality (reliability and design) are wiring products of Turkish firms "Makel". The cost of electrical engineering, usually determined by the number of points (sockets, switches, the findings under the lamps, etc.) and length of required cutting grooves: 1 point in the concrete wall from 5 to 7 U.S. dollars, 1 m Stroebe from 1 to 1.5 in . e, panel assembly on a 3-bedroom flat costs from 50 to 100 U.S. dollars (the cost of materials and products in these fees not included). It should also be noted that: before beginning work on the electrics for the whole apartment to make measurement of the existing floor and put a mark next level leveling screed (as they say discourage common zero for the entire apartment). Long experience shows that the oscillation marks on the floor 3-bedroom apartment reached 6-8 cm, 2 BR. apartments 5-7 cm and 4-6 cm one-bedroom apartments, which makes it possible to lay the wires in the ripple on the floor without cutting of cutting grooves in the floor. However, in some rare cases, vibrations of the floor height is 2-3 cm and then it is necessary in some locations where wires do not go under the leveling screed, cutting cutting grooves in the floor. The average cost of works on electrical, including material cost excluding the cost of wiring accessories range from 500 to 700 U.S. dollars, from 400 to 600 U.S. dollars and the Z00 up to 400 cu in 3, 2 and 1 - bedroom flat, respectively. After completion of the electrical system and installation of underfloor heating (if necessary), pour a leveling screed on floors throughout the apartment. It is necessary to take into account the difference in height of future equality and compensate for this height of filled screeds. So, for example height flooring with plywood core is about 3 cm, and tiles with glue around 1,5 cm Therefore, in the place where later would be the height of tile screed should be at 1.5 cm more. When you fill a tie consumption of powder averages 1 to 1.5 bags (50 to 60 rubles. Sack), and the cost of work (subject to unload cars and lift the material on the elevator to the desired level) is about 4 cu m3 , with particular attention should be paid to the fact that, before gluing the plywood for the flooring, parquet and laminate, after the screed must be at least 25-30 days. Before filling the tie in the bathroom to make waterproofing, which with a blowtorch glued to the floor gidrostekloizol, calling him on the wall (although there are other ways of waterproofing). The cost of these works of about 10 U.S. dollars per m2, together with the material. Along with the screed can begin work on the plaster walls and ceilings. Experience shows that such work is necessary because deviation of vertical walls are 2 to 4 cm, and the contours of ceilings from 1 to W, see work on the plaster walls and ceilings made of gypsum plaster mixture, for example such as "Rotbant" (bag 30 kg is 240-250 rubles.) or similar. Consumption of this material in the middle of the walls from 5 to 15 kg per m2, on the ceiling of 3 to 10 kg per m2. In this case, the corners of the walls and joints between the layers of plaster boards are glued Nylon Ribbon-serpyanka. Before you start plastering all concrete surfaces should be primed with a special penetrating primer that strengthens and antiseptic concrete surfaces. The same operation is repeated after the plaster. 10 liter jerry can of primer domestic production of appropriate quality costs 300 rubles. and its lack of 30 m2 with 2-times coverage. Before the plaster on the plastered surface strengthening special beacons are made of galvanized metal, installation of which is on a level, plumb and lace. On a 3-bedroom apartment takes about 60 pieces beacons cost about 35 rubles. each. Cost of the work on the plaster walls rotbantom is about 4 cu m 2. It should also be noted that in some rare cases, the operation of plaster is not necessary since surfaces such as ceilings, rather horizontal. Also to reduce the cost of works may refuse to render the operation (even when the available roughness), but it will lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of work: roughly will be glued wallpaper, it will be seen especially in the corners, will not adhere to the walls of the plinth, and any gap etc. Plaster inside the toilets need to make sure the cement-sand mortar (high humidity, gypsum mixture unsuitable). Before the plaster and screed in the bathroom and the kitchen is necessary to make the pipework is hot and cold water, and sewer pipes. These postings is best done with polypropylene pipes (using special welding joints), or possibly the use of copper or metal-plastic pipes. For sewer use standard PVC pipes F 100 and 50 mm. Work on each point of the plumbing (and this is such a toilet, bathtub, sink, towel, etc.) is from 50 to 70 U.S. dollars per point. At the request of the customer as possible replacement radiators. For example SIRA bimetallic radiators cost from 130 to 150 U.S. dollars per unit, valves and pipes required for their installation cost from 20 to 40 U.S. dollars each, and work on their installation cost from 50 to 70 cu Upon completion of plaster and screeds to the putty to dry floors and walls, as drying in an apartment humidity rises sharply, which negatively affects the quality of putty. However, it may be necessary to carry out tiling work, as tiling may produce at the wet end to the screed and plaster. For laying tile is most advisable to use glue Eunice +, which costs in markets ranging from 140 to 150 rubles. per 25 kg bag and it lacks an average of 4 m2. When selecting tile special attention should be paid to its geometry, in the case of irregularities of the plane itself tiles and variations of its linear dimensions of the quality of the work on laying may not be high, which will be immediately noticeable. The cost of tile work on the average quality level of 3 to 10 cu m for, laying curbs 4.5 cu mp, grinding the corners at 45 degrees 03.02 cu m / n (or on the outside corners of the set plastic layout). Tiles are usually placed in bathrooms and on floors in the hallway and the kitchen. After drying, leveling screed floors begin to pokleyke plywood on it. This operation is required, where it scrambles parquet, finished parquet or laminate. By taking the water-resistant plywood, minimum thickness of 10 mm. Pre-primed surface screed mastic KH-3 for the day before the laying of plywood. When installing the plywood sheets cut it into 3-4 parts (this is done to reduce the pull-off force of plywood ties with its arching over time from drying out) and kleyutsya to paste the KH-3 and both are attached to the coupler plug nails F 6 mm and a length of about 40 mm square nesting manner with step 20-25 cm consumption of mastic KH-3 for primer ties and gluing the plywood about 1 kg per 1 m2 and the cost of a bank of 30 kg is about 800 rubles. Consumption of dowel-nails about 25 pieces. per m2, and they cost about 1,5 USD. thing. Plywood itself costs about 80 rubles. m / n, and the cost of laying the plywood is 1,2-1,5 U.S. dollars per m2. Before the filler walls in the required cases necessary to install new window sills. This work is about 8-10 at. is, for the MP Putty walls and ceilings as follows. On the plastered and pre-primed surface for twice the special spatula applied putty type Shitrok and made its preliminary grinding medium grit sandpaper. Then applied a finishing putty BekeresF sandpaper and polished with fine grain. Worth a bucket of 27 kg Shitroka about 550 rubles. And consumption of it is about 1,5-2 kg per m2. BekeresF putty is sold in 15 kg pails, which costs about 600 rubles. and its consumption is from 0.5 to 1 kg m2. The cost of putty in the range of 2 to 3 U.S. dollars per m2. To reduce the cost of work on the putty can be used vetonita KR and LR. The consumption of vetonita be about 2 to 3 kg m2, and the cost of the bag 25 kg vetonita about 300 rubles. However, keep in mind that Vetonit is less robust filler (since it is loose) and high humidity it may peel off, showered with puttied surface. The use of various fillers sold on domestic markets and shops is very risky and the consequences of their use are not predictable. Perhaps the use of more expensive fillers such as company Bekkers and others should also be noted that the coating applied to 4.3 fine, no more than 1-2 mm layers, with the appropriate drying and polishing each layer, and after the filler sanded surface should also be primed . After the putty and primers produced a preliminary painting of ceilings for 1-2 times with water-based paint, for example, "Supervays" firm Dufay. per m2.
Today in Moscow and Moscow region is bought and sold a significant number of apartments in new buildings. Almost always it's an apartment building is that there is a person who buys an apartment comes in and sees a "bare" concrete ceilings, walls and floors. Of course, that before him difficult questions arise related to the finishing bought an apartment. The one who first encountered this a number of issues at once is not easy to decide on the correct choice of different solutions that could ensure the optimum combination of cost of materials and work with the required quality level of their performance. Here there are like two extremes: low labor costs (as a rule, teams from neighboring countries) or the well-known and expensive construction and repair company. Between these two bands have a significant number of firms in which prices fluctuate within this range. Since the cost of work (excluding materials) may fluctuate in today in Moscow and Moscow region is bought and sold a significant number of apartments in new buildings. Almost always it's an apartment building is that there is a person who buys an apartment comes in and sees a "bare" concrete ceilings, walls and floors. Of course, that before him difficult questions arise related to the finishing bought an apartment. The one who first encountered this a number of issues at once is not easy to decide on the correct choice of different solutions that could ensure the optimum combination of cost of materials and work with the required quality level of their performance. Here there are like two extremes: low labor costs (as a rule, teams from neighboring countries) or the well-known and expensive construction and repair company. Between these two bands have a significant number of firms in which prices fluctuate within this range. Since the cost of work (excluding materials) can range from 15,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 5,0 thousand u.e; from 12,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 4.0 thousand U.S. dollars and from 10,0 thousand U.S. dollars to 3.0 thousand U.S. dollars to 3-bedroom, 2-bedroom apartments and one-bedroom apartments, respectively. Therefore the question of how to approach the choice of those who will produce the finishing works, how to properly assess the level of spending on certain kinds of works and materials used to carry them out, what should be the technology of these works is very important, and it allows the right decision save considerable money. The solution to this and many related issues are very difficult to find if there is no relevant experience, and mistakes in construction and repair works are very expensive. Therefore, generalization of experience gained in finishing a large number of apartments and town houses can be very useful for all those who first encountered these problems. So you've come to the "bare" apartment, and the first question you ask yourself: where to start. If you can afford significant additional costs, it is possible to hire a designer who will perform and submit for approval in several ways the design project of your apartment. But not always you, as the customer likes what you impose any decision on the design of your home. Therefore, as well as by material circumstances, in most cases, design decisions are made by the customer himself. So, where to start, it's two kinds of work that could and should be carried out in parallel, namely: redevelopment of apartments and conversion of electrical, as well as the laying of communications for air-conditioners, if needed. Let us dwell in somewhat more detail on the remodeling apartments. Most often there is dragging on breaking barriers in the rooms, walls, bathrooms, a part of the duct in the kitchen and additional doorways or arches in the capital (bearing) walls. Demolition of much of the main walls is undesirable. Here there are two aspects to the issue of redevelopment: the formal - is to get approval in the relevant services, and actual - is the fulfillment of these works. As part of obtaining permission to redevelop it should be noted the following: demolition of partition walls in the rooms, walls, bathrooms and a part of the duct in the kitchen, usually done without a permit, as in practice these issues are governed by the local housing management services and their value is low. As for openings in the walls of the capital, it is better to try to get official permission to redevelop, and the easiest way to apply to the services in charge of these permissions as if they have special firms dealing with it. In this case the price is the minimum clearance is obtained, although it is not so small and in different areas of Moscow and the region is varied and can range from 1500 to 2500 cu As part of the price of scrapped interior partitions, walls, bathrooms and air duct in the kitchen with the removal of garbage in the container is from 3-4 U.S. dollars, per m2 depending on the number of floors, distance from the container and other conditions, such as how often Police caught the workers hauled trash in the common container. Order the first of a special container for construction waste is 40-45 U.S. dollars, and a 3-room apartment at the average level of redevelopment takes about 3 containers (up to end repair about 4-5 containers). The breakdown of a solid wall of reinforced concrete layer is about 20 cm is 5 to 6 U.S. dollars per m2, and the strengthening of metallic structures from the opening 100 to 200 U.S. dollars depending on its size (this also includes the cost of the necessary metal.) Erection of new walls at the floor bricks for example, the new plan bathrooms costs about 20 U.S. dollars per m2 (including the cost of materials, delivery). As part of the conversion of electricians should note the following: before the beginning of this work the customer must accurately determine placement in the apartment of all kinds of sockets: power, telephone, television, computer, and the findings under the lamps and additional lighting, empowering the findings under the cooker, water heater, and washing электропрополотенцесушитель machine. It is best to plan apartments on a scale note placement of all elements of electricians. At the same time, often an additional introductory panel is placed in the apartment. It establishes the individual circuit breakers to power outlets, lighting, electric water heater and washing machine, and at least one thing in common RCD for the whole apartment, though it is best to install multiple RCDs: the socket on the cooker, on the water heater and washing machine. As the water heater make better use of storage water heaters with capacity up to 1,2-1,5 kw. Because instantaneous water heaters require a capacity of up to 8-10kW and with an electric power of 8.6 kW create an overload for the mains, which leads to malfunction. Most often used for lighting wire OPV 3 x 1.5 cost about 6 USD. m / n for power outlets OPV 3 x 2.5 cost around 10 rubles. m / n, and cookers for PPV 3x4 cost about 15 rubles. m / n. Wires laid on the floor in a special corrugated plastic pipes, and in the walls for wires made by cutting grooves in which well fit the wire. Are commonly used corrugated pipes F 16 mm and 20 mm in F, which are sold in coils of up to 100 meters and cost about 6 USD. m / n. and 8 rubles. m / n. Accordingly, the field units of sockets and switches in the walls of the hollowed out the special grooves, which are installed in the appropriate accessory boxes. At the stage of the power scheme flats must make a choice, what type of sockets and switches will be installed and it was under this type of wiring accessories to choose appropriate Escutcheon. Currently, the sale of a large amount of different types of wiring products, both domestic foreign production. However, in our opinion on the best combination of price and quality (reliability and design) are wiring products of Turkish firms "Makel". The cost of electrical engineering, usually determined by the number of points (sockets, switches, the findings under the lamps, etc.) and length of required cutting grooves: 1 point in the concrete wall from 5 to 7 U.S. dollars, 1 m Stroebe from 1 to 1.5 in . e, panel assembly on a 3-bedroom flat costs from 50 to 100 U.S. dollars (the cost of materials and products in these fees not included). It should also be noted that: before beginning work on the electrics for the whole apartment to make measurement of the existing floor and put a mark next level leveling screed (as they say discourage common zero for the entire apartment). Long experience shows that the oscillation marks on the floor 3-bedroom apartment reached 6-8 cm, 2 BR. apartments 5-7 cm and 4-6 cm one-bedroom apartments, which makes it possible to lay the wires in the ripple on the floor without cutting of cutting grooves in the floor. However, in some rare cases, vibrations of the floor height is 2-3 cm and then it is necessary in some locations where wires do not go under the leveling screed, cutting cutting grooves in the floor. The average cost of works on electrical, including material cost excluding the cost of wiring accessories range from 500 to 700 U.S. dollars, from 400 to 600 U.S. dollars and the Z00 up to 400 cu in 3, 2 and 1 - bedroom flat, respectively. After completion of the electrical system and installation of underfloor heating (if necessary), pour a leveling screed on floors throughout the apartment. It is necessary to take into account the difference in height of future equality and compensate for this height of filled screeds. So, for example height flooring with plywood core is about 3 cm, and tiles with glue around 1,5 cm Therefore, in the place where later would be the height of tile screed should be at 1.5 cm more. When you fill a tie consumption of powder averages 1 to 1.5 bags (50 to 60 rubles. Sack), and the cost of work (subject to unload cars and lift the material on the elevator to the desired level) is about 4 cu m3 , with particular attention should be paid to the fact that, before gluing the plywood for the flooring, parquet and laminate, after the screed must be at least 25-30 days. Before filling the tie in the bathroom to make waterproofing, which with a blowtorch glued to the floor gidrostekloizol, calling him on the wall (although there are other ways of waterproofing). The cost of these works of about 10 U.S. dollars per m2, together with the material. Along with the screed can begin work on the plaster walls and ceilings. Experience shows that such work is necessary because deviation of vertical walls are 2 to 4 cm, and the contours of ceilings from 1 to W, see work on the plaster walls and ceilings made of gypsum plaster mixture, for example such as "Rotbant" (bag 30 kg is 240-250 rubles.) or similar. Consumption of this material in the middle of the walls from 5 to 15 kg per m2, on the ceiling of 3 to 10 kg per m2. In this case, the corners of the walls and joints between the layers of plaster boards are glued Nylon Ribbon-serpyanka. Before you start plastering all concrete surfaces should be primed with a special penetrating primer that strengthens and antiseptic concrete surfaces. The same operation is repeated after the plaster. 10 liter jerry can of primer domestic production of appropriate quality costs 300 rubles. and its lack of 30 m2 with 2-times coverage. Before the plaster on the plastered surface strengthening special beacons are made of galvanized metal, installation of which is on a level, plumb and lace. On a 3-bedroom apartment takes about 60 pieces beacons cost about 35 rubles. each. Cost of the work on the plaster walls rotbantom is about 4 cu m 2. It should also be noted that in some rare cases, the operation of plaster is not necessary since surfaces such as ceilings, rather horizontal. Also to reduce the cost of works may refuse to render the operation (even when the available roughness), but it will lead to a sharp deterioration in the quality of work: roughly will be glued wallpaper, it will be seen especially in the corners, will not adhere to the walls of the plinth, and any gap etc. Plaster inside the toilets need to make sure the cement-sand mortar (high humidity, gypsum mixture unsuitable). Before the plaster and screed in the bathroom and the kitchen is necessary to make the pipework is hot and cold water, and sewer pipes. These postings is best done with polypropylene pipes (using special welding joints), or possibly the use of copper or metal-plastic pipes. For sewer use standard PVC pipes F 100 and 50 mm. Work on each point of the plumbing (and this is such a toilet, bathtub, sink, towel, etc.) is from 50 to 70 U.S. dollars per point. At the request of the customer as possible replacement radiators. For example SIRA bimetallic radiators cost from 130 to 150 U.S. dollars per unit, valves and pipes required for their installation cost from 20 to 40 U.S. dollars each, and work on their installation cost from 50 to 70 cu Upon completion of plaster and screeds to the putty to dry floors and walls, as drying in an apartment humidity rises sharply, which negatively affects the quality of putty. However, it may be necessary to carry out tiling work, as tiling may produce at the wet end to the screed and plaster. For laying tile is most advisable to use glue Eunice +, which costs in markets ranging from 140 to 150 rubles. per 25 kg bag and it lacks an average of 4 m2. When selecting tile special attention should be paid to its geometry, in the case of irregularities of the plane itself tiles and variations of its linear dimensions of the quality of the work on laying may not be high, which will be immediately noticeable. The cost of tile work on the average quality level of 3 to 10 cu m for, laying curbs 4.5 cu mp, grinding the corners at 45 degrees 03.02 cu m / n (or on the outside corners of the set plastic layout). Tiles are usually placed in bathrooms and on floors in the hallway and the kitchen. After drying, leveling screed floors begin to pokleyke plywood on it. This operation is required, where it scrambles parquet, finished parquet or laminate. By taking the water-resistant plywood, minimum thickness of 10 mm. Pre-primed surface screed mastic KH-3 for the day before the laying of plywood. When installing the plywood sheets cut it into 3-4 parts (this is done to reduce the pull-off force of plywood ties with its arching over time from drying out) and kleyutsya to paste the KH-3 and both are attached to the coupler plug nails F 6 mm and a length of about 40 mm square nesting manner with step 20-25 cm consumption of mastic KH-3 for primer ties and gluing the plywood about 1 kg per 1 m2 and the cost of a bank of 30 kg is about 800 rubles. Consumption of dowel-nails about 25 pieces. per m2, and they cost about 1,5 USD. thing. Plywood itself costs about 80 rubles. m / n, and the cost of laying the plywood is 1,2-1,5 U.S. dollars per m2. Before the filler walls in the required cases necessary to install new window sills. This work is about 8-10 at. is, for the MP Putty walls and ceilings as follows. On the plastered and pre-primed surface for twice the special spatula applied putty type Shitrok and made its preliminary grinding medium grit sandpaper. Then applied a finishing putty BekeresF sandpaper and polished with fine grain. Worth a bucket of 27 kg Shitroka about 550 rubles. And consumption of it is about 1,5-2 kg per m2. BekeresF putty is sold in 15 kg pails, which costs about 600 rubles. and its consumption is from 0.5 to 1 kg m2. The cost of putty in the range of 2 to 3 U.S. dollars per m2. To reduce the cost of work on the putty can be used vetonita KR and LR. The consumption of vetonita be about 2 to 3 kg m2, and the cost of the bag 25 kg vetonita about 300 rubles. However, keep in mind that Vetonit is less robust filler (since it is loose) and high humidity it may peel off, showered with puttied surface. The use of various fillers sold on domestic markets and shops is very risky and the consequences of their use are not predictable. Perhaps the use of more expensive fillers such as company Bekkers and others should also be noted that the coating applied to 4.3 fine, no more than 1-2 mm layers, with the appropriate drying and polishing each layer, and after the filler sanded surface should also be primed . After the putty and primers produced a preliminary painting of ceilings for 1-2 times with water-based paint, for example, "Supervays" firm Dufay. In that case, if the walls are painted, they also can be pre-rolled paint, for example, "Matlateks" firm Dufay, a color, which is chosen as follows. Buy Colour Dufay firms meet the requirements of the customer's color. In a clean container volume based on the rate of 0,7-0,8 kg m2 of paint on the painted surface, pour the desired amount of white Matlateksa. In this capacity gradually added to the selected Collor and thoroughly mixed. Then the wall is painted, which is dried (usually used to accelerate the heating unit). This operation is repeated until such time as the customer does not recognize the resulting paint color corresponding to its requirements. At the same time is painting the windows, balcony doors and heating pipes using special paints company Dufay, and then proceed to installing floors. Here you can basically 3 options: flooring, parquet and laminate. When selecting flooring (the best material of the day it is oak), special attention should be paid to two main factors: the geometry and humidity of the parquet. To test the geometry of a parquet of different bundles are removed about 12-15 boards and if these boards can easily (by hand), collected on a flat surface and at the same time after the assembly does not remain visible eye slits between the boards, then such a flooring is considered suitable. To check the humidity of parquet is taken certified moisture and humidity control is also carried out 10-14 parquet boards from different batches. If this moisture hardwood floor does not exceed 7-8%, then such parquet considered fit. As a rule, the price of suitable oak flooring ranges from AOR to $ 50 per m2. Parquet glues for plywood with, for example, glue RAKOLL, grind machine, and varnish, for example «BECKERS». The cost of these works, including the cost of consumables is about 20-22 U.S. dollars per m2. When selecting the floorboard should also pay attention to its geometry, as board should meet without gaps and should be strictly equal in height. Cost floorboard ranges from 20 to 35 cu m 2. Assembling the floorboard is carried on a substrate of teplona 2 mm thick, and the side ends of the planks are glued with special glue. In this case, the board pulled together and wedging on the walls. Thus, the floor of the floorboard is a floating and allows a slight displacement in height with a load on it. After assembling parquet board may be covered with additional layers of 1.2 varnish. The cost of assembling and installing floorboards is 4-5 U.S. dollars per m2. Similarly, going to the floor of the laminate, and the cost of the same. However, it should be noted that if the parquet board admits 02.03 sanding it and then coated with varnish, then the laminate is a single cover. Therefore, after abrasion of the surface laminate in any place he should be replaced all over the floor. In parallel with the laying of flooring makes installation plumbers laid tile. The first set tub that after installing tiles laid on the edges and along the bath is being built, such as brick, placed on the edge, a wall, which also obkladyvaetsya tiles. Also in the lavatories mounted ceiling of a metal lath with a built in his lamps. The cost of these works, together with the material ranges from 20 to $ 30 m2. After the tile floors and installing doors. It should be noted that the choice of doors, you must have also cashing and extenders for them, without which it is impossible to qualitatively establish the door. When choosing doors should also be timely to consider the height of doorways, decreasing after tie, because some imported doors do not fall into these openings and should be increased in height. These works to increase the doorways are dirty work, and can disrupt the adjacent layers of plaster. Therefore, they must make the very first stage (when it scrapped and is an electrician). Therefore, even if necessary to determine the choice of doors and openings, respectively, in height. The cost of the installation of doors ranging from 40 to 30 U.S. dollars per door, and the cost of materials than the cost of the door includes the cost of sheds with fasteners, lock-handle fastener elements to the walls of the box, foam (1 can for 2 doors ) fastener elements cashing and extenders to the walls, a door stopper. After installing the door is the final painting of ceilings and walls (or sticky wallpaper on the walls). The cost of painting walls and ceilings ranging from 1.5 to 2 U.S. dollars per m2, and pokleyke wallpaper from 2 to 3 U.S. dollars per m2. One of the recent operations to repair a flat mounting plinths. This is done using special clips, which reinforce the wall with dowels, nails, and this work is worth about 1 U.S. dollars per m / n. The cost of the plinth with fasteners ranging from 1 to 4 U.S. dollars per m / n. In addition to these works often have to perform work on drywall installation, namely: suspended ceiling of complex shape in two levels with incandescent lighting (the value of working with the material of about 25 cu m 2) and wall partitions separating the heating pipes from the rooms (the value of working with the material about 15 U.S. dollars per m2). Upon completion of all work apartment is presented to the customer for delivery, compiled a list of customer comments, which are eliminated by the Executive as long as the apartment is not accepted by the customer. For such work (in the new apartments) adds some finishing work at the old apartment, such as: cleaning ceilings, walls and floors of the old finish and removal of debris (from 0,5 to 1 U.S. dollars per 1 m2 of total area of ??ceilings, walls and gender), as well as operational rules for transporting furniture and its film covering of dust. The rest of the entire scope of work and their prices remain the same. In conclusion it should be noted the financing and organization of work. So if the contractor provides the supplies, the customer shall advance the cost of materials required, plus costs required for their delivery, that is transportation costs. The contractor is accountable for the down payment to the customer the actual receipt of materials on the subject and relevant documents on these materials. Just the customer pays the cost of the contractor performed the work phases of at least 90% of their value, and the final payment is made after the date of the apartment to the customer. It should also be noted that in drawing up estimates and the contract can not anticipate all 100%. Therefore, as a rule, the contract provides for additional work, which cost as needed for their implementation is coordinated with the Customer. The cost of these works do not usually exceed 10% of the total contract. When concluding the contract the customer should also pay attention to a license from the contractor. In general, it should draw attention to the fact that work without a contract and budget with a team that has no license, customer is fraught with unpredictable consequences, which can lead to significant losses, even if this team has come to the customer by someone else's recommendation.
Excellent and very exciting site. Love to watch. Keep Rocking.
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