Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wallpaper for painting

Desktop for painting produced on paper and non-woven basics, usually in rolls of great length. Staining gives cover additional protective properties. Desktop Paper wallpaper for painting are a special kind of paper wallpaper. Wallpapers are available for painting on paper and non-woven basics, usually in rolls of great length. Staining gives cover additional protective properties. Desktop Paper wallpaper for painting are a special kind of paper wallpaper. They are impregnated with a special water-repellent composition, and are available with different structure of unpainted surfaces. These wallpapers are made with special technology from the very heavy fibrous paper. Wallpapers of this type makes it easy to hide cracks in the walls and minor irregularities base, which reduces the requirements for quality wall preparation, in addition they have the ability paropropuskaniya. They can be painted in any color dispersion paints. Number of paint layers that they can withstand depends on their density (average of 5 to 15 paint layers). Apart from the traditional one-color paint you can apply a variety of "special effects": the transfer to the wall with the template borders, drawing patterns with a sponge, rag, etc. It should be borne in mind that the stability of coatings to wet cleaning depends entirely on the quality of the applied paint. The texture of the surface can be divided into two categories: structural, or embossed (dual-layer, three-layer), and coarse-fibered (filled with sawdust). Also produces wallpaper color already colored, painted factory method, but they can also be repainted in the future. Their only drawback is that, in the form of unpainted joints will be as noticeable as in the conventional paper-based wallpaper. Structural wallpaper, usually made of two layers of textured white paper, glued together. As mentioned above, not so long ago appeared on the market-ply embossed papers with an additional layer of paper, which gives greater rigidity sheets and contributes to better interaction with the adhesive that is applied to the wall. Even after applying several layers of paint wallpaper can be easily removed from the base, and three-layered wallpaper left on the surface of the wall a thin layer of purl of paper on which, as a substrate, you can stick a new wallpaper of any kind. Coarse-fibered wallpaper composed of two layers of heavy paper with pressed between the wood fibers (sawdust), distributed evenly. It is the presence of sawdust provides a grainy texture coating. The size and quantity of sawdust determine the degree of elevation of finished surface. Surface of coarse-fibered wallpaper has no ordered structure (there is no rapport pattern), so the cloth does not require the fitting of joints, which is much easier to work with them and to minimize waste. Desktop withstand up to 15 cycles of repainting and are suitable for a multi-color effects. Vinyl wallpaper Wallpaper structural addition to paper for painting are also available and cover with the top layer of foam vinyl, which can also be repeatedly repainted in any color. Besides the white also available in color, ready-to-use wallpaper. Manufactured wallpaper with the base or out of paper or of interlining, which deposited (in the form of various reliefs), foamed vinyl. Non-woven framework greatly simplifies the work with these wallpapers, as mentioned above, they are glued to the dry glue smeared on the wall. For wear, they concede a purely non-woven wallpaper for painting, but have more options for decoration of the walls. Experts recommend several ways to paint vinyl non-woven wallpaper base. To simulate a wall decoration in colored cement technique 'graffito' (from Italian. Literally 'scratched') canvas is painted on the reverse side. Paint composition permeates through interlining and vinyl relief remains unpainted. After drying wallpaper glued to the wall. An interesting result is obtained when stained wallpaper strongly diluted paint. In this case, the paint is applied on the front of the wallpaper. The surface is wiped with a soft cloth, which is partially or completely (depending on desire) free relief from the paint, leaving the background intact. Non-woven wallpaper Along with paper and vinyl are also available for painting embossed wallpaper, made of a structured interlining. This is an extremely manufacturable method finishes imitating sculptured plaster. Non-woven wallpaper allows multiple repaint and have high vapor permeability. Painted non-woven wallpaper outwardly indistinguishable from vinyl. But they are more flexible, more durable, they do not leave marks on taps and scratches when vinyl was the least damaged. Adhered to the wall of non-woven wallpapers are smoothed out, even if they were deformed in a roll, so the material is very easy to use. But there are such papers under painting is much more expensive. Fiberglass wallpaper special kind of wallpaper - a glass-wallpaper, or wallpaper from fiberglass. The basis of glass fiber yarn is made from natural raw materials - silica sand, soda, dolomite and lime. The foundation is the glass from which the high temperature stretched fibers are then formed into yarn of different types and thicknesses, and then woven. Raw gives steklooboyami their main advantage over other types of wallpaper - a high degree of fire resistance. Fiberglass wallpaper at one and the same time, strong and resilient. The combination of these properties makes them resistant to deformation. Fibreglass is chemically inert material, it features exceptional water resistance and durability (wallpaper easily withstand frequent washing with brushes). Strength of glass fiber wallpaper is so high that it allows to close small cracks in the plaster. Fiberglass woven wallpaper like a normal fabric. Modern wallpaper is always single-layered. On the surface of extruded embossed: diamonds, matting, herringbone, etc. This type of wallpaper found widely in construction thanks to the advantages which were discussed above: fire safety, the ability to perform the reinforcing function, durability (15 years). And if the original glass-wallpaper used exclusively for public buildings (offices, corridors, business center, cafe, etc.), it is now (thanks to the introduction of modern production technologies, which provide an opportunity to make wallpaper with different weaves, textures) they began to be used in apartments and private homes. Fiberglass wallpaper can be pasted on almost any surface. They can even paste the door, the door built-in cabinets and other furniture. This type of finishing materials is also convenient that the replacement of wallpaper they do not take off, and shpaklyuyut and then applied another coating, ie, on the wall is a reinforcing layer. For painting fiberglass wallpaper using special paints (particularly viscosity) - matte, glossy. Glossy paint heavily on the texture of wallpaper. You can repaint many times, but the finer structure and smaller picture, the faster it flatten (a few layers of paint). High reliefs as fully retain their structure during repeated repainting. All products on the market steklooboi be divided into two classes: 1 grade product complies with all accepted standards of the producing country, is characterized by a uniform density, the lack of rough and knotted fiber connections. Product 2 varieties are usually made from low grade raw material, characterized by the presence of nodules, a hall fiber, uneven density. Sold much cheaper. Low-grade glass wall with a small density of less keep relief - and it affects the number of possible repainting. Distinguish unstained samples in the density may not always even a specialist, so we recommend them to paint, but the advantage goes to those who have clearly expressed, and not a curved structure. Textile, jute wallpaper for painting is also available and a sort of textile wallcoverings - Jute (see above). After the labels of wallpaper on the wall they can paint dispersion paints. Source: Portal "All for the repair and improvement»

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