Sunday, May 29, 2011

Making your child's room.

When settling a child's room should take into account that the child is and bedroom, and a place for games, and office. Important gender and age of the child, how many children will live in the room, the interests of small tenant. Ask your child what he would like to see her room. When you make a room, the main difficulty - to consider the safety and interests of the child. If the room will live a few children, not a bad idea to share a room and each section draw in different styles, each creating its own corner. Do not forget that children grow up, so in the near future, everything will start from the beginning, according to new interests and tastes. When choosing a room for a child should give preference to the south and west sides. Illumination child must take into account the burden on the child's eyes. Working on the design, remember that colors should be bright, moderately bright. When choosing materials preference should be given clean, non-combustible materials. As the floor for children's well-suited and laminate flooring. They facilitate fast and easy cleaning. Carpeting become an additional source of dust that can cause allergic child. Furniture should be comfortable and functional. It is necessary to avoid protruding parts, sharp edges. Doctors recommend that a child's room was as small as possible glossy and reflective surfaces. It is believed that their presence could badly affect the sleep of the child. Child's natural desire to hide, privacy, is an attempt to create the effect of self-protection and comfort, as he is. Modern furniture is often supplemented by private section for games that can be implemented as a small house. On how the child comfortable in the room, usually depends on his interest in learning, creativity and development. The main principle which should guide the design of a child's room - do not be afraid to fall into childhood, show imagination and creativity!

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