The main objective of any foundation - the transfer of the load created by structure on the bearing soil. Foundation should be chosen depending on the weight of structures, the bearing capacity of soil freezing depth. For common types of foundations are strip and columnar foundations. Those and others can be made of reinforced or precast concrete or reinforced concrete, bricks, rubble concrete. Strip foundations erected under the building with heavy walls: concrete, stone, brick. They lay around the perimeter of the house, and therefore the expected large volume of earthworks and the consumption of construction materials. During the construction of a monolithic foundation formwork is used, installed in a dug pit. If the foundation of reinforced concrete, before pouring concrete around the perimeter of the put metal welded together, it can increase the structural strength. Concrete is poured evenly around the perimeter of the base and compacted. Prefabricated block foundation - is interconnected by concrete or concrete blocks laid on the mortar and strapped thick steel wire. This foundation is reliable and fast built, but the cost of considerable foundation. Brick foundation of durability and speed of construction to monolithic. Lay a foundation of ordinary watertight corpulent red brick. Solutions that are used for laying bricks, pick up, depending on the design load on the foundation and soil conditions. Rubble foundation - used in their construction rubble, which tightly fit together with each other. Characteristic features of rubble foundation are reliability, strength, durability. This foundation requires the largest cost, because the stones have to accurately select and customize. Application of quarry stone is justified on the wet ground, as they do not let the moisture. Rubble concrete foundation is being built from a mixture of mud and rubble of small and medium sizes. When building the foundation necessary formwork is used. The technology stack is a succession of operations for depositing layers of rubble, their compaction, pouring concrete link between them in fine aggregate (crushed stone, gravel, sand). Pier foundation erected a building with light walls: wooden, frame. When erecting columnar foundations must observe the following rules: - the pillars are placed at all corners of exterior walls of buildings, under the intersections of the interior walls with external and with each other - depending on the load on the foundation pillars are installed around the perimeter of the structure with a certain step (from 1,2 up to 2,5 m) - between the posts to put cap, which must rely on the jumper between the pillars. Jumper is required on one side to tie poles together, on the other hand - is the basis for the cap. Plinth masonry cellar is insulated from direct exposure to the environment (wind, snow, humidity). The presence of masonry plinth affect the temperature and humidity directly in the areas of the house. The cost of a solid foundation, depending on their degree of difficulty ranges from 70% of the value of the house. Despite the cost, most reliable and durable foundations of a Tape concrete monolithic foundation. Approximate cost based materials is in the range $ 4,500-5,500 (for a wooden house 5x6 m, depth of laying the foundation 1.5 m). A special type of foundation - concrete blocks and slabs, laid under the entire perimeter of the building directly on the ground. Heave, thaw, subsidence such foundation is almost no danger. This foundation is proud to offer small compact buildings. The depth of foundation depends on the groundwater level and depth of soil freezing. If the groundwater does not rise in winter is closer than 2 meters to the border of soil freezing, for small and silty sand and clay soils of hard consistency, depth of foundation, you can choose, regardless of the depth of freezing. Minimum embedment foundations: for sandy soils - 0.5 m for clay - 0,7 m. The minimum thickness of rubble concrete foundation walls - 35 cm from the rubble on the solution - 50 cm
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