As a general rule, homes with attic roofs roof of the building is protected from weathering, attics are not used as residential and do not need to operate in the winter time creating in them positive temperatures. The only exceptions are at home with a loft, where the entire volume of the attic is insulated, and it is used as a common residential areas. In homes with cold attic roofs insulated attic floor which is just the attic floor and the ceiling of premises. If the attic or loft is used as a residential (or business) space, then the roof is laid insulation material. Houses with flat roofs that do not have attics or having pitched roofs, where the accommodation or service spaces are located directly under the roof (so-called combined coverage), be sure to have insulated roofs to prevent too much heat, since through the ceiling space may lose up to 50% of the heat. Attic joists (attic floor) are insulated from inside the attic. Warm rays harder. With new home construction insulation material can be placed either on top of crates, or between your feet dry element from the attic. The first way - is more reliable in the latter case, your house will warm up faster and retain heat longer. If the house is maintained, then the first option immediately ruled out and there is only one option - warming the inside. If insulated flat roof, the insulation is acceptable both ways: the external and internal. However, the outer insulation of the device requires the roofer greater professionalism: the inner lining insulation, where insulation is glued to the ceiling, can make even a worker is not very high qualification, it is a force even the novice. Sometimes when insulation works may be necessary to isolate header or water pipes, installed or passing through the attic. Laying insulation material (slabs, rolls, bulk heaters) does not require special skills. Easy to use mineral wool slabs of a rectangular or wedge-shaped, which can easily fit into the well dock with each other. When installing rolled and loose heaters need to know some trade secrets to accelerate the work. In accordance with the GOST-16381-77 heat insulating materials are classified into the following main features: - the shape and appearance - the structure - kind of raw material - the average density - hardness - thermal conductivity - flammability. In contrast to some other building materials brand insulation material is not established in terms of strength, and largest average density, which is expressed in kg/m3 (p). According to this index insulation materials have the following marks: 15, 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500. Mark insulating material is an upper limit of its average density. (For example, products mark 100 may have p = 75-100 kg / m 3). In recent years our country has been a sharp tightening of requirements for thermo-technical characteristics of the fencing and it is no coincidence. Energy - the greatest wealth of mankind and saving of energy (electricity, heat, etc.) guarantee the economic revival of the country. According to the Decree № 18-81 Ministry of Construction, the Russian Federation dated 11.08.1995, from 01.09.1995, the design, and from 1.6.1996, the new construction and reconstruction must be conducted in accordance with changes № 3 SniP 11/03/1979 "Building Heat Engineering. By these standards to 06/01/2000, the current rates of heat transfer resistance increases in 1,5-1,8 times. These questions need to pay very serious attention. Thus, before the device or reconstruction of the roof questions the adequacy of the draft or an existing layer of insulation should be checked and if necessary, their thickness increased. Given that the design of the old roofs usually have a height of about 150 mm, if the roof is left on the same sheet, and required ventilation gap between the roof and a heater (not less than 50 mm) can not be increased in the upper direction in the gap with the beam remaining stocks of the insulation not exceeding 100 mm. In this case the insulation should be laid on the underside of beams. Considering also that the attic itself low, lower additional insulation design should be as thin as possible. Minimum thickness of insulation material is 25 mm. For sound insulation of the room is better to use the material thickness of 100 mm. When the device insulation must also solve the question vapor barrier devices. In particular this applies to warming rays. Vapor barrier is provided: - the gap between the roofing and insulation layer - the existence of a special steam insulating layer (plastic film or foil). Some insulation materials in finished form on the inner surface of the base are made of foil, designed to provide a vapor barrier roof. The large difference in temperature outside the building and inside the device without the vents in the roof and a layer of vapor barrier can lead to dampness in the roof membrane and beneath him. As a consequence - the rot of bearing structures, condensation in the insulating layer, stains on the ceiling, etc., ie process of premature destruction of the building. Prior to the events on warming the roof and attic need to inspect the bearing roof structures to identify rot, mildew, moss, parasites and damp gullies. If such defects are found before the start of works on thermal insulation must be repaired truss design, or later when new symptoms and course of the destruction of the roof, would still need to undertake a full renovation, but now with the disassembly of newly laid steam and heat-insulating layers. The next part of the preparatory work is to check the wiring laid in the attic. If damaged wiring all defects must be rectified immediately.
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