Thursday, June 2, 2011

Roll roofing

Soft, roll roofing is arranged depending on the slope of ramps in several layers: - at a slope of more than 15% - in 2 layers - with a slope of 5-15% - 3 layer - with a slope of 0-5% - 4 layer. The maximum slope roof slopes under the roll materials should not exceed 25%. Basically, soft roll roofing is arranged on flat or gently sloping ramps, where you can not use other roofing materials. Preparatory processes for the device from the roof of rolled materials is the preparation and cooking primers, mastics and roll material to the label. Begin with the preparation of the base under the vapor barrier, including the device supports a funnel internal drainage. Then the roof serves paste. If a vapor barrier is used asphalt, his stick on the mastic. For the label roll material to the base using hot and cold mastic. Cold bitumen mastic before laying on the ground melted to a temperature of 150-160 ° C. For the preparation of hot mastic asphalt is melted to a temperature of 220 ° C, then injected powdered mineral fillers such as talc, diatomite, tripoli. Before laying on the ground should be prepared roofing material. To do this it must be simultaneous with the roll surface cleaning from posypok and incubate for 24 hours. Materials having no cap layer, rewind to the other side. If the roofing material to be laid in cold mastic, cleaned it from spreading is not necessary, since it is absorbed by the paste becomes her carrier. Sticker webs of rolled materials. For bonding webs rolled material used related mastic. Layers of roll roofing materials, prepared on the basis of bitumen, bonded bituminous mastics, and only Degteva compositions. When the label panels should take into account the value of roof pitch, the direction of water flow, the direction of prevailing winds and air temperature. Canvases on roofs with slopes up to 15% stick in the direction from lower to higher places with the location of them perpendicular to the water flow. On roofs with a slope of more than 15% leaf paste from high places to low in the direction of water flow to roll the carpet does not slip. Lies roller banners on the slopes of overlap: each successive layer should overlap the junction of the lower elements. When roof pitch more than 5% of the width of the lap should be 70 mm in the inner layers of carpet and 100 mm - in the outer. With slopes less than 5% of the width of laps in all layers shall not be less than 100 mm. At the same lap in adjacent layers should not be located one above another, and must be removed from each other by half the width of the roll, ie, approximately 50 mm. All roll band should be secured in one direction. On flat and sloping roofs (with a gradient to 15%) cloth roll of carpet glued mechanized method, using a special machine stuck. For the label roll materials manually, you must link the two men: "Stacker" and "schetochnika. Schetochnik deals mastic on the base and the inner surface of the roll, and adjusts stacker and sticks to the Primary coated cloth substrate. Work is performed in the following sequence: handler tries on a panel of 3-6 m in length to a particular section of the slope, then turns away to a small area, on the left side on 0,5-0,7 m Schetochnik quickly applied by brush hot paste (or strokes - cold paste) on the base and at the end of the roll arc turned first solid lines edges, then the middle layer of no more than 1-2 mm. After this stacker glues greased surface, carefully smoothing out the cloth hands in the direction from the middle to the edges. At the hands of the Stacker must be canvas gloves. Then the handler goes to the glued area and the operation is repeated each time the small plots of 0,5-0,7 m in the direction of rolling roll. At the end of the pasted panel edges with a spatula after prishpatlevki rolled roller. The following piece of cloth glued the same way. The quality of bonding roll materials estimate slowly taking one layer of carpet from another: break allowed on mastic or roll materials. If, during the flag stickers off slightly, it can not try to move otkleivaya. If it does not work, you must cut the glued portion of the cloth and pasted it right from the overlap of 100 mm. Bulge formed in the course of stickers, pierce or cut through with an awl, and then firmly pressed against the ground until the hole is not mastic flows. Roll the cloth is placed in layers, and, when using cold mastics interval between the label of each layer must be at least 12 hours. Outer surface of asphalt roofing mat coated with mastic layer of 3-5 mm in width, not the band from 1 to 1,5 m, and then disperse and vtaplivayut in her small hot gravel (size 3-6 mm), thereby obtaining a protective layer of gravel. Bitumen-polymer roll carpets have an outer protective layer, a polymeric carpets sometimes cover lacquer layer of a special postmark. Sticker roll of carpet is a very labor-intensive operation, requiring costly manual labor. Recently developed machines for the mechanization of roofing work, as will be discussed separately, because the use of such equipment is useful only on large sites with large volumes of works on soft roofs or in specialized construction companies or firms. For better bonding roll materials are removed from their surface dressing and straighten the cloth through roll to roll in the opposite direction. Spreading easily removed if the surface of the cloth treated with solvent: roofing - solyarovym oil, and only if - anthracene oil. With the softened layer of a large sprinkling clean spatula or a steel brush. Front side of the cloth, intended for the upper layer coating process only partially removing the dressing from the edge of the strip (the width of 100 mm). It is necessary to glue the edges of the panels arranged in overlapping. Small broadcast with her in contact with the solvent is absorbed by the cladding layer, giving it the necessary flexibility. After this it remains only a dry cloth. Elements of the roof are covered in different sequences: pasting sometimes simultaneously with stingrays, sometimes at the beginning (to skate), and sometimes even after the device ground cover. In the roll roofing on the various elements of the roof of a panel assembled either in the plug, or overlapping.

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