In the case of indirect indications (cracks in the walls, crooked rows of masonry or horizontal joints, the gap between the exterior walls of the interior, moist spot on the basement walls or the basement of the house, etc.), indicating possible damage to the foundation or base, you must carefully inspect the house. When you see signs of uneven rainfall should install beacons of plaster or strips of paper with a risk-marks on the cracks, and watch for a month. If the crack will grow - hence, sediment continues. to carry out repair work can be only after stabilization of the foundation settlement. If these beacons within two to three weeks, will not crack, then strain the house ceased. Then we can restrict sealing cracks with cement mortar of 1:4 (cement: sand). If the strain has not stopped, then to early repair should be to establish the causes subsidence of foundation, and then enhance its individual parts. For this purpose, the two sides tear foundation, tentatively opened up doorways racks and wall braces. Under the foundation digging a trench up to 1,0 m, summing up the extra masonry to a height of 350 - 500 mm. For masonry used solid stone and mortar M50. On the adjacent areas of work are just a day after the seizure of the solution. especially carefully monitor the wedging of existing and new brickwork. Destroyed sites foundation shifted or close up cracks with cement mortar. Do not take a break between passages trenches and increasing the basement. Mounting openings and walls can be removed after backfilling and compaction in the axils of the foundations. The need to strengthen the foundations occurs when outfitting your home or the appearance of strains of the building. outbuildings lay a new foundation at the same level with the old. trench under it tear along existing incompletely and parts, stamps her bottom, spread a layer of rubble and concreted immediately. If you dig a trench along the entire length, the ground beneath the old foundation and bare his bulging may occur. In any case it is necessary to strengthen the corners of old buildings inclined props. between old and new foundations laying only or roofing material. If you want to change the depth of laying the foundation, arrange ledges height not exceeding 0.5 m. The first step makes at least 1,0 m from the existing foundation. overbuild the house only when sure enough the strength of its foundations . This is evidenced by the absence of several years of cracks in the walls and foundation of the house. further deepening of the basement walls are strengthened by internal and external props. Then dig a trench along the foundation equal to the depth of the existing foundation, not over its entire length, and plots in 0, 8-1,0 m. The base under the new foundation and equalize the scrub. Fundam better hold of two layers of concrete. At first placed a plastic layer, and then - zhestkky. Beton firmly stamps, not to leave the gap between old and new foundation and was less its sediment. Repair foundations requires careful preparation and compliance with work safety. At the slightest negligence may occur subsidence and collapse of parts, and sometimes the whole building. Therefore, to perform these studies should involve specialists. Installing the props and detachment of the walls and bridges have to be extremely reliable . and Foundation walls of basements should be protected from the influence of groundwater and surface water. To do this, check the layout of the yard area. If there are local obstacles to the flow of surface water, need to make planning work, giving the yard section of slope. Along with correcting defects in masonry foundations need to repair their waterproofing to eliminate the aggressive influence of moisture, preventing the penetration of the design and basement. blind area or sidewalks around the building must also contain in good condition. In a house the greatest impact is water and humidity. If time does not take appropriate measures, the moisture can cause significant damage to buildings. With raw plaster walls crumble and not hold paint. They can be formed mold. Especially dangerous is excessive moisture for wood construction. They begin to rot and are often overwhelmed by the fungus. In most cases the cause of dampness in the house is poor quality of waterproofing, which should prevent the penetration of moisture from the foundation of the wall. To correct this defect, it is necessary to make additional waterproofing. The most common are three types of waterproofing: obmazochnaya, okleechnaya and tight. Obmazochnuyu isolation suit of bitumen or mastic, causing them to marginalized vertical underground surface in the molten or cold. Okleechnaya horizontal waterproofing is made from one or more layers of roofing material, roofing or glassine, mastic glued to the surface of the upper cutoff of the foundation. Rigid waterproofing made of a cement-sand mortar 1:2. The upper edge base must be no lower level of training under the counter at 0,15-0,25 m. Vertical obmazochnuyu isolation makes for external basement walls with clay lock device. more insulation can be held only in those walls that are a continuation of the foundation walls. Works operates as follows. damp wall slash openings for the insulating layer. His plane should be above ground level, but not below the floor level. In place of the future location of the insulating layer and hold the line on her fight off the plaster. cut down the holes in the damp wall starts below the line held. First scrape dried solution under a brick and above it. then his sides. Then loosen bricks and tapped him on the top and bottom. pull it out of the brickwork. Just take out the remaining bricks. cut down in the wall of a long groove is impossible, as this could lead to a breach of the bearing capacity of the wall. Within the walls of a thickness of 1 1/2-2 bricks instead of bricks laid out insert struts to the upper rows of bricks are not collapsed. carved into the wall opening is carefully cleaned from the dried solution, align and dried. For this purpose, the surface can cause a thin layer of cement-lime solution. thus prepared base covered with a layer of hot asphalt, put a layer of roofing or roofing material, and then again promazyvayut hot bitumen and put a second layer of tar paper or roofing. The insulating layer is applied cement mortar and laid bricks laid out. When a new clutch is fully hardened, take out the backup and close up all openings. When the device vertical surfaces of masonry waterproofing align, remove the stains of the solution. Then, double-clutch covered with a layer of hot bitumen and arrange an earthen castle. works on waterproofing must perform at temperatures above +10 ° C. Overheating bitumen should not be, as it lowers its quality. Too hot bitumen on the vertical surfaces not have time to thicken and, together with roofing material slide down. If moisture has entered the building designs from her need to get rid of. There are several effective ways. When the floor level slightly below ground level, moisture can be reduced removing the soil from the bare walls. The work of removal of soil from bare walls to produce in the summer to the land cleared of masonry quickly dried up. After that, her cover of the new plaster. At home, standing on a slope, often underground masonry humidified by flowing surface water. In this case, the lower the moisture drainage device through which water is drained from the house. excess moisture could be taken in another way: to plant near the home of poplar or other trees that consume a lot of moisture.
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