Friday, June 3, 2011

Roof repair

Humidity is the main cause for premature aging of the construction of houses. It leads to decay of wooden parts of houses, destruction of stone and concrete products, metal corrosion. Therefore, the protection from the effect of moisture is a necessary preventive measure. In order to avoid complicated and expensive work to replace the retired members of spare parts at home, you need timely and regular preventive maintenance and repairs. Winter with snow roof must be removed using a scraper (a piece of board nailed to a long handle). By scraper should arrive at the rubber strip. For corrugated roofing boards should drank at waveform sheets. During the summer, the roof should be swept annually with a soft broom to remove dust and dirt that retain moisture, accelerates wear on the roof. On the northern slopes of the roof often appear lichens, leading to a decrease in the life of the roof. They should be completely removed with any sharp objects, or a steel brush. It is best to repair the roof during the warmer months, to repair using the same materials that produce a roof, but sometimes use other materials. Any of the materials used to repair the roof should be inspected and sorted. Material with defects that can not be used. It can be used only to cover specific areas. In this case, it is cut into pieces of desired size, thus removing the defective parts. At the top of any material most quickly become useless hills because they longer remove water. Therefore, they must be very carefully cover and repair. It is desirable for the coating beneath them additional material. For this purpose, most often used roll material, asphalt, roofing felt, roofing. In the production of repairs need to be careful and take steps to ensure their safety. Work on the cover are very dangerous. Damage is necessary to try to eliminate from the attic. If this is not possible, make sure you are working with a security belt and not one, but with a partner, who must follow the mounting strap to the ridge at home. How long is no repair asbestos-cement roofing. If necessary, replace only the broken plates. They must be removed carefully to avoid damage to its neighbors. It is better to bite off the heads of nails clippers. When the replacement of asbestos-cement sheets is not instead of them, you can temporarily put the roof steel and roofing. To repair cracks and small splits at the present time has been extended a simple and reliable method of repair, after which the roof of "live" up to 10 years. To repair the roof in this way will need the following materials: PVA glue, cement grade 300 and above, raspushenny asbestos and water. When you can not buy raspushenny asbestos, then on a fine grater for vegetables, rubbed with sheet asbestos. Repair mixture is prepared in small portions at 2-3 hours. Mixed 2.1 parts (by volume) of cement with 3 parts raspushennogo asbestos and diluted PVA glue diluted 1:1 with water. Repair mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. Prior to repair the roof at first swept, clearing sites, listed land covered with lichens, etc., then wash the roof with water from a hose. Particularly thoroughly cleaned (using a stiff brush) sites with cracks. After drying, the roof primed with glue PVA, diluted with water at a ratio of 1:3 (by volume). Proper maintenance is promazyvanii cracks prepared mixture. Typically, the repair is applied two coats of paint (the second - after the drying of the first) to the total layer thickness was not less than 2 mm. Repairs carried out in bad weather. In order not to push the entire sheet around the repaired sheet is necessary to work in rubber boots and use a board thickness of 25 mm and a width of 20 cm with a stuffed in her cross-bars for resting on the legs. Board clings to the ridge with a bar nailed to its end on the reverse side. The service life of roll coating depends on the quality of base materials, the proper technology of its construction and the type of mastic, and the quality of care for the roof. Systematic care of the roof and prevention play an important role. There are different roof structures under the roll roofing. Base under the carpet roll may be cement, asphalt or wood. Cement and asphalt concrete base (ties) are monolithic, and national teams. Foundation under the carpet roll is not to be unsteady when walking on them. When repairing asphalt roofing carefully check serviceability of the ground. Look, whether on the roof of "bags" - If any such place on the roofing material krestopodobny make the cut, wrap all the corners and thoroughly clean the old paste. After drying, the wood surface it is applied to hot bitumen mastic and notched stick roofing material, and on top of it impose a patch of this material so that it is in the 120-150 mm overlapped ends of the notch. On top of its obscure the same compound. If the roll roofing separated joints, rather stick with strips of rolled material. Damage up to 50 mm zakonopachivayut tow and rag with mastic, trowel and smooth down with hot obscure. When repairing roll roofing is not recommended for use only or asphalt, as they are short-lived. Putty for repairs is made from a mixture of petroleum bitumen grades III and IV. It is boiled in a cauldron, stirred for 3-4 hours, until it stops foaming, and its surface is like glass. Small holes in the metal roof (fistulas) are buried tow soaked in hot bitumen, from top to pour a layer of asphalt mastic. The composition of mastic as follows: Bitumen grade IV - six parts, kerosene - two, chalk or peat litter - two parts. Minor damage can gloss over Surikova putty consisting of two parts linseed oil, one part shredded red lead, two parts of grated white and four pieces of chalk. For larger openings impose a patch of burlap or tar paper. The size of patches should be 20-25 cm larger than the hole. Gap of up to 20 cm are buried directly patch. For very large scale damage to need to make the lining of a piece of old roofing iron, and scourged him to the crate to pay is not slack. Before the patch label surface of the metal around the hole to 20-25 cm cleaned with a wire brush and smeared with hot asphalt cement. Giving it to dry out, put it on a greased hot mastic patch of burlap or tar paper in one or two layers - depending on the size of the hole. Then make the outer plaster patches of hot cement. With significant damage metal roof completely replace the steel sheets, turn down and then bend folds in their places of docking. When the roof steel under the paint started to rust, it is better to cover the metal surface of bituminous paint. In this case, pre-cleaned steel roof. Composition of bituminous paint as follows (in percentage): bitumen grade IV - 60, turpentine - 36, linseed oil - 4. Good results can be obtained by adding aluminum powder lacquer * (one part powder to four parts paint). This is best done before coating. Aluminum powder is a solid protective film. Metal roofing is necessary to paint 3, at least 2 times. Before repainting the metal roof's surface must be cleaned of rust and old paint peeling. To remove old paint applied washes of the AFL-1, BEM, R-4, CD specials., SP-7. Usually clean off the rust with steel brushes. But the greater effect is achieved by chemical means, such as "Avtopreobrazovatelya rust. It is applied to remove any dirt and grease free surfaces with a brush. Consumption of resources - about 150 grams per 1m2 surface. Work should be wearing rubber gloves and safety glasses. Paint the roof only after the complete drying composition, ie, through the A-5 days. Rusted steel roofs, not only from the outside, but on the inside, ie from the attic. This usually occurs between the crate. That part of the roof, which lies on the crate, no rust, as protected by wood (planks). Rust comes from the fact that through the attic floor is warm air. From experience we know that it is often made between the purlins are corroded places, but sometimes they are, and under the crate. To protect the roof from the pressure between the steel crate should be cleaned of rust stiff brush or a soft steel brush and paint one or, better yet, twice. This will prolong the life of a steel roof. If the coating of galvanized steel roofing will start to rust, then wasted no time, the rust is removed, cleaned the place primed with liquid paint and painted twice. When painting the roof for the first time the paint needs to be thinner than the next. Therefore, for the first color to dye 1 kg gustotertoy take 0,6-0,7 kg of linseed oil. Liquid paint better adhere to the roof and gets into all the pores. For second and subsequent colors for 1 kg of paint gustotertoy take 0,4-0,5 kg of linseed oil. For staining 1m2 roof once required an average of: 180-200 g ocher, 70-90 g mummies, 35-40 g of iron minium, 250-280 g copperhead. On service life is the most resistant copperhead. 5-7 days after the first painting the roof painted a second time, then after 8-10 days painted a third time. Oil paint dries completely, on average only 10 days. Adherence drying paint enhances the quality of work. The existing practice of painting a second time within 1-2 days after the first does not give the highest quality. Work on the roof should be in boots or regular shoes, but with attached felt soles that do not slide on the steel and do not destroy the recently caused a layer of paint. Steel roofs are painted big primaries tassels. Staining technique roofing Tokay same as when painting walls and ceilings. When painting the paint shade along the slope. First paint the descent of the roof, and then continue work on the ridge to the slopes. Paint brush to gain a little shade, and its thin layer without coarse bands and streaks. In thick layers of paint over time there are cracks in which to linger water, destroying the roof. Replacing damaged shingles. If the roof flows only in one place, the reason usually is Cracked tiles. The occurrence of the roof in many places may be due to incorrectly calculate the distance between bars sheathing, resulting in pieces of tiles is not enough overlap. It may also be too large distance between the rafters. In this case the boards bend over backwards and will cause a violation of the density of the roof. Water will stay and become numb to the gap slot shingles if slots become clogged. The smaller the slope of the roof, the greater should be the overlap tile. This is done to the rain the wind does not drive under the water. The observed damage to eliminate from the attic. To do this, raise the number of damaged tiles and pull over. Then again, raise the number and inserts a new way that it caught a ledge or the bottom end of a tile, or timber battens. If the roof was put on a solution, then with a garret tiles can be replaced if it is sealed with a solution only in the joints, and only the top row. If the roof is folded in solution over the entire surface, then the change can be made only with the coating. Before installing the new one to be cleared from the solution are located next to the tile. With the new knock down half of the spike with a hammer so that it was easier to stick in the slot, and put on her mortar.

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