For the removal of the house falling from the roof of the water and protect the foundation from entering surface waters arrange blind area. With good as it not only serves as a protection against the penetration of surface water to the base of foundations, but is a decorative element of the external improvements, performing the role of a sidewalk around the house. Practice shows that in many cases, work on the device blind area often postponed or carried out carelessly. As a result, the base houses more harm. Top cover blind area operates from the rubble, gravel, cobblestone, brick, asphalt, concrete, concrete tiles. Material for the selected depending on the topcoat, but in all cases, the constructive solution of blind area should ensure that it is watertight. Width of the blind area depends on soil type and elevation of the roof eaves. On ordinary soils it should be 15-20 cm wider eaves (but not less than 60 cm), on subsiding - 20-30 cm overseas slope trenches or pits, tearing at the foundation (but not less than 90 cm). Cross slope from the walls of homes crushed stone cobblestone and brick otmostok take in the range of 5-10% (ie, 5-10 cm to 1 m wide), and smaltovyh and concrete - 3-5%. Along the edges of blind area is recommended to make trays or grooves for water drainage. On dry soils neprosadochnyh at the wall on the pier foundation blind area can not do, but in places water runoff from the roof to prevent soil erosion should arrange a local waterproofing coating. During operation of a residential building special attention must be paid to the drainage of water flowing down from the roof and is formed by melting snow, as well as serviceability otmostok around the house. Finding the damaged areas in the blind area, they assort, compacted soil, gravel or sand to fill up before the planning marks. After this, lay concrete or asphalt so as to bias of at least 1:5 from home. Seals cracked or chipped cement-sand mortar or molten bitumen mastic. Pay special attention to the connection blind area with a wall, making sure that the atmospheric water is completely removed from the house. By the beginning of repair blind area mark the boundaries of damaged areas. In this case, a few small potholes unite in a common plane. Damaged cover wedges cut down on the depth and thoroughly cleaned of the old asphalt, dust and other contaminants. Bottom wall and the cutting edge of Liquefied grease viscous bitumen BND-90/130, BND-130/200 or liquid bitumen MG-25-40, SG-25MO, laid asphalt, and seal his hand roller. Ukatyvayut asphalt from the edges towards the middle. As it turns smooth surface. Asphalt mixture is placed slightly above the old coating that provides a better connection to the new site with the existing one. When repairing cracks, potholes and scaling, which appeared in the blind area with cement concrete pavement, use rezinobitumnye mastic sealant, cement-sand mortar and fine concrete. Completed work is the same as in the repair of asphalt otmostok. Purified cracks and joints filled with mastic, which consists of bitumen BND-90/130 or BND-60/90 (60-80%), crushed slag (10-15%) and asbestos (10-20%). Mend sand. Small cracks can be filled with liquid cement mortar 1:1 or 1:2. For large destruction cement concrete pavement restored with concrete. Pre-cleaned and primed cement grout repair area. Fresh concrete cover wet tarpaulin or plastic wrap to keep it from drying out during curing. Repair the blind area is better in spring and autumn in cool weather, and summer - in the morning, when the seams and cracks are more expanded.
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