If you are a dynamic person who is inclined to the easy life, sporting life and love open spaces, you will be comfortable in the apartment where randomly arranged representative, auxiliary and working areas. According to the architect - the author of Alexander Lapshin, eight out of ten customers prefer the "American dream", introduced by Wright, an architect in the 20's. If you are a dynamic person who is inclined to the easy life, sporting life and love open spaces, you will be comfortable in the apartment where randomly arranged representative, auxiliary and working areas. According to the architect - the author of Alexander Lapshin, eight out of ten customers prefer the "American dream", introduced by Wright, an architect in the 20's. Customers - people young and dynamic - the architect put a task to make apartment visually more spacious, comfortable and least original. Created two years ago, the interior and today retains all the hallmarks of modernity expressed. Emphasis was placed on the color palette combined residential and ancillary areas. For the demolition of the old and erecting new barriers, especially for punching openings in bearing walls, had, of course, obtain permission of the district inter-departmental committee. At a time when the project was implemented, it was very easy. Furthermore, no supporting structures to endure was not necessary. New walls were built, usually in a half-brick or a quarter. Let us determine the structural and planning decisions, which seemed trendy yesterday brought about the Russian soil from the ocean, passing the test of time, became a familiar part of home lifestyle and really settled down. This refers to the combination living room and kitchen and bathroom with a toilet in one multi-functional space. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this association. In an alliance kitchen and living room to the obvious advantages are space saving, the actual increase in space, the opportunity for housewives to be included in general conversation, and when she cooks dinner for the family or a cocktail party for guests. Instead of one window, and not always very large, snesya partition, we get just two, and natural lighting in the room is enhanced by half. However, this system has disadvantages. For example, the smell of cooking, which is not completely destroyed hood. Connection, bathroom and lavatory is justified, since the commission of various hygiene procedures, this increases the feeling of comfort. But if your family is more than three people, you need another bathroom to avoid the morning and evening "pajama" queues. To order a less radical innovations include the increment of the square the bedroom through the loggia, two-level floors in the kitchen-living room, raised ceilings, art openings arches. Of great interest in the problem of the increments of 4 m? active residential area due to the loggia. Particular attention is paid to the builders of its insulation, applying penofolrovanny insulation developed by the American space agency NASA. A small pier at the window was broken, so we had to strengthen not only facing the street panel and ceiling, floor and side walls, moving the radiator to the parapet of the loggia. A two-level floor creates associations with the entertainers room and tells a room histrionics. Such a solution can not be considered strictly functional, and principled, a decorative design techniques. The smooth lines of the ceiling contrasted clearly defined boundaries between the two levels: the kitchen and dining area are raised with respect to lounge. Miniature lamps from the company "PILE" built into the butt podium, make it easy to change the lighting. Upon customer request the floor done with heated (firm DE-VI), which represents a fairly complex in construction for construction. Heated floor is arranged as in the bathroom and glazed loggia, which is especially important and useful in our climate. (On different ways of glazing of loggias and balconies and the related problems of our magazine recounts a number 9, 10 and 11 in 1999) When reconstructing the old apartment the parquet, linoleum flooring has been removed. New concrete screed ensure absolute alignment of the floor. Motive ekstramodnyh concert halls with gala performances and variety shows and unobtrusive presence in the design of the ceiling. This idea is very creative in solving all the living room. Undoubted advantage of suspended ceilings - the ability to hide behind halogen transformers, air conditioners and extracts from the plate. All design, consisting of a metal frame and plasterboard produced by "TIGI-KNAUF". Galvanized black metal frame attached to anchors to the ceiling with a pneumatic gun. Built-in halogen lamps are inserted into holes drilled into the drywall. In the art design used four levels of five centimeters each. Create such a complex terrain bizarre and spectacular "terraces." Dynamic "movement" ceiling in the living room "calms down" laconic wall panels. In addition to the built-in flat ceiling halogen lights, the architect used a single vertical, more decorative dominant-suspended chandelier that looked like a big bunch. At different heights on the fine golden tubes keep the balls-and-white, blue and gold. Wiring is always safer and more expedient to professionals. However, if you decide to pick up a screwdriver and pliers and practice to realize your elektroidei, the experts of "SIGNAL" recommend OPV wires or PUNP, in the apartment applied terminal and the contact wire connections, 12 movable boxes and about 100 elektrovyvodov. Reliability of switches and electrical outlets firm ELSO (Germany) was preferred customers and performers. Wall choose wallpaper firm RASCH for painting and paint Tikkurilla produce a soft golden glow. Radical alterations undergone a bathroom. Originally it was a completely different premise - a pantry, toilet and bathroom. After reconstruction appeared one at 8 m?, Aesthetically pleasing and stylistically striking space. From the inner hallway bathroom is separated by a glass wall that creates an unusual lighting effect. Playing with different saturation backlight goes here. Glass blocks are laid on a regular solution with inserts - crosses in the seams, will it laying perfectly flat. Suspended ceiling system, developed by Dutch firm LUXALOL, consists of aluminum-parts, shine and reflective abilities which develop the theme of a combination of artificial and natural light. When replacing the heating system stopped on the pipes by the Austrian company HERZ. Due to the fact that the pressure in the domestic system, happens to be five times higher than normal, and the purity of the water leaves much to be desired, a special attention to the radiators. Imported pipe adapted to Russian conditions, they installed strainers water treatment. Thus, the dynamics of space, increase and enrich the effects of light, colors have turned a modern apartment in a free, living souls light housing. All work, including the design of construction and decoration, were made by "Signal". Since the purchase of furniture was not in the task given to the designers, the cost of it remained an internal affair of the family of the customer. Recommendations designer firms in the furniture had been included in the cost of general consulting services. In the windows at a price of $ 200 / m? installed double glazing company "Cascade". Percentage price spread out accordingly: 8% own project, 58% construction, 44% finish. Approximate cost of 1 m2 delivered "turnkey" apartment close to $ 140. Source: Portal Vashdom.ru
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