The beginning of a successful redevelopment is the solution that you need is a room in this building. Buying a few apartments with a view to merging, it is necessary to clarify to what's been built. If this is the end of XIX - beginning of XX century, the building is likely to have hardwood floors on timber beams (with rare exceptions, early 30's), beginning a successful redevelopment is the solution that you need is a room in this building . Buying a few apartments with a view to merging, it is necessary to clarify to what's been built. If this is the end of XIX - beginning of XX century, the building is likely to have hardwood floors on timber beams (with rare exceptions, early 30's) that connect the opposing outer wall of the house and unloaded from sagging mezhkvartirnymi partitions, also made of wooden planks or logs. Almost everywhere in the house floors rotten and flimsy, and safely destroy mezhkvartirnye partition do not succeed, because of what your idea of ??unification becomes almost impossible. Most successful for a major reconstruction of the houses built in the 30-60's. Rule 1. Find out the technical condition of the building where the purchased space. Survey work is needed, because strictly prohibited during the redevelopment of touch, on which depends the survival and strength of the construction of the house: the pillars, walls and beams. Sometimes even an experienced professional can not determine at a glance, the supporting structure or not. At the stage of creating graphic design or redesign project design, it is important to note that in no case be: - touch the ventilation system, owners of those apartments where dismantled ventilation ducts, must restore them in accordance with obschedomovoy ventilation system without bringing the matter to Court - walling the wall struts gas pipes, according to the norms for them should be made available - to carry the kitchen to the living room, since it is connected with the transfer of communications, which is unacceptable - place a bathroom over the living quarters of neighbors or to equip a bathroom in the kitchen in case of joining two apartments - install door frames to floor hallways and stairwells. Replacement of gas stoves, re-install, hoses flexible hoses, made with the knowledge management Mosgaz and better their staff. When reconstructing the facade of the consent Moscomarchitecture. The building, which is a monument of architecture, significantly alter the facade will not succeed. In other cases, it is necessary that the appearance of your home, shop or office, in harmony with nearby buildings. After receiving technical advice (TCC) and the development of the project can do to align it with the government and filing documents in the Interdepartmental Committee (IAC) of the municipality. City IAC is considering controversial issues. From this rule the second. Rule 2. Be sure to read the law "On the order of conversion facilities in residential buildings in the city of Moscow" № 37 dated 29 September 1999, which states what documents and with whose approvals must be in ERM. You can not do without a visa territorial bodies of Architecture and Urban Planning (departments of district architects), the sanitary-epidemiological surveillance, fire control, Gas technical inspection, balansoderzhatelya housing inspection. Do not forget to stock the appropriate number of copies of the TCC and the project. If the power supply, which is equipped house is insufficient, as it often occurs in older homes, where the network is not designed to present the number of electrical appliances, you must obtain permission for the extra power to the ISS Mosenergo and draw a connection 3-phase input network in your apartment. Project power, to be agreed in MNIITEP usually performs only specialized organization with a license for such works. Furthermore, as stated in the dry language of the law, "Managing an apartment building and the applicant must notify the intended actions of persons occupying adjacent premises, and in agreement with them to issue acts of agreement of the parties, taking into account possible compensation." In ordinary language, this means that the neighbors on all sides should come to the ECD or homeowners' associations (HOAs) and put their signatures in the presence of superiors. At this stage it is important not to fall for the summer period, as long as "persons occupying adjacent premises will restore their health on the beach, you're in nervous anticipation, can earn his frustration. And since time and money are interrelated, then the question must take into account the financial factor. Rule 3. Create your own reserve time and resources to force majeure, such as vacation neighbors, their desire to make a repair at your expense, intractability chiefs, etc. And finally, if you have successfully passed the IAC, responsible approach to the choice of builders. First of all, your contractor must be licensed for that type of work, which is specified in the draft redevelopment. Professional selection of materials and structures can greatly improve the sound insulation, you must also take into account the selection of tools to work. For example, a typical panel homes is unacceptable to use a jackhammer and the punch, causing damage to the abandoned piers and bridges, and a fall in large chunks of concrete could damage the adjacent area. Therefore, if you are tempted to use foreign labor - cheap and cheerful, remember another adage: miser pays twice. Rule 4. Prefer construction only professionals, licensed in the appropriate activity. In fact, if you're a cool businessman, it is unlikely that you have the opportunity to spend several months in the circulation of the chain of command. You can, of course, to instruct it to subordinates, but - is unreliable. People passing this difficult path for the first time, be sure to stumble anywhere. You do not like it, and you can lose a good employee in the business. Maybe you decide that you do not have the resources, both material and intangible, to register your re-planning. It is worth recalling that in the event of damage to the premises in the building and property of citizens and legal entities in reorganization of the premises, made in accordance with the permits, the responsibility of the authority which issued the permit, otherwise the law places the responsibility on you. In addition, registration has already produced works retroactively would cost considerably more expensive. From this rule the fifth. Rule 5. If you're not ready to perform at least one of the previous rules, then you just need to contact the law firm which will undertake registration of all documents and find suitable contractors. According to published "Ctolichnaya property"
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