Thursday, July 28, 2011

Country House: restart

Many buyers of country houses face the challenge of rebuilding or reconstruction of their property. This is understandable: the house that was not built "under him" often does not satisfy all the requirements of the new settlers. That is why the newly minted owners almost immediately take the finalization of the house: some of them are going to change the facade and interior layout, the other - to attach the porch, veranda, winter garden, a bath-house or garage, and others - to turn the attic into a loft. However, not all options "reset" the home runs smoothly. Many of the changes, which at first seem insignificant, could seriously damage the structural elements of the building Many buyers of country houses face the challenge of rebuilding or reconstruction of their property. This is understandable: the house that was not built "under him" often does not satisfy all the requirements of the new settlers. That is why the newly minted owners almost immediately take the finalization of the house: some of them are going to change the facade and interior layout, the other - to attach the porch, veranda, winter garden, a bath-house or garage, and others - to turn the attic into a loft. However, not all options "reset" the home runs smoothly. Many of the changes, which at first seem insignificant, could seriously damage the structural elements of the building, if not spoil it. How to start a rebuilding task of reconstruction is often necessary to solve not only the home buyers in the secondary market, but owners of houses built some time ago. Few homeowners are not faced with the need to adapt their homes to changing with time requirements of the family to its reconstruction. Reasons for redevelopment may be different. Each family member wishes, and it is clear that the "pattern" of rooms in a cottage should not be. In addition, sometimes you want to change the functional zones. For example, on the second floor of the cottage is equipped gym. But athletes, even the fans, among the new owners do not, so you need reconstruction of the hall into the living room or bedroom. Another reason for reconstruction of the house - the changes in family structure, its financial position, or simply in relation to its housing. The house, which seemed convenient, eventually became a close: nowhere to place a grown-up children, who came to arrange a visit to the parents and worthy friends, favorite thing to do, nowhere to put a second car and lay down for the winter garden furniture, etc. The traditional options for reorganization - change functional purpose of the premises, replanning, development of an attic space, add-ins and extensions. When the solution of urgent problems do not need to build up the area for "reconciliation" with the owners of the house is enough to just change the functions of some of its facilities or redevelopment. However, the freedom to organize a new living space can severely limit the fixed elements: bearing walls, locations of utilities, water and sewer risers, air ducts, as well as an abundance of detail and decoration on the facades. That's why buying a new house with the intention to rebuild, not too lazy to consult on this issue with the architects before signing the agreement with the seller. If only the attic is not surprising that the renovation of his house many of us want to save. But the one to save on quality construction and finishing materials, and others are looking for the best options for the use of living space at home, while minimizing costs. The simplest solution to increase the living space in a country house is the conversion of the loft in the attic. Costs for construction materials, operation mechanisms and labor in the attic unit is 20% lower than in the construction of additional floors. In addition, the attic floor is cost-effective to operate. Heat loss through the empty attic is about 9%. According to our measurements, the attic floor, constructed of lightweight structures with efficient insulation, provides a reduction in energy intensity by at least 20%. And with the installation of special skylights specific energy consumption will decline further. And another advantage of the attic. According to snip, attic floor - is a residential floor, placed inside the attic space, it is not nadstroennym floor, so - does not require approvals. To create an attic floor need a fairly high roof and its supporting structure must not obstruct the unit premises. Optimal slope ramps to the attic floor - 45 degrees, but depending on the style of architecture and scale of the main house may be used and a combination of steep and shallow slopes. But if problems are not solved within the existing level of home, you need to think about the possibilities for the expansion of the superstructure and (or) additions. Adaptation of the superstructure - the best option comfortably settling complex composition of families of several generations. In isolated stairs and adequate engineering support each floor of the house can be autonomous, with its closed life cycle. Superstructure is rational for homes with safety foundation, gable or flat roofs, lack of sophisticated decoration on the facade, the open circuit ladder and vertical engineering services. This method is recommended when there is no additional space for building additions or to save space if the site is small or has a distinctive landscape. Parked conservatory extension to the cottage is suitable for houses with an "open" part of the scheme is attached to the corridors, staircases and facades. Options for the larger, more contact zones is attached to the sides will be revealed in the structure of the house. Additions to houses with "closed" circuit layout will complicate relations between the rooms, inconvenience movement between the zones, longer corridors, the appearance of continuous room. If someone had the idea to make additions to the popularity ratings of modern cottages, one of the first places in it, no doubt, would take a winter garden. Although the winter garden - not too heavy construction, it requires a foundation laid at a depth of soil freezing. For the middle band is 120-150 cm In our climate the glass wall of the winter garden more logical place to base: and the drifts are not nametet and heating devices conveniently placed on the inner wall of the cap. But it's certainly not the rule, but only a recommendation of specialists. In any case, the foundation must have a high bearing capacity and frost. The same applies to the balcony or the roof of the garage, if they are planned as the basis for a winter garden. Be aware that the winter garden is easier than the rest of the building, so when you swing the soil the house and garden "sit down" is uneven. This is true when the garden is based on its own foundation, and structurally attached to the front of the house. Some companies recommend the use of a floating mounting profile of the wall in order to prevent the destruction of joints. This involves a detailed static analysis that determines the strength of the proposed extension. Is also important in the calculation of heat balance in the winter garden, which takes into account floor area, size and location of glazed openings, valves, heat transfer from the heating system, heat loss through the building envelope, and much more. The purpose of this calculation - made in the conservatory comfortable environment for people and plants. From garage to garage Decoration baths and saunas in the annexes to the Country House is also very popular among the "reenactors" housing. Attach the garage to the existing buildings is permitted if the exterior walls of buildings constructed of noncombustible material, and the nearest window and door openings are at a distance not less than 2,5 m from the garage across and at least 2 m from the ridge garage roof. Boxes for motorcycles, built from combustible material must be at least 5 m away from windows, doors or combustible walls of neighboring buildings. The main difficulty in the construction of bath is not so easy to expose the existing foundation and the right to lay on the same level as the other, and attach to an existing wall of a new - almost always impossible. Often, builders have to make between the existing building and added a bath small connector box, which allows multiple mask contiguity. Convert the basement under the bath is more complicated. Thus, the organization of smoke removal possible by constructing a new chimney, forcing produce large alterations in the construction of floors, walls, ceilings, roofs or login into an existing chimney with the rules, which also is not easy. Another problem - the heat and vapor barrier of the existing overlap in the part of the house, which is located under a future bath. In addition, if the house is not kanalizovan, bath unit is entirely determined by ability to divert waste water. Sometimes fantasies are not limited perestroikists bath. It is considered that, if the pool was not provided for the original project at home, it will likely not be able to attach to the house. But this is not always. In the specialized construction organization will answer whether it is possible to attach swimming pool to your home. And it is possible that this dream feasible. It is not necessary to attach directly to the pool wall. If the area of ??the site allows, it is best to arrange a warm passage connecting gallery. This method is used and when the foundation of the pool may not be directly adjacent to the foundation of an existing home. Also standing pools are usually designed independently from home and are a entertaining complex. Vaccination against ugliness Selecting the complexity and cost of rebuilding houses depend on the reconstruction of its stock that is ready for this or that change. Reconstruction work more effectively than a larger reserve was detected in the structure of the house. But determining the reserve only in the presence of the project. That's why, getting ready to house, do not forget to get a seller a complete set of project documentation to rid themselves of the additional difficulties in the reconstruction. In any case, planning the transformation should be well aware that a major restructuring could cost more than building a new home. All sorts of additions to the house to do better in two stages. First the foundation for an extension, and only a year later made everyone else work. This is important because if you hold all the work for one season, then the natural shrinkage and deformation of the additional construction of the "undisturbed" core, which can cause cracks and other defects. Do not forget that the success of the reconstruction is possible only after the development of the project, so to avoid cooperation with professional architects and builders, in most cases will not succeed. The architect is not worth saving another reason that the restructuring might deprive your family nest all aesthetic merits, destroying the vision of its designer. We give a typical example. When the house is attached veranda, it is covered by a roof, which must have a corre-sponding slope. To do this, make out half the roof, crashed into her porch roof rafters, and then all of this integrated design to block again. Some "diy" lazy to redo the roof on all the rules (additional costs, time, etc.) and they give birth to the roof of the verandah under the roof of the main building. And if anyone, even the cutest house turns into freak after reconstruction, and "shot" of this transformation can be done only by professionals. And the last - before the "reset" at home do not forget to agree on in the local architecture and urban redevelopment project, as well as get permission for new construction or reconstruction, or exercise your dreams go beyond the law.

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