Like in any job, no errors, and various defects will not manage. They occur, and in painting. Let's talk about defects in color - than they are caused and how to get rid of them. If you hired painters to repair, then monitoring their performance, use these operating tips that would not subsequently regret we spent all the tools and perspectives to adapt again, and possibly for large sums. As in any work, without errors, and various defects will not manage. They occur, and in painting. Let's talk about defects in color - than they are caused and how to get rid of them. If you hired painters to repair, then monitoring their performance, use these operating tips that would not subsequently regret we spent all the tools and perspectives to adapt again, and possibly for large sums. Causes and solutions for use with lime paints or adhesives and paints with oil and enamel composition are different, so we consider them separately. Let's start with defects stains performed lime and adhesives. It often causes defects lie in the failure of technology implementation work and, as sadly, most often solved only through complete overhauls. Here are the most common of the defects: otmelivanie layer of paint, ink film delamination, translucence of the previous layer, rusty or grease stains, folds, splashes and drips, changing paint colors. There are still quite a long list of defects, but dwell on the above, since they most often occur. Otmelivanie layer of paint is because in the prepared paint layer was added a little glue or used chalk with large particles. So is it possible, if not of the solution has filtered. Correct this defect can be either sprayed painted surface a weak solution of glue, or re-priming and painting the entire surface of the defect. Separation of ink film may be due to several reasons. Firstly, the composition of paint was too thick or repeatedly applied on the same place. Secondly, the composition for the painting was introduced by an excessive amount of glue. And thirdly, the painting was done by a thick layer before applying the paint or weak fillers. Correct this defect can be completely, just removing all the layers of paint, including pre-and performing a re-coloring. You can also try to feather the paint with a damp brush, with part of the coating is washed off and will have to apply again. Translucence of the previous layer of paint may be due to the fact that the applied coat of a different color than the paint. To correct this oversight should be re-painted surface. If this fails, will have to apply the primer again (this time the desired color) and the newly painted surface. Rusty spots on the painted surface can be caused by a long passage of water through the plaster or resin material (in case the painting done on fresh wood). Correct this defect can only be removing the cause of rust and re-causing dye. Possible, of course, is another option. Wash off the paint process where there are warm spots of 3 per cent hydrochloric acid, paint over oil paint, and then to apply the paint based on lime and adhesives. Fatty same spots associated exclusively with non-drying oils directly on the material over which made paint. Get rid of them possibly replacing the material. Folds, splashes and drips on the surface to form when the application is too thick solution. Spray solution should be diluted to the normal viscosity and re-stain the surface. Change the color of paint is possible if the solution were used in the paint pigments are not resistant to alkali, light, or other natural factors. Should be more careful in choosing the components for the painting. Naturally have to re-apply paint to the entire painted surface. We now turn to defects in the application of oil-based paints or enamel compositions. Although defects in something similar to the previous - the reasons they may differ, as well as ways to eliminate it. Traces of the brush - the most common defect. This is possible because the applied too thick paint. Dried paint clean off (it can be, for example, make a pumice stone) and put a solution of normal viscosity. Sometimes there are noticeable seams in the painting. This happens because the paint was made skorovysyhayuschy paint in several stages. Correct, you can either change the type of paint or re causing it, but in one step. Sometimes it manifests a defect as "crocodile skin" - when the paint starts like "pucker." This is because the paint is applied to more wet surface, which was processed before. Correct you can only completely remove the defective paint and applying it all over again, waiting when the material dries on which to apply paint. Another defect - a heave of paint due to the fact that the paint is applied to the tree, which is not quite dry. Of course, this is not a complete list of those defects that can occur when painting, and talking honestly, if specialists producing color are sufficient professionals in its Delhi, probably not one of the above defects will not spoil their work. Yet knowledge of these details may be useful to you. Particularly when you pick up a brush or paint roller. Author: Vyacheslav Kovalev
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