Cylinder locks, or how often they are called "English" got its name because at the heart of their designs are cylinder mechanisms secret. Cylinder mechanism may take the form of a cylinder, circle, beads, etc. Cylinder locks, or how often they are called "English" got its name because at the heart of their designs are cylinder mechanisms secret. Cylinder mechanism may take the form of a cylinder, circle, beads, etc. The heart of these mechanisms is a set of spring-loaded pins, balls, plates of various sizes. The design of the cylinder (IKON): 1 - body of the cylinder, 2 - core cylinder, 3 - channel for the key 4 - pin cylinder mechanism 5 - spring pin 6 - cam cylinder mechanism 7 - Key Cylinder locks, most often, flat keys , the edges of which one or both sides, there are cutouts (teeth), or point-dents. Their number equals the number of locking pins in the cylinder mechanism, and the greater the number of pins, the greater the secrecy of the castle. Not recommended to use locks with the number of pins less than five. In order to increase secrecy, leading firms produce cylinders, which are designed for two-, three-and four-row keys. The highest secrecy is achieved in the cylinders with keys that have a lateral perforation. Cylinder firm CISA perforated key most vulnerable areas cylinder locks itself is a cylinder mechanism which can be drilled, broken or dislodged. To protect against drilling reputable producers set inside a cylinder, special, hardened pins or ball, impeding the penetration of drill, and the cylinder to protect tempered hockey. To protect against or breaking of churning cylinder, install the protective pad or shield of hardened steel, while advocating for the overlay (mask) of the cylinder should not exceed 2 mm. Also use a special form of cylinders (paracentric profile) and special, steel clamps, which increase the resistance of the cylinder removal. Typically, cylinder locks have improved privacy but low protective properties. A foreign object caught in the keyhole of the cylinder is almost impossible to remove. This entails the subsequent replacement of the cylinder mechanism. Cylinder with four rows of pins, with two-way protection against drilling and pulling out, with lock lock (BKS). Conventional cylinder locks can not be recoded, with the loss of a key is necessary to change the cylinder. To overcome this limitation, based on the cylinder lock, a system was developed "master key", which will be discussed below. It is known that effective security requires strict control over the keys. On the one hand, the complex manufacturing of copies of keys causes inconvenience to the user, on the other hand, if you order the key is not difficult, it can be done and the offender. That's why leading manufacturers typically offer several forms of customer service. For example, the company ASSA (Sweden) offers three types of the workpiece: the absolute control (pre-coded billet can be ordered only at the factory), a proprietary control (additional keys can be ordered on a special card at the offices), limited control (extra keys may order the owner of the key , harvesting is not patented and protected). Similar patterns of customer service and adopted by other major manufacturers of locks. Different types of cylinders: A - unilateral (CISA); B - sided with the handle (KFV); In - two (CEZ); T - two with the handle (CEZ); D - Two-way adjustable closers (ABLOY); E - double-sided, giving an opportunity to open the cylinder, even when the key inserted on the other hand (IKON) All cylinders can be divided into the following types: single-sided, double sided and single-sided with a handle and two-sided with a handle. Typically, two-way cylinders can not be opened unless the other side is inserted the key. However, in the production program of the leading manufacturers of a cylinder, which can be opened even if the key inserted on the other side. Typically, the length of the cylinders lie in the range of 30 to 60 mm, which allows you to install them in the door leaf widths. If necessary, the cylinders may have different lengths, as smaller and larger. There are also cylinder locks, the so-called cross key. In this case, the key is made in the form of a rod threaded into the secrets of three or four directions, in a section reminiscent of "cross". Mechanism itself is very small, not speaking for the lock body, the pins are small and located on a circle in opposite directions. To cylinder locks have served long should observe the following recommendations: do not use force when installing the cylinder, when inserting the key in it and when you turn the key, not to insert in cylinder two keys simultaneously, not to insert into the cylinder damaged keys and foreign objects, do not turn the key until long as it is inserted all the way, twice a year, lubricate graphite (Do not use liquid grease).
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