If you choose finishing materials for finishing the house or apartment must first take into account that the durability of the coating and hygiene home to a large extent depend on how the operational properties of the materials correspond to the functional purpose of the room. For example, for pasting the walls and ceilings of living rooms should be used only paper wallpaper. All other film and rolled materials are not suitable for this purpose, since they do not absorb moisture and does not leak air, which can lead to a breach of air and humidity in the room. They can be successfully applied for the walls hallway, bathroom, toilet and kitchen (but not the ceiling). The walls of the hall is best to trim with a durable water-resistant film layer facial. This adhesive film groundless, Izoplit, vinisten, a film on a fabric basis, as well as linkrust. For papering the walls of the bathroom, which is different from other areas of high humidity, you must use water-resistant materials, such as groundless films and fabric-based, including oilcloth. But the film on the basis of paper for bathroom unusable. To finish the kitchen and toilets are recommended all film and roll materials, except linkrusta. Sometimes the walls in the kitchen operates, depending on the functional areas. For example, in a place where a lot of moisture, fat fumes, etc., need to use materials to withstand repeated wetting and washing with warm water using various detergents. These materials include groundless films and fabric-based. Wall, who organized a dining area, veneered izoplenom, water-resistant wallpaper, and even ordinary paper wallpaper. Film and roll materials can also be used for pasting the doors instead of traditional oil painting. Doors in the living rooms often do over the color of the walls. To increase the strength of wallpaper covered with latex paint or varnish. High quality decorative trim door panels are achieved papering the surface self-adhesive tapes simulating valuable wood, leather or fabric. Just as in painting, choose the color film and roll materials should be taking into account the functional purpose of the premises. According to the research of psychologists, browns wallpaper more suited for office, and cold - blue and green - for bedrooms. In children's rooms should be preferred wallpaper greenish-yellow and pink tones. When choosing wallpaper, you should consider the location of windows. If the windows face north, recommended wallpaper warm tones: cream, orange, yellow and similar colors. They contribute to an increase in reflected light, thereby improving the illumination of the room. Desktop cool colors: blue, green, greenish-gray - are good for rooms with windows facing south. Wallpapers and other film materials are rarely without a pattern, so when choosing it plays a dominant role. In small rooms should be preferred wallpaper with a fine pattern that visually increases room, while large nemasshtabny pattern contributes to its visual decrease. Vertically arranged lines, colors or other design as it increases the height of the room, while a horizontally arranged lower the ceiling. Given these recommendations, for a low pick drawing rooms, coming in a vertical direction, and the ceiling make the light, but to narrow and high room pick wallpaper with a horizontal pattern and ceiling wallpaper warm hue. To the greatest extent it relates to striped wallpaper, with which you can get some interesting dekorativngh-making areas, such as striped wallpaper can be pasted at an angle of 45 ° to the horizontal line. Such a technique is particularly effective when the wall separated stressed shelves in the vertical and horizontal directions. Another technique stickers striped wallpaper - "herringbone". In this case, the wall surface is divided into several segments, and diagonally placed pieces of wallpaper are cut and are joined by a vertical line separating the lots. Of course, wallpaper glue at an angle of somewhat more complicated, as complicated and smoothing glued panels. Nevertheless, the acquisition of certain skills can achieve a good quality finish. Color and pattern of wallpaper should be combined with the color of furniture, color and pattern curtains. For light furniture should not go too dark wallpaper, dark to the contrary, very bright. If the furniture is covered with a cloth, then the wall can be made to match the upholstery, but a little lighter or a small abstract pattern. If the room you want to select a beautiful furniture, wallpaper should be picked pale shades, flat picture. The same should be taken into account when posted on the walls are paintings. Furniture can be attributed to second place, if used to its background wallpaper with a bright eye-catching pattern. Curb, intended for border wallpaper, indoor height of 2,5 m to be small, wide, 2 - 4 cm for wallpaper and plain type mesh border must choose the same tone, but more vivid. For example, golden-yellow wallpaper can be edged by a narrow border of light-brown color. Can be combined walls. For example, in the common room one of the walls (of face) can okleit patterned wallpaper, and three others - self-colored smooth. In this case, a good combination is achieved when the color matched smooth wallpaper to match the main background wallpaper with a pattern. You can decorate with wallpaper patterned two adjacent walls, and two others - monophonic, and use the wallpaper with the same pattern but different colors. Sometimes when you finish large-size facilities use a combination of pasting when some parts of the so-called "mirror" on the plane wall wallpaper in different colors or textures. This finish requires careful pre-marking the whole surface of the walls and ceilings and then cutting out the curly pieces of wallpaper patterns. If you have furniture in the room a little - only what you need and you do not want to lose the sensation of free space wallpaper, choose a quiet tones, and one wall in general, "open to nature" - give her a big landscape with illumination (pictorial wall panels, or Desktop) . The studio apartment for papering the walls of the living room is better to apply wallpaper patterned with pale bright and quiet tones, for the corridor - the brighter the wallpaper. In a two-bedroom apartment has two adjacent rooms can okleit similar in pattern and color wallpapers. Such a finish with open doors will be like combine two rooms, which expands in size. Adjoining rooms adjacent to each other on the narrow side, that is elongated, it is best to paste over wallpaper with a single image, but different colors. For example, for a single room you can pick up the golden-yellow wallpaper with light brown pattern, while the other room - a light-brown wallpaper with golden-yellow pattern. This visually shorten elongated proportions of the rooms. A similar combination of colors can also be used for three-and four-room apartments. Corridor and hallway in this case can be finished paper or colored oilcloth, but their tone is better to pick a darker than in the rooms, then the transition to a bright room creates a feeling of increased space. In addition, dark wallpaper in the front is more practical. When choosing materials must also remember that film and rolled materials with a relief texture, in contrast to the smooth, contribute to a decrease in the visual space of the interior. All finishing materials in daylight produce quite a different impression than the artificial. This circumstance should be taken into account by checking the color of the wallpaper as in incandescent lighting, and under fluorescent lighting. Calculate your needs in the wallpaper. Number of wallpapers for pasting room is calculated by the square of walls that need to paste over. Multiplying the sum of the lengths of walls to the height of the room, find the area of ??papering. Knowing the length and width of the wallpaper roll purchased, we can determine the size of the roll. Dividing the area of ??pasting in the area of ??one roll, we get the number of rolls, which should be available
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