Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Doors: A Guide to the buyer

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the apartment and the house starts, primarily from the door. Interior doors - it is also one of the foundations of your individual interior. Understand the diversity of supply in the market and select the best specialists to help the Chelyabinsk factory Krasnoderevtshik ", which for many years, is a leading manufacturer in this market sector. If the theater begins with a hanger, then the apartment and the house starts, primarily from the door. Interior doors - it is also one of the foundations of your individual interior. Understand the diversity of supply in the market and select the best specialists to help the Chelyabinsk factory Krasnoderevtshik ", which for many years, is a leading manufacturer in this market sector. It is believed that legislators door mod, not only in Europe but also globally recognized as Italy, Spain and Germany. Judging by recent trends, the best door for those who want to keep pace with the times - a door at the same time strict and elegant, dynamic, not dominating, but perfectly complements any decor. As for colors, the most popular in 2005, "Wenge" and "Bleached Oak. It is these tones are the basis of the most fashionable styles from ethnic to country. Naturally, the door to pick up, given the personality of your interior design - all elements must be well matched and in harmony. Moreover, residents of Chelyabinsk, decided to make in your interior design innovative trends, it is not necessary to suffer with an order of exclusive door models in the catalog, or go abroad. Factory "Krasnoderevtshik has released a new collection, which embodies the latest solutions in 2005. Austere elegance of shape, silky texture veneer color "wenge and bleached oak tree" on their own and in contrasting combinations - all distinctive features of the doors 900 series. This product is innovative not only for "Krasnoderevtshik, but the whole industry doors both in Russia and Europe. Thanks to the successful design and technological developments, the use of special materials, product line 900, in terms of quality characteristics, not just stand in line with the best foreign samples, and in some respects much superior to them. And this is without price. As the price of the products offered in 2 - 3 times lower in relation to compare best foreign specimens. Development of production technology of this line took about 40 weeks. In this paper, in addition to its own employees, attended by four European companies. In particular, the German «Plantag» spent more than 6 months in the development of the lacquer finish. Company «BauschLinnemann» has been working on adapting edging facing materials and the creation of them drawing the structure of wood is almost indistinguishable from the face of the door. Choosing a model - the beauty and quality are equal as it may sound corny - the doors are needed everywhere. Moreover, it is natural that a door that looks appropriate, connecting hallway and lounge, it is not suitable for the bathroom. About this taken care professionals "cabinetry - in the presented model number 900 series is as dull and glazed doors. This would establish a series of doors throughout the premises, whether a bathroom or bedroom. They differ not only in external form, but the "content". For example, in areas with high humidity experts "cabinetry is recommended to use the door without the overhead items, baguettes (eg, models 900, 950). Glazed doors same beautify any interior - they will look perfectly in the hall or dining room. For models 910, 909, 960, used the glass thickness of 4 millimeters of its own production. Positive points in this somewhat: - Work done by professionals using professional materials and has passed all stages of quality control. - "Three in One" is always cheaper than the three separately - the choice of glass, cutting and installation. In addition, the glass is not easy, but a specially designed, which is a component of the overall design of the product, where the figure, the degree of haze and glare are matched to the material texture and shape of the glass doors. The glass manufactured at its production facilities with a number of know-how, allows you to join an exclusive and very expensive operations (bulk engraving, diamond milling and polishing) with a price several times lower than that of the closest analogues. Glass is inserted in the factory, which ensures quality installation, and therefore, safe operation. In the office, bedroom or child's best to choose a door with a perfect sound insulation. Doors presented a series of combine the two main properties required for premises - lightness and strength - the weight of the Deaf canvases filled with not more than 17 kilograms. Cellulose is made from wood pulp made on the basis of the best in the world of honeycomb core for doors and furniture. It would be logical if the absolute world leader in this business would be a country with abundant forest resources, such as Russia. But no. This is Holland. And if the Dutch flower buy half of the world, the best patented honeycomb from the Dutch bought the entire world. "Krasnoderevtshik" too. As a result, the door got very strong and light. Small weight of the door - it's an enjoyable and effortless closing, as well as greater security (especially for children). Imagine: a random draft picks and slams the door. If the door is heavy blow of such force that hears half of the quarter. It's unpleasant, but it does not matter. But if at the time of the door frame keeps your baby ... All linens are pressed after the calibration operation that provides the ideal plane of the product, the error is 0.3 mm. All model 900 series filled with fold (double porch). The better, or what advantages in comparison with the widely held in Russia, "direct" the porch? The fact that the gap (gap) between the door leaf and frame is not visible. Wooden door, as you know, change its dimensions under the influence of temperature and humidity. Some consumers are a big gap between the door and the frame does not like, and the installation ask me to make it smaller. If the installers will meet the client to persistent, then during periods of high humidity door, as a rule, ceases to be closed, it also does not like. And he starts to make claims to the person who sold it to him. Door with rebated is guaranteed to be sufficient (ie, really big) gap to offset the most significant changes in temperature and humidity. Seam is this gap closes, what is its main purpose. Yet it improves the sound insulation for doors factory Krasnoderevtshik "irrelevant. In these doors for soundproofing responsible sealer, which besides its main function still allows the closed doors almost noiselessly. Install door - easy and cheap just because the build boxes and hanging doors - only takes a few minutes. After all, all sizes and all the holes have already been implemented at the factory on CNC (computer numerical control), ie very accurately. "Cheap", or rather less than usual - because the lock and hinges already installed, and the price lists of assembly services, these works tend to be separate. Another place where cheaper than usual. At the door is installed is a very good lock, made the European company with a proven track record. If the consumer attempts to acquire such a lock on their own, he would pay for it many times more than he is already installed in the door. After all, "Krasnoderevtshik acquires hardware, which is called" first hand "and a very large wholesale. Several hundred rubles savings on every door, - a good argument. Brand and protection against counterfeiting Unfortunately, there are cases where people under the guise of factory products "Krasnoderevtshik", were sold door to another company. Some of them later was not satisfied with your purchase, and tried to get c alleged manufacturers' satisfaction. "In general, because we forge, we no longer pleasant than annoying. Annoyingly misled customers "- spoken by the factory. To avoid such misunderstandings, "Krasnoderevtshik took the decision to supply door brand names, which is installed at the top edge of the castle. The sign is made of brass compression of 2 mm thick. The ability to "keep up with fashion" - one of the features of the factory "Krasnoderevtshik. But it's not a secret that to be fashionable and relevant is not so easy. This skill requires a certain amount of costs and opportunities. For this, as well as exceptional quality products factory appreciated not only in Russia but also in near and far abroad. Today the company produces doors of international class, using the best imported materials and technology. Technical equipment, the factory does not yield the most authoritative European producers. For example, here introduced a unique method of finishing: polished veneer on modern machines and covered with acrylic varnish UV curing. It reveals the beauty of natural materials, provides ecological production and use of doors, as well as their durability. By the way, if the door is installed in a residential area, the factory provides full corporate guarantee for its 24 months. During the warranty period the consumer has the right to free removal of the defect. If the repair of products is technically not possible, the company is KD ensures their replacement. All products are certified as an interior door, GOST 475-78, which provided a guarantee product quality. On materials company FCCI "Krasnoderevtshik.

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