Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wooden inside doors

One of the ornaments of modern apartment - interior doors. The modern market is in this sense simply indulges and pleases the eye. Wooden, all-glass, aluminum, plastic, combined - to choose what you want. One of the ornaments of modern apartment - interior doors. The modern market is in this sense simply indulges and pleases the eye. Wooden, all-glass, aluminum, plastic, combined - to choose what you want. As practice shows, choose the most wooden doors. It is understandable, the material of some "home", a natural, warm, inspires confidence. Although not without its caprices. Some knowledge of "wooden" features do not interfere. Process for manufacture of interior doors for a method of making the "classic" doors are divided into panels and framed. Flush doors - the most ancient and also very simple to manufacture. Structurally, the product consists of a frame, lined on both sides of any material. Typically, the inner part of the frame contains a filler (solid or cellular). Monolithic filling significantly aggravates the door. It may look like a shield of wooden bars, which is optimal from the standpoint of environmental and noise insulation. But there is sheeting - Particleboard, MDF. Cellular content can significantly reduce the weight of the leaf, because it is a honeycomb of pressboard or MDF. Flush doors may be deaf and partially glazed. And 'glassing' often plays a decorative role and performed as a feature inserts of glass, cut glass, colored plastic. Itself Cabin Flush doors can also decorated and made of molded plastic, sheet fiberboard (hardboard), MDF - yes of anything up to the plate of natural stone. Cost of shield doors almost completely determined by its finish. Panel door - her canvas is a wooden frame, which consists of piping (main bars) and intermediaries (bars that divide the door leaf into pieces and link bars stud). Internal frame openings are filled with inserts framed panels (panels), glass or combinations thereof. Number of intermediaries determines the number of framed boxes. Panels and glass are fixed in one of two main ways: directly in the dismantling or through an intermediate frame. In any case, the panels should be kept "freedom movement" in the grooves of the P & intermediaries. Often the place of the panels and windows with trim elements and intermediaries rose by so-called bead, and for decorating large areas of glass used gorbylki and layouts. These elements are made of wood, plastic, MDF, veneer can decorate, painted, laminated, and so on panel doors are characterized by rather low weight and good sound insulation. Panel door is much more difficult to manufacture, but due to design features in its design can bring any design ideas. For the complexity of manufacturing and a representative form of such products are traditionally considered to be goods prestigious level. That's why the market offers much more paneled doors than shields. Materials for doors particleboard, MDF, MDF - these derivatives of the tree today is often used in the manufacture of doors. These materials are made from wood pulp. MDF - the material of modern technology that does not contain phenol resins, and therefore does not release harmful phenols. He is not prone to cracking, practically does not swell, technological in handling it perfectly glued veneer sheets and wood. According to manufacturing technology, this material is close to the DVP, but in this case the binder is the pulp own resin timber allocated to the hot pressing. Particleboard is also widely used in door manufacturing, from this material produced the majority of Spanish models. Particleboard can make the entire process of creating a door-tech and extremely cheap. Natural array - tselnoderevyannaya door we think is best. And this is true, but with a caveat: if it's high quality products from well-dried wood (which sometimes takes several years) and without knots. Especially important is the absence of knots in the door box. Otherwise, it will after some time warp, and the door will stop closing. Glued array - now an alternative to natural file (it is also called type-setting, perekleennym). The door of the laminated array does not lead, it does not consider dries and does not swell. It can be put in the bathrooms, which can not be said about the doors of the usual array of how they paint or covered. Perekleenny array is made of ordinary dried wood, pre-parsed into small billets - lamellae. Of them carve defective parts and knots, then slats are glued together in "microstuds. So get blanks required size, then glued into bars. As a result of internal stresses in the wood are removed. Most high-quality classic doors (and boxes) are made of this "perekleennoy" timber. Domestic as well as Finnish, Lithuanian, Swedish manufacturers often use pine for high quality doors - Solid beech and oak. Italian often used alder, walnut, cherry, sweet cherry. Not so long ago there were door glued solid bamboo, not afraid of no water, no fire and have a very interesting texture. Veneer - the outer surfaces of canvases and boxes typically are faced with veneer doors of precious woods. The quality of veneering greatly affects the compatibility of materials - good veneer glued either on the native wood (eg oak veneer to the oak tree), or, if different types of wood, on a substrate of another material (MDF, plywood). Oak veneer is useless to stick to the pine and birch - not "take root" and eventually will crack or flake off. It is particularly important impeccable attaching veneer on the edges of the door leaf. Finish interior doors made of wood variety used in the door leaf panels or inserts made of glass, the type and shape allow you to create different variations of design decisions. As for the glass, then countless fantasies of its traditional forms (fluted, frosted, colored, stained-glass) is truly impressive. In an internal volume of synthetic glass can be placed showy insects, flowers and fish. Italian doors (as well as Italian furniture) rightfully occupies a leading position not only in our country and the world. What do you want? They are engaged in several centuries. For example, there are doors made of wood, whose age is unknown for certain. Representatives of the factories travel around the world and collect old beams and other wooden pieces that are then specially treated and restored, hand-painted colors according to ancient recipes and drawings. These doors give the impression, as well as their price. Much cheaper than the door of artificially aged wood, often also with artistic painting. In addition to the aging of, linens and box door from natural and laminated array (as, indeed, and combined, there is no difference) can be painted, tinted, covered film materials and are faced with veneers of fine wood. The most common to date versions of veneer - Tanganyika (specially stained walnut), the national walnut, cherry. Sometimes a veneer addition TONE or vybelivayut (maple, oak). "The highlight, for example, the Spanish door is mahogany veneer, Finland - birch. Manufacturing technology of interior doors Wood reacts to fluctuations in humidity. So, before you "go to work," the timber must undergo forced dried to a value of residual moisture content not exceeding 8%. From the wood drying technologies are highly dependent properties of the wood. For example, there are technologies in which hardwood (eg oak) is dried for 47 days with a four-steaming. Steamed material to achieve a strictly uniform stress relief and is guaranteed to avoid cracking of billets. In the old wood is aged for several years in a cool dry place, except for getting it to direct sunlight. Today, modern dryers greatly accelerate this process. But fast drying does not guarantee that the wood starts to bend further, or crack. Insufficiently dried wood, as well as changes in temperature and humidity cause the appearance of internal stresses in the door and, hence, their deformation - cracking, warping and sizing the door. That is why for some expensive imported models have to be kept in the room almost "hothouse" conditions with changes in temperature and humidity should not exceed 8%. Usually ready door leaf is proposed to be installed in an opening with door frame, which is usually on the same technology and of the same material as the skeleton leaf. Technological joint opening and closing the box casings, which are important elements of design and are made of wood, MDF, can be colored, tinted, coated with fine wood veneers. Doors are made without nut. Doors to toilets can be supplied with a threshold, although in most modern apartments are applicable model without it. For toilets in the planning usually provides openings smaller in height and narrower than in other areas. So if you want to install the same in the entire apartment door, will have to find a model in which the dimension lines are fabric and under a doorway. Either have to shorten the canvas. Just keep in mind that the doors with honeycomb suited for this bad. With regard to the applicability of the doors in the "wet" areas, then this approach even veneer model. It is true, provided that all the end surfaces are covered with veneer and well-treated water-resistant varnish. When buying imported doors to bathrooms can rely on icons pentagrams in the directories. Prices for wooden interior doors are the undisputed sales leader paneled swing doors. Typically, each model is offered in a remote and glazed version. As for prices of these models, the most inexpensive product ($ 300) offers Russian and Spanish manufacturers. Panel doors cost $ 300-1000 - this is quite a wide range of suggestions as to materials and technology officer. This series of products include the majority of foreign manufacturers. Here there are doors, all made from solid pine or precious woods (mahogany, oak, beech, cherry, walnut, ash, alder), models with scalloped panels and glass doors inlaid with highly artistic carvings. Models of panel doors is much smaller than the framed, but, nevertheless, the fashion for them does not pass. Among the panelboard doors leading veneer and painted. Because of the design panel is the model most often encrusted veneer. In addition, their panel is often decorated with various compositions of polyester inserts are made-windows. Russian factories produce lightweight door economy class (up to $ 100) with a molded exterior panel and the honeycomb. In the production of panel products colored with decorative accents of glass and colored plastic specializes some Austrian, German, Russian companies. Traditionally, a wide range of proposals Italian - almost all the Italian factory producing a considerable number of panel doors with a variety of design paintings, boxes and frames. If you're not ready to buy an Italian prototype for $ 1000, you are encouraged domestic analogue for $ 350-500. As they say, the choice is. Before buying a door from the array, call the house master - a representative of the firm. Only he can tell exactly fit a doorway, the cost of its expansion, whether the wall will withstand the load and can I do to insert the door in this opening.

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