What is the bolt? What is doviator? What is called a crab? Rigel - a locking device, a metal rod is pulled out of the castle (gate, doviatora) and included in the box door (frame). Usually in a castle from 3 to 5 crossbars. What is the bolt? What is doviator? What is called a crab? Rigel - a locking device, a metal rod is pulled out of the castle (gate, doviatora) and included in the box door (frame). Usually in a castle from 3 to 5 crossbars. And sometimes the language - it is the same as the crossbar, but a rectangular shape, and the language is only one. Doviator (deviator, reducer, valve) - is an additional locking device with one or more bolts. Doviatora drive by the castle, through the rod (metal strips or tubes). Doviator need for greater protection from the force of opening the door. Helps further fix castle side of the door at the bottom or the top (or both at once). Crab (crustacean system, crab lock, pull crab) - the code name of locking system with a bolt, a retractable top and bottom of the door leaf. Title acquired, probably by association with the crab whose "legs sticking out in all directions." Previously, such systems were made handicraft, most manufacturers now release locks with the ability to mount rods to "crab". These same traction, operate and doviator. What makes locks? There are so many different types of ... lever, cylinder ... The larvae are then ... Which is better? According to the principle of the secret of the lock mechanism is divided into two groups: the lever (or plane - lever) Cylinder (larval or pins) lever locks often unknowingly called safe deposit, as earlier in the vaults are almost always used the locks of this group (if you do not take into through locks rotary encoding that the door is not used, and will not be considered). Often, the safe lock is called lock with round locking elements (bolts), which is a mistake. Lever lock system the most ancient and has been used in a simplified form in the first castle invented by man. Basis for its action - a set of plates (levers) that are being built under the teeth (barbs) key in the exact positions can crank out the lock mechanism. Mismatch of at least one of levers to "correct" the situation makes it impossible for a lock. The more levers, the harder it is to open the lock. With sufficient protection mechanism against drilling, and high-precision manufacture of levers, with large number of them and if they specialized teeth (impeding the work of a master key) - opening the lock of this type is very, very difficult even for professional safecracker (expert in Lockpicking). The disadvantage of this system is relatively large-sized key and inconvenience of replacing the mechanism (for example, in case of loss of key). Change has the entire castle as levers and drive the locking elements are interrelated. This problem was solved Italians, firing several types of locks with interchangeable set of levers. Cylinder lock system - a product of modern technology and has appeared in the XX century. Locks of this type are nowadays more common because of their ease of use and replacement. In essence, if necessary, I do not lock mechanism, but only part of his secret - a cylinder, known to most as a striker. This element of the castle, passing the turn of a key mechanism is the secret (the code) devices that operate with only one particular combination of keys. At the heart of the quantities based on the principle of building heights combination of small elements of cylindrical shape (hence the name). As with the lever locks mismatch at least one element makes it impossible for the opening. Degree of secrecy is determined by the number of cylindrical elements, the accuracy of their production, possible positions for height, position within the magnitude and the ability to access the master key. There the larvae do not use cylinders and plates. Such quantities often used in automobiles (door, trunk, ignition) since they are less sensitive to dirt and water, but are considered less reliable. Definitely say which system is better - you can not. Each has its pluses and minuses. It seems to us the best (but not always cheapest) option - installing two locks of different systems, or one dvuhsistemnogo. In the case of a single lock, you need to install additional protection - protective pads and protectors. Why are some doors and steel sheets are on the outside and inside the door (for example, "Guardian"), while the other doors ("Steel") only on the outside and the inside is optional. That in principle, an internal list? With regard to domestic steel doors, manufactured mostly by individual order, the number and thickness of the sheet - question the desire of the customer. But at the same time, we think it should be noted that the door still is designed to protect against external influences. That is why we tend to put one, but a thicker sheet outside. It should be noted that when using two sheets of metal difficult to access inside the door, for example, for repair or replacement of locks with a locking system in different directions. As a rule, manufacturers of such doors are left inside the hatch of Technology, through which to manipulate the lock. From this it follows that the second (inner) sheet or protects locks from the inside, but makes it impossible to access it, or has the hatches and lock does not protect. Therefore, the meaning of the second sheet as a defense - is minimal. Now we should consider the second sheet as a means of increasing the rigidity. Of course, if you use the sheet on both sides of the door leaf, rigidity is increased, but only if other elements defining the rigidity of (the edges of the carcass) are not sufficiently reliable, for example, are made from a corner 32 and less. It should also be noted that the door with two metal sheets are heavier than a similar one, even thicker sheet. For example, conventional door dvuhlistovaya 2mm +2 mm or 2.5 mm 1.5 mm, ie the total thickness of the sheet - 4 mm. And odnolistovaya door - 3 mm. More heavy door increases the load on the loop and it is more difficult to open and close. From the above we can conclude: When using a sufficiently strong and rigid materials for the manufacture of the frame canvas - the second sheet is not needed. There are also doors imported, consisting of two sheets of metal with a large number of stiffeners. These doors have one important advantage - they can be installed with the external and the internal opening. A small (compared to domestic) compensates for the thickness of the metal fittings on the defensive castle. In this case, use two pages - is quite acceptable and justified. To lock (cylinder) MUL-T-LOCK except keys included card. Why is it necessary? If you need to order a switch - without the card it can be done? Where do the keys? We have several models of cylinders MUL-T-LOCK, and not all of them are equipped with cards. The fact that the card allows us to produce a new key on the code written down on it without a key. And in the "developed kapstranah" duplicate key can only be on the card for verification of painting the owner. In Russia, this system does not work, and a copy of the key can be done without a card, the original key. And in most shops, just a card to do something and can not, because it requires special equipment. It is because of the fact that in Russia, this situation of overlapping, we buy part of the cylinder without cards, which are cheaper and our firm and the consumer, such as cylinder MUL-T-LOCK model "MAGEN". For inexpensive cylinder model 7x7 card given, but has no key code. If you need copies of keys, you can contact us and we will make you a reasonable number of copies as the card, and without it. It should be noted that, unfortunately, we currently do not duplicate keys model "7x7", but will be able to tell the studio, where you can help. Where should open front metal door, the outside or inside? When you use the door from the good producers, there is no fundamental difference. This also applies to imported and domestic doors. It should, however, noted that global standards provide for the internal opening. But foreign manufacturers make doors are equally well suited for both internal and external opening. This is achieved through a double loop seal on the canvas and the use of locks with a lock-in several directions. Choice - for you. Look, as you prefer. When opening to the outside (typical for Russia) saves space in the apartment. For many it is the main argument. Opening the inside will not disturb your neighbors and it is recommended that fire protection. Outcome: no difference in reliability. Both options are good. Do you have locks, remote unlocking? How do they work? Their operating principle is this: There is a "body of the castle" - that is the device locking / unlocks the door and a control unit, which recognizes the "key" and sends a signal to the lock to open. The "key" can serve as a smart card, and stick like a car alarm and a device point memorial, and enter a code from the keyboard, and even a simple button that you push the security guard. Accordingly, the only question is which device suits you best. How secure are your locks? They are not exactly vskroyut? MUL-T-LOCK is a guarantee of security? I heard that locks open clay and gum ... Highly unlikely to find a castle mechanical system used in the home and be "smart" money that would be impossible to discover at least theoretically. A matter of time, expertise, tools and talent. With regard to specific locks, I can still say this: I admit the possibility of opening MUL-T-LOCK pick. I am familiar with the person who opens the lock Mottura for 10-15 minutes. I admit the existence of specialists capable of master keys to open MTL - in Moscow. I personally do not know and only heard of such. In any case, all the people of such skill work (worked) for public reference profile organization (formerly the KGB) and the corresponding relationship to crime can not have. In my opinion, impossible to open the MTL without mechanical damage (ie, master keys) for the period of time less than 1.5 - 2 hours of painstaking work. Work is not squatting in the doorway, and in a calm and quiet atmosphere, with an appropriate tool. Absolutely, that clay or chewing gum can not reveal even a weak cylinder KALE English type. Chewing gum, you can open the so-called "cross-cylinders" and admitting, cheap cylinders English type with an extremely high degree of wear (a few years of intensive use). Absolutely impossible to open the MTL, Mottura, Cisa selection key. All that I know of cases of criminal autopsy (without damage) of high security locks - the result of hitting the keys in the wrong hands. I note that the example for me, a man thoroughly knowledgeable of the cylinder device MTL, as little as 30 seconds inspection key to memorize the code and make a copy of it. True, a copy can be made only on the native machine MTL, which in Moscow is hardly more than a dozen pieces. To remove the impression from the key, supposedly enough 2-3 seconds. And it (the mold or removing the code) applies not only to the keys of MTL, but also to any other manufacturer of mechanical locks. I specialize in MTL, and say the key MOTTURA me a little that "say", but you can learn as well. Conclusion - from a man not to defend. You can break any lock. And what do you do to sleep at night? Answer: In my opinion - it is necessary to compare the value of the property and the likelihood of theft with the reliability of locks and doors. That is, if you have a house property at $ 100.000, then the defense should be appropriate. And if in addition to the old Vydac and take nothing - it is not worth too much to splurge on a super locks. Most thefts occur on a tip, and upscale "safecracker" will not open a random door. One of my colleagues have cited a figure that security needs to spend an amount of about 4% of the value of the protected property. In general, I agree with him. And separately, I note that the considered above the castle - were mechanical. Complex locking + alarm "or" lock + e-blocker - to increase the reliability of the protection system at times, and even an order of magnitude. At the same time, the locks can not be much to save. Saving the castle today - you'll pay twice tomorrow for repairs, or lock fails at the most inopportune time. Time of the second - the lock should be balanced. Let me explain - if you put vysokosekretnuyu larva in the weak lock - then get on like a hybrid of "Okie" from "kenguryatnik - looks good - but there is no real protection. Undoubtedly, the same way that the locks should be durable and dependable. And of course you can not leave keys unattended. If you are not sure that the keys were only in your hands - change the lock! Even for his own peace of mind. "Lost" key can be "back" and a year later. What is MDF? (MDF, HDF - it., MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard - Engl. Fibreboard MEDIUM DENSITY) Not to be confused with the JVP. Environmentally friendly material, since additional synthetic binders are not used. Binder is lignin, which is part of the wood. Manufactured by dry pressing finely ground wood chips at high temperature and pressure. Well handled. For moisture resistance and mechanical properties superior to natural wood. MDF-flammable, biological stability, weatherproof, and cheaper wood. Mainly used for facade elements, at least for the shells of furniture. www.dveri-stal.ru
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