Before you go to choose the doors, specify the following requirements: options for opening the doors, requirements for design (similar to the doors of furniture, etc.), the required dimensions; price range that is acceptable to you (as a rule, this requirement and is a defining) construction of doors (it affects the price of the most direct way). Before you go to choose the doors, specify the following requirements: options for opening the doors, requirements for design (similar to the doors of furniture, etc.), the required dimensions; price range that is acceptable to you (as a rule, this requirement is defined); construction of doors (it affects the price of the most direct way). The doors of the array are the most expensive. Their longevity, as we have said, subject to compliance with the manufacturers manufacturing technology of drying up the assembly, as well as the quality of the used auxiliary materials (adhesives, paints, etc.). But we must also bear in mind, the doors of the array can become a real decoration of the interior and be sure to bring with them into the house a healthy power of natural wood. They will serve for many years, and in the case, what they can and repaired. Modern doors made with materials such as particleboard and MDF, hardly inferior in beauty and durability of the door from the array. But they are cheaper and less responsive to changing climatic conditions, especially humidity. The price of these doors is directly dependent on the species of wood veneer, and choosing wood veneer, so to speak, "simpler" (eg, pine instead mirbau) can be a good idea to save money. At the same as the door itself is absolutely not affected. And the color (if you, for example, want to match the color of the door with the existing furniture) can be easily adjusted through the stain and varnish. True, such a move will not make each company. The cheapest are molded door outer panel and the honeycomb. But they are in operation require more careful attitude to themselves and, consequently, less durable. Box door does not need to be made of wood (although it is an option for us with you more familiar). It may well be of chipboard or MDF - these boxes, by the way, is less vulnerable to changes in linear dimensions during operation. Exterior finish a box, usually holds the same veneer wood, and canvas. The issue with guarantees on the door is quite complex. It is therefore recommended to buy the doors of solid companies that guarantee the quality of their goods. We must be prepared for the fact that the vast majority of companies that sell doors, give a guarantee on them only when they are installed "ihnimi" as professionals. And such withdrawal, by the way, is not always the worst (though not the cheapest). Installation of modern doors requires some special skills and knowledge, and the correctness of its implementation depends on the longevity of their service. That is why the installation of appropriate to trust the specialized teams. And if a firm has a team (and its presence speaks of the solidity of the firm), then let the door and now they're set, and one firm bears the entire responsibility of the warranty - and for the quality of the door, and for the proper transportation and for installation. If (God forbid!) Something happens, and it is easier to deal with them. Remember that the case produced a door, bought and transported to Russia, the other to sell you a third, and delivered to the object and assemble the fourth - in the event of any "showdown" is practically hopeless. Entrance doors Entrance doors - a door installed at the entrance to the apartment or building. To the front door there are increased requirements of sound and thermal insulation, security (protection from unwanted intruders), and if the door leads to the street (outside), it should withstand rainfall. Reinforced entrance door may be different, which primarily depends on the materials of manufacture: wood, profile (aluminum, PVC), steel, combined. To provide heat and sound insulating qualities applies several technologies: More interior doors, door manufacturer of a bulk material is placed inside a cloth and special sound-insulating materials. All wood exterior doors, regardless of internal structure which must be addressed to the street outside the panel, made of wood, specially treated and coated with a protective varnish or paint. What would be better quality coating, the longer it will last the door. When you select a door and hardware for it to consider such an aspect as an opportunity to save in exceptional circumstances, that is, the door must be versatile, which should be taken into account in the planning stages and requirements definition to it. Doors These doors are installed in the doorways inside the building. Doors are installed after the repair of the walls and ceiling, and they must not only be high quality and functional, but blend in with the interior of the apartment. To date, the market represented a huge number of options for interior doors (not just the standard swing). Some models of these doors may be directly available in the shop, while others can choose and order a catalog. The doors of the array are the most expensive, they maintainability, durable. But the durability and flawless operation of the doors of the array subject to compliance with the manufacturers of all cycles of the process in their manufacture, as well as the quality they apply adhesives and coatings. Many models of modern doors of composite materials, with tree-like materials, little inferior in beauty, durability and performance of the door from the array. But they are cheaper and less prone to reactions to changes in humidity in the room. The price of these doors is highly dependent on the wood veneer is used for decoration, and, kind of veneer do not affect the quality of the door, but only giving the leaf, one or another shade and texture. Inexpensive, are hollow (with honeycomb) doors, with a molded exterior panel, including mazonitovye. These doors require more careful to be treated in the operation and less durable. Mazonitovye doors can be painted with a most unusual way that makes it possible to give the interior a new look. What are they? By way of opening doors distinguish folding, sliding, revolving and folding. Depending on the number of paintings by the door can be odnopolnye, dvupolnye and sesquioxides (with two blades of unequal width). Door leaves may be dull and glazed. The degree of glazing doors varies approximately as follows: Door blocks domestic manufacturers are made in accordance with GOST or TU (mainly for new models). For interior doors provided the height of 2000 and 2300 mm. Odnopolnye door offers a width of 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 mm; dvupolnye - 1200, 1400 and 1800 mm. Door frames and trim door leaves are mounted on the door frame, which reinforces the wall opening. Since the box in any case can not be tightly fit into the gap left for it, then remaining between it and the wall has to disguise the gap. The easiest way to do this using frames. But the trim is not only mask the cracks - they still make out the doorway. Frames are joined, usually at an angle of 45 °. Door frames can be made of various materials, and differ both in design and appearance. Traditional door frame is assembled from wooden bars with a sample for mounting door panels. The depth of sampling, as a rule, is 15 mm, the width corresponds to the thickness of the cloth to the door. The essential difference between the internal doors of the entrance is the absence in the lower trim bar - the threshold. Interior doors, he just is not needed. Ideally, the thickness of the box must match the thickness of the wall, otherwise the installation before you install the trim, it will somehow be customized. If the wall thickness is much greater than the thickness of the box, the best and easiest solution is to build the box Additionally gathered by the board. If the box is thicker than the wall, the board will strengthen Additionally gathered either the wall or to the plat. In general, this problem is solvable, but not so simple. Significant progress in addressing this issue have not so long ago appeared on our market compensation box. (You can find such names as extension, telescopic, or evrokorobki, but by changing the name of the essence, as we know, does not change). They are a box-transformer, which can take the desired thickness. Clypeus in such a system is fixed in the grooves of the box and almost makes it one whole. On the market such boxes are mostly imported manufacturers, but there were first those boxes of domestic production. In addition to wood box can be made from solid wood, particleboard, MDF, and even steel. The box can be sold as a kit with a door or separately. Domestic producer of the usual door, supplied with boxes, the hinges are not sticking (choose any of the loop and attach it yourself). But foreign may well sell the door, complete with box, sheds her on the loop. For the consumer the option even more convenient - the door is completely ready to install and it only remains to fix in the doorway. Finishing the box and door trims are usually identical leaf decoration, but it is not necessary. In some cases, the manufacturer offers a small but well thought out design course - a box finishing and glazing beads are made from the same material as the main fabric, but other colors such as darker. Possible and the opposite effect - when the box and finishing the main elements of the lighter fabrics (although this option is less common). Door leaves the door leaf, based on the type of material, made of wood, plastic, plywood (MDF, particle board), glass, metal, and can also be combined. The most traditional material used for the manufacture of doors, is wood. The warmth and comfort of a living tree, combined with parquet flooring and furniture, make wood doors most favorite and frequently used, especially in residential interiors. Wood, however, as almost any material (natural or artificial), has both advantages and disadvantages that should be considered in the production and operation of the door (for details, we will discuss this issue later.) It is used for the manufacture of structural components of doors (including the entire massive), and for exterior doors (veneering). According to a constructive solution of the door leaf can be: paneled, panels (solid and hollow) and solid (made of wood on the entire thickness of the blade). It should be noted that all doors are paneled called (regardless of their weight), with the outer panel infill. Paneled door leaf consists of a harness, located on the perimeter of the blade, and one or more intermediate elements, the space between them as filled with a panel (or imitation). Doors from an array of arrays are now calling these leaf elements which are made with solid filling made of natural wood. Most often, the massive structure of the doors are made from laminated solid wood - this technology is the most modern and also cheaper than classic, in which each element is made from a single piece of wood. Wiring of the bars in the laminated array can be very different - each manufacturer here looking for his best option, which would have been technologically advanced, and at the same time, attached to the assembly the necessary rigidity. Using the design of massive wooden parts makes its own nuances and performance characteristics - such doors are very sensitive to changes in humidity in the room. Therefore, producers are forced to leave the grooves to compensate for temperature and humidity expansion or contraction during the installation of panels, ie, they were never rigidly secured, leaving the possibility for backlash. Such a forced circuit assembly can not make their features to the look of the door. Firstly, the different parts of the door surface may differ somewhat from each other in color, which is associated both with the angle of light reflection, and the inability to accurately select items by color door at the manufacturing stage. But the final color of the wood acquires after varnishing. But this is the uneven color of the surface gives the doors of natural wood his "zest" and at the same time emphasizes that to you door from natural wood, but not its imitation. Secondly, with significant shrinkage, panels can be on so much to change their sizes ("dry up") so that the edges become visible neprokrashennye band (color, then the door gets the already assembled). The emergence of these "bands" are defined, does not the low quality of doors, but simply mismatch microclimate of premises to "climate" operating parameters, which are calculated by the door with his creation. It should be noted that the large firms that sell doors, hold for such cases in its staff of specialists, who conduct the necessary work directly in the homes of clients. Small firms without such expertise, can "offer" to the client to solve this problem, they say, "own." Quality doors from the array is determined primarily by the preparation of raw materials - the time and drying technology, as well as the technology of bonding of the array (as glue, temperature, pressure). Secondarily topcoat (paint quality, number of layers). Typically, the doors of natural wood varnish. Such coverage, except for a decorative function, it has great practical value - as it prevents the penetration of atmospheric moisture in the wood of the door leaf, and the reverse process, leading to the above-mentioned drying of wood. High-quality lacquer coating must be flexible. For the production of massive doors, the following wood species: oak, various species of mahogany, pine, beech, walnut, cherry and others. Probably the most common are the doors of solid pine (which is understandable relatively cheap material). They have different shapes and designs and are available on our market is mainly domestic producers. Doors from the array of noble breeds (mostly mahogany) are now a mandatory element of interior luxury homes. These doors are usually presented in a style, combining classic design with the natural beauty of wood. There are also original (you can even say exclusive) door manual work. Sometimes the design of such doors successfully completed stained glass. Such doors can be both domestic and imported. Flush doors Door leaf panel construction is a solid or hollow panels 30-40 mm thick, coated on both sides. Shields can be solid and hollow. Solid glue boards from wooden slats, or made from chipboard. Hollow boards have frame-cladding design. Filling in between the frame rails run most of the cells resembling corrugated cardboard, but can be used and rare rack frame, the frame of strips of fiberboard, or MDF slatted frame. Facing can be performed as plastic, and solid fibreboard with special wear-resistant coating that simulates natural wood (laminate), or veneer (thin layers of fine wood - oak, mahogany, ebony, beech, hornbeam, pear, Walnut, Karelian birch, etc.). When gluing wood veneer panel doors are especially beautiful and apparently not much inferior to the door of solid wood. In addition, they are hygienic, relatively inexpensive and, therefore, widely used in mass housing. A variety of technologies of assembly boards allows you to create the most unusual combination door - design, incorporating both natural wood and laminated fiberboard, or combined wood, chipboard and plastics. In any of these types of doors could be partially filled glass. Glass paintings are satisfied or entirely of tempered glass (stalinita), or have metal (steel, aluminum) tubing. Occupies a special place glazed door panels in the interior in the form of decorative glass panels, stained glass mosaic and glass. Perhaps the most common hollow doors with honeycomb. Its simplicity, ease of assembly, variety of colors, designs, and, of course, the price of these doors find immense popularity.
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