Establishing the door begins to manufacture the door frame. These boxes of stone and brick houses are made of thick planks approximately 50-60 mm and 100 mm wide. Prepared and planed parts fastened together by pins, while fully respecting the right angle. Establishing the door begins to manufacture the door frame. These boxes of stone and brick houses are made of thick planks approximately 50-60 mm and 100 mm wide. Prepared and planed parts fastened together by pins, while fully respecting the right angle. During installation, you must ensure that the upper and lower boards were arranged horizontally, and the side - vertically. Once the door frame will be aligned and installed, it needs to be fixed. By the walls of the door frame is fastened with thick long nails or steel pins. If the walls of a house made of concrete or brick, they pretty difficult, even impossible to drive a nail or pin, so the pre-drilled at fixing holes for the nails and they inserted wooden plugs - then they will drive attachment for the doorway. When you install the doors in the house must be remembered that the thresholds are made only in the outer doorways and at the transition from non-heated room (corridor) into the heated (room). Instead, the threshold can be simply lifted slightly (2-3 cm) the floor in the room relative to the corridor floor. The above description applies to the installation of exterior doors. Internal doors less massive than the exterior, and a box for them does not consist of four (two lateral, one upper and one lower) bars, and of the three. The design is missing the lower horizontal bar, then there is no threshold. Attached inside the door too little differently. They are fixed with thick nails. The gap between the frame and the wall closed frames. After installing the door frame to start hanging the door. To begin with it to fit the size of the door frame, sostrugivaya its end side. It hang. On hinges and is scheduled over, remove the hinges and cut it. When the door is finally fitted, it has permanently hung. Loops are chosen in size. They are fastened with screws only, which should include the most tightly into the holes in the loop, and the screw head should be flush with the card. Loop for hanging doors are hinged and screwed. And they both consist of two parts - the halves and the rod (axle). Hinges can be either removable (they removed the rod) and the deaf. Pintle hinges can only be removable. More convenient to assume removable hinges. In order to reduce friction between the cards, the terminal worn bronze or brass ring. The sheer size of the loops depends on what size will the door. There are several types of doors. Odnopolnye have a width of 850 mm blade, polutorapolnye consist of two blades of different widths, and two equal-width fabrics are double doors. The average height of doors - 2 000 mm. In addition, the door can be a lattice, framed, glazed. The thickness of the cloth ranges from 30 to 50 mm. Strengthen the door frames in openings must be very thorough. The gaps between the wall and the box must be zakonopacheny, it will protect house from blowing off and falling into the sediments. Caulk the gap between the frame and the wall in two ways. The first method is the dry method. The gap is filled first dry tow, slag wool or glass wool and well compacted with a screwdriver or knife. The second way this method - wet. Here we use the same materials as in the first case. But the aggregate pre-moistened with a diluted liquid plaster solution. The door to the Keys One of the varieties is the door key. It is durable, fairly easy to manufacture and nonconductor. It is collected from the planed boards with thickness of 40-50 mm. On the edges of boards are choosing a quarter or dowels. Thus prepared board is placed in a row, customize finally leveled and pressed, and then applied to the risks to the choice of slots for pins. Grooves on the cone is selected. Their depth is 1/2-1/4 the entire thickness of the board. At the bottom of the grooves should have a width of 50 mm and above - 35 mm. Keys may be conventional and afloat, have a trapezoidal shape. They are made of bars with a thickness equal to the thickness of the boards of the door, and the length greater than its width to 100-150 mm. Thick wedges more comfortable than thin, with less warped door. First, collect door keys, and then inspect it and note the prominent place, then pins are knocked out and the boards are fitted again. Then the pins are driven back, but until it stops. Keys can be hammered into the boards dry, but you can put them on casein glue. The door of the Bruschi This kind of doors can be solid or lattice - it all depends on its purpose. Finished blocks are glued to each other otfugovannymi parties, aligned the front and veneered plywood or hardboard sheets. Panel doors This door is assembled from simple bars or flats, and beaded. Beaded, you can choose to separate sticks. They form a groove depth of 15-20 mm, which is subsequently inserted panels. If the door is designed for indoor installation, panels should be a thickness of 8 mm to 22 mm, if the outer door - up to 50 mm. Panels are made of plywood, boards, fiberboard or particleboard. Doors are usually made somewhat larger than the door frames, then to adjust the door as the size of the box. Excess wood is removed, and only after that the door is hung on hinges, then attach it to the handles, locks, latches, etc., glazed doors glazed door leaf consists of bars, strapping, which form the frame, and inserted into it crossed gorbylkov. Between the frame and gorbylkami with glazing beads are inserted into the glass. SLIDING DOOR for fashion, you can install at home sliding doors. Of course, this option is not suitable as outer. Sliding doors are made only interior. They can make their own. The easier the sliding door, the easier it is to handle. The easiest - door frame. She's going from bars 30 mm thick and 40 mm wide and is coated on both sides of the thin laminated plywood. The top and bottom bars of the door frame for sliding door made wider, as the rollers are attached to them. Diameter rollers can be anything. Rollers move along the rail, which is fastened with screws to the floor. You can install the door with stained glass. Glass for stained glass are suitable both transparent and colored, both smooth and grooved. Door with stained-glass window suitable for installation between the rooms, but not for outdoor spaces. Great popularity currently enjoyed sliding doors-harmonica. They are perfectly suited to the interior of any home, durable and easy to operate. Once completed the installation of doors, you can start decorating itself the doorway. This can be done with trims - exterior and interior. Typically, the outer casing more massive and beautiful. Sometimes they make carved. Typically, frames are made of pine or fir Tesa, sometimes lime. Lime trim made in that case, if they are supposed to decorative carvings. Tessa is about the thickness of 20-30 mm. Internal trims usually have a width of 75-150 mm, but they must be at 20-50 mm wider than the bars of the door frame. The face of the casings can be attached to any form, by selecting them beaded. And on the back side they must have deep grooves of 5 mm, so that they fit snugly against the wall and to the door frame. At the corners of frames connect to the "conditions", for which they are cut at an angle of 45 ° with bevel or miter box. By the very door frame trim nail with flattened heads. Pierce them at a distance of 50-75 mm from each other. Where are the loop, casings should retreat from the edge of the door frame of 10-15 mm, ie the thickness of the loop, in places where there are no loops - for 6-10 mm. To the door frame to attach before the install baseboards. Outer casings are sometimes carved or overhead items. Thread can be both penetrating and relief. After the installation of an exterior door is finished, reinforced frames, you need to take care of the castle. Mortise lock should be located 80-110 cm from the floor. The first step is to cut a slot under lock and key and under the front of the bar in the bar. This is done by using the chisel or a chisel so that the front strap was flush with the porch of the bar. Then you insert the lock and check the tightness of fit the front straps. Next lock must be removed, measure the distance from kljucheviny to strip and moved to block the door with so that when you are cutting holes in the bar it was located exactly opposite kljucheviny castle. Cut a hole for the lock is better than with one, and on both sides of the bar turns. Hole for kljucheviny best drill thick drill. You must then insert the lock, Screw it screws, but not to limit (stoned), and check the work of a key. Opposite the deadbolt in the door frame or door itself cut down a nest of depth no more than 5 mm in size and slightly larger than the size of the slots in the strike. Then the nest at the bar lubricated soft clay, clay or putty, and smooth down. After that, the door is closed tightly pressed 'and turning the key push the bolt, which leaves a mark on the plasticine or clay. After that, the door to open, attach the strike plate slot to a print so that it was precisely in the center slot. Then the bar must be pressed hard, cut around the contour of a pencil, leaving a risk, for which subsequently choose wood for slats, and bolt latch. After you set the lock to the door mounted handle, chains and bolts. When installed outside the door, immediately warmed her. It is not hard to do with special seals that can be purchased at the store or make your own. They are made as follows. Take the strip of leatherette width of 100-120 mm and a length which corresponds to the length of three bars of the door frame (two vertical and one horizontal). It will take a strip of foam rubber 3-4 mm thick and the same length as the strip of leatherette. Then turns into foam leatherette. Leatherette strip is sealed at the junction. The seal along the door frame is nailed by two vertical bars and the top horizontal, closing a gap between the door frame and door. The outer door must always open outwards. So it can not be beat. The best option sturdy and reliable door - a metal or a double. Exterior - metal, and internal - of any material. In addition, you must immediately establish at the front door security locks with several degrees of protection. The entrance door should also be inside a solid steel lock or a solid chain that can not be opened from the outside. Also, the doors need eye. To date, considered the best eye with a panoramic view of 200 °. Noise from adjacent dwellings could be avoided if you make a sound-proof front door. You can use the foam, felt, batting, or even an old blanket. Of this material made sound-absorbing linings. In accordance with the size of the door made of pine slats thickness of about 20 mm and a width of about 30 mm frame is made, which is then attached to the door by transverse slats. At the door drilled holes, screws, attach the plate to the frame. Fossa, which leave the screws can be filled with putty, sandpaper to smooth over and cover with oil paint or a suitable lacquer. Working tool for the manufacture and installation of doors require a bit and it's pretty simple. Axe needed to fit the door to the doorway, as well as a sample timber from the boards. It should be planted on a firm, comfortable handle and be acutely ground. Saws come in handy for cross cutting boards and beams. May require two-handed saw, one-handed, Lutchkoff and mixed cutting. It is worth noting that the smaller teeth of the saw, the more she saw, however, labor productivity due to this decline. Several different thickness of drills will be needed to drill round holes. Also be required and boats - for planing wood, when the door is fitted to the opening. All boats have different names, the shape of the glands and the length of KOLODOCHKA. Glands are single and double. Length kolodochek jack-plane, planes and other boats - 250 mm, and the jointer - 700 mm. Need a groove for a sample of dowels, beaded - for the manufacture of curved elements on the details, zenzubeli and folding - for picking rebate, quarters, etc., the gauge - Kolodochka with one or two rulers, pegs at the ends and a wedge, which are fixed lines. With it held the line, the risks to the sticks and boards. To test the vertical and horizontal boards installed plumb needed, level and plumb bob. Plumb - weight suspended on a long and strong cord. They checked for vertical components. Water level - two strips, short and long, with braces and weighty. Malka - polygon with a movable pen, fasten the screws. With the bevel make building and testing corners.
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