Tuesday, July 19, 2011

All of the hinges

Loop - a device with which the door leaf is attached to the box. The hinges are screw and hinged, split and one-piece, left and right. Plug-in loop - can be removed from her door without twisting the loop. One-piece (Universal) loop - one that will have to loosen before removing the door. Wings - small plate with holes in the sides of the loop, through which it is attached to the door. Door leaf - the so-called salesmen the door itself. Doorframe - the frame for the door. Evropritvor - the tabs at the ends of the door. Hinge - A device through which the door leaf is attached to the box. The hinges are screw and hinged, split and one-piece, left and right. Plug-in loop - can be removed from her door without twisting the loop. One-piece (Universal) loop - one that will have to loosen before removing the door. Wings - small plate with holes in the sides of the loop, through which it is attached to the door. Door leaf - the so-called salesmen the door itself. Doorframe - the frame for the door. Evropritvor - the tabs at the ends of the door. Remember how the play Mitrofanushka Fonvizina "Ignoramus" answered the teacher's question: "Door - is a noun or an adjective?" THIS careless student said that, say, a door facing the sixth week of the closet and have not hinged, - "a noun." A door attached to his place - an adjective. From the standpoint of science, of course, nonsense. But in a sense, there is a robust corn. In fact, without loops door really is only semi-finished product. It is through the hinge door leaf is attached to the box and starts to work: open and close. The variety of models and styles of "loops that exist today, causing slight aback:" Why so many? It would seem that some may choose - any suit. " In fact, before buying the loop, we have to understand to what doors you need them. Otherwise, just can not hang a door. What made the loop? Firstly, there are brass-plated hinges. Metal (usually zinc or various steel alloys) latuniruetsya above that the loop is not rusted and parts of it slid better. Often hinges are covered with enamel of different colors or other compounds that mimic bronze, gold, chrome. Secondly, there is a loop entirely of brass. They are much more common: this material is flexible, easy processability. They can also be polished or plated with chrome. And third, most expensive and the quality, - steel. The fact that the brass is softer than steel, and eventually begins to blur slightly and insignificantly grind. Steel is almost eternal loop. By way of fixing a loop can be divided into two groups: pivot hinges and mounted. Screw-hinge is attached with a threaded pin. It looks like two small cylinders with screws on each side. First one of these cylinders is screwed into the door, the other - in the door frame, then the cylinders skewer one another. This design is used primarily for light interior doors (20-50 kg). Universal hinge-mounted hinges are attached with small plates with holes on the sides - the wings: one wing screwed to the canvas, the other - to the box. Hinged loop are divided into universal and non-universal, while the latter are still left and right. Which to choose? Let me explain: the universal hinge is suitable for almost any door, indifferent which way it opens - in or out. However, these loops are not split. For example, if the room would require a cumbersome thing - cabinet or sofa, then remove the door may just unscrewing it from all the loops. Therefore, for fans of permutations in an apartment I would suggest to stop the choice on the left or right hinge. They, unlike the universal, split. If necessary, the door is lifted and removed from its hinges. In this they resemble the screw. The only catch is that before buying you should decide which way will open the door. How to do it? Stand in front of proposed door so that it opens "on you." If you want to loop located on the right hand - you need the right loop, if on the left - the left. Here is a good example: look at the scheme of the Swedish company ASSA. All clear? Although ... hey draw conclusions. The scheme, which will help determine what loop you need - whether left or right. It turns out that such a classification of loops on the left and right only adopted in some countries such as Russia and Sweden. And, say, in Spain, Italy and Israel - all with exactly the opposite. Where we have left a loop, they have - right. Therefore, in order not to break his head, draw a plan of the apartment with the doors open. Following this pattern, sales consultants select the right loop (or door hinges) from those that they have. Scheme nonuniversal loop, opening the door only to a certain direction (left or right, inside or out) And again: part of the loop, is fixed on the canvas, and having the pin called "boy" (male), and another that is screwed to the door and is placed on the first one - "Girl" ("Mother"). Moreover, in this terminology, no one is confused, all countries and manufacturers adopted precisely such a determination. Another important detail: to improve sound and heat insulation, you can buy a door with evropritvorom, or "quarter". That is the butt doors are not smooth, but with the tab. On the door frame under this projection, in turn, made excavation. Therefore, when the door is closed, between it and the box is no gap, and therefore, there is no draft. But, as a rule, on a door can not put the usual loop: the porch will interfere. For this purpose, or screw, or special hinges for doors with a "fourth", a wing which is bent under these protrusions. Such loops are also usually left and right. Wandering around the store, I saw a noose unusual circular shape. As I explained to the specialists, is a patented innovation by Italian company "Baraus» (Barausse). The fact is that in this case the loop is not attached at the lateral end of the door, and on top. This loop is easily outweighed by, and you can easily change the direction of the door, like a refrigerator. This, you see, is very convenient: the usual loop, bolted for the door, rearranged in a different location is problematic - will remain traces of the screws. However, there is one "but": such loops are not sold separately and are only supplied complete with a door factory Baraus. Those who have ever bought a new door, surely know: so many doors now are sold complete with hinges, locks and handles. On the one hand, it was good. No need to worry about what some would-be handyman screw hinges not so, is not there or scratch the door leaf. On the other hand, it still restricts freedom of choice and makes serious about buying the loops. But if you already have a door and you just want to change the hardware, nowhere to go: we'll have to go in search of shopping. Of course, you can put a new door on old hinges, but if you have enough money at the door, do not be greedy, the price of the loop is incomparably less than the price door. 1. Door with evropritvorom (or "quarter") is fixed screw hinges. As the name implies, these loops screwed to the jamb and the door leaf. 2. Special curved loop - another option for doors with "fourth". 3. Loop of the Italian firm Barausse, with which you can change the direction of the door. 4. So looks like the door hinge firm Barausse. Spoil the loop is extremely difficult, if not a cheap iron loop handicrafts. However, if your child is happy to use the door instead of swing, in this case can bend the pin inside the loop. And still some danger fraught with screw loop: when a thread can sufficiently thin canvas door evropritvorom they can split it. Many people know that some of the loops over time begin to creak disgusting. What should I do? If the hinge creaks, it can be lubricated. However, this procedure does not solve the problem permanently. Typically, the creaking due to rubbing of the loop, and this means that the loop breaks, and sooner or later it will have to change. Come to grips with the hinges, I naturally began to pay them any attention. Wherever I went, wherever he came, immediately start looking at the door. So one day I noticed that the hinges on the wing which, for example, four holes screwed by only two screws. "How so - I thought - the idea, if the manufacturer has made four holes, then they should enter the four screws. In general, it is important to know, how many screws should be screwed onto the loop? "I asked this seemingly" minor "issue for many installers of doors. Their answer was unequivocal and unanimous: the loop is not twisted and the door is not blabbed, the number of screws should strictly correspond to the number of holes of the wing. Conclusion. Long and reliable operation of the loop depends on how well she was selected and positioned on the door. This can (and should) help qualified sellers. So it's best before you go to the store, draw a plan apartments with open doors - and the seller will help you choose the right loop (or door hinges). What should be the hinge for doors? To the front door can not be removed, invented loop mechanism protivosnyatiya Hinges for doors differ from the interior larger size. Front doors are usually heavier (80 - 150 lbs) and stronger. In addition, manufacturers of fittings for doors figured out how to secure an apartment from intruders: that the door can not be removed from its hinges, the company released a loop with a mechanism protivosnyatiya. One wing is made vpadinka, on the other - the ledge. When the door is closed wings are combined, the protrusion enters the hollow and does not lift the door. How to choose the right accessories? Tips from the company ASSA first thing is to know the weight of the door leaf. But buying a loop, be sure to consult how many pieces to buy. All producers have plots of the quantity of material and form a loop on the weight of the door. In addition, to determine which loops you want: Right, Left, or versatile. How to determine the price? Price dispersion in the loop is quite big. It depends on the size of the loop, the material of which it is made from the place where you buy, and ranges from 0.28 up to $ 70. By the way, according to many experts, it is better to buy a door, a fully stocked accessories, not to worry, identify what needs hinge as the door weight, and even how many loops and what size they need. Expert opinion Swedish company ASSA ASSA firm has over 100 years has been producing loops. During that time have accumulated vast experience in installing the hinges. How do they differ from all others? First, the loop of the firm are made of steel. Advice from the company: on office doors should be placed precisely steel loop, because such doors are often open and close, and therefore, hinges wear out much faster. Location loop is also important: the heavier the door, the more carefully it must be fixed. Therefore, the following types of installations loops. 1. For standard doors: three loops (two top, one bottom). 2. For light doors: three loops, equidistant from each other. 3. For heavy doors: two loops at the bottom and top. 4. For high doors more than 2100 mm: four loops. 5. Usually taken by the location of the loops. The graph shows the door of the weight and how wide can be hung on two hinges. Olga Ovchinnikova material.ru

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