Monday, July 18, 2011

Iron Curtain

Steel doors - a pledge of your safety? Protection against burglary - a matter of national importance. For example, the instructions of the Savings Bank and Central Bank of Russia the following requirements for metal doors: two sheets of total thickness of not less than 5 millimeters, two locks of different System Works at a distance of 30 cm from each other. So that ordinary citizens have someone to be ... Steel doors - security for your safety? Protection against burglary - a matter of national importance. For example, the instructions of the Savings Bank and Central Bank of Russia the following requirements for metal doors: two sheets of total thickness of not less than 5 millimeters, two locks of different System Works at a distance of 30 cm from each other. So that ordinary citizens have someone to be ... But you should not have illusions - even the best metal door does not guarantee complete security. Favorite tool crackers - an angle grinder ("Bulgarian") with a disc diameter of 230 millimeters and a capacity of not less than 2 kW - cuts almost all ... The question is how long the attacker will spend on this procedure? The answer is: the better the door - more and more time - the less willing a thief to mess with it ... YOU READY OR TO ORDER? Pros and cons are in both versions. The finished door can install on the same day. This is useful if, for example, you are robbed, broke the old one, or someone threatened invasion. Other advantages of ready-made doors do not. But there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, they are not always suitable for a specific opening, then it will either have to step up (to make a screed) or vice versa - to increase (to break the wall), and this may affect the reliability of the entire construction and not for the better. Secondly, not every manufacturer will give accurate information about the design of the finished door. The main plus of manufacturing doors in order - an exact match the size of the aperture and the dimensions of the door itself, and therefore a higher degree of reliability. It is possible to accurately determine and design, and kitting, and design. In other words, order something that will fully satisfy you. True, the terms of manufacturing such a door - from 5 days to two weeks. In what direction is open? Every door, no matter how "cool" it may be, shall begin not inside the premises and outside. Otherwise, it can be squeezed without noise and dust conventional 5-ton jack (good design stairwells help installing ram). If the door opens outward, then even the most careful attempts to nothing lead. The "best" case, pulling the door on himself, the thief will tear off the handle (not more grab for that). WHAT DESIGN? Metal door frame made of steel tube of rectangular or square. There are two main options: one - welded pipe 50x50 mm from the "corner" (the thickness of the steel in the thinnest part - about 0,5 mm), the other - from the final profile of a rectangular 30x50 mm (maximum thickness of steel - 0,8 mm). From "The Corner" is stronger, more reliable and more expensive on average by 50 percent. To improve the reliability of the design framework can be strengthened ribs of a similar profile. The frequency of such a "lattice" depends on the size of the door. The frame is sheathed with steel plates of different thickness: from 1,5 to 3 mm. Experts recommend using thick sheets at least 2 mm. Domestic producers tend to prefer the 2,5 - or 3-mm steel. How many pages must be one or two - a question relative. If an armed attack on an apartment is not expected, in principle, you can do one, thick. While a thief will blow over it, the police have time to call. Another question is whether the lopsidedness of it: one sheet does not provide sufficient rigidity, and shrinkage in our homes can last up to 10 years (active period of shrinkage is 2-3 years) if the lock gets stuck - the consequences can be sad. Interlayer between the steel sheets is empty space, which should be filled with something, otherwise the door will turn into a rattle, but nothing of the sound insulation will be forgotten forever. Requirements for the filler is not as critical, if the customer does not remove the old door. As a filler used foam, pine timber and the so-called "backing". Foam and pine beams are almost equal in their sound quality, but less environmentally friendly foam. "Filling" - a convenient and eco-friendly material, but unskilled work can ruin the castle - these cases were. In recent years become a popular filler mineral wool, which is ideal for its ecological properties, moreover, provides a very decent heat and sound, does not support combustion and very low heat. WEATHERSTRIP around the perimeter of the door would be nice to put a sealer. It protects against cold and dust, is a good sound insulator and prevents the door from hitting the metal of the metal during the closing. For example, as such, can serve long-known dermatinovy ??cushion with padding, or a more modern self-adhesive seals. LOOP Number of loops depends on the weight. Two loops is sufficient for doors weighing up to 70 kg. Two sheets of 2.5 mm make the door very hard, but if the loop is designed correctly, it can easily cope with even a child. For doors weighing over 70 kg is recommended to use three loops (the weight of the "average" door - about 80 kg). The design of the loop, too, can be different. Standard loop consists of two parts. One of them has a pin (it is a kind of axis of rotation of the door), and another - "cap", which this pin is worn. It was such loops is completed, most doors. Over time, they become useless - just wear out, the weight of something - a considerable one. Therefore it is better to put the loop "with the ball." The ball is in them between the pin and the bottom "cap". Because of this sliding friction is replaced by rolling friction. Get something like a bearing. Such a loop requires less lubrication, no squeaks, is much longer. "Crab" One way of opening the metal door - cutting loops. To protect against this commonly used locking systems "crab": a three-or four-way locking system (up / down, left or right). The mechanism of opening and closing can be actuated by two fundamentally different ways. The first - when using a rotating door handle (or an additional key) put forward all deadbolts door bolt, and then blocked the main key. Second - when the extension bolt and locking mechanism is carried out only one key. In this case, the entire burden falls on the part of the lock code, which reduces its lifetime. "Crabs" roads, but the problem can be solved in another way: by protivosemnyh pins. They are mounted on the door from the side opposite the castle. When closing the pins enter the socket frame and fix the door. LOCKS Experts believe that the locks should be at least two, preferably - different systems. One - lever, the second - cylinder or Glow. This is done to make life difficult for the attacker. He will have to use more tools (unless, of course, for some reason there is no "Bulgarian"), and hence the probability of success will plummet. On the other hand, put both of the castle complex systems - financially costly, and that's advised to combine: the "peaceful" time of day you can use the lock easier and sophisticated - at night or when nobody is home. If you are installing locks of one type, be sure that they are different manufacturers. Do not put a steel door locking latch. He can play with you a cruel joke - clicks at the most inopportune moment. Think about it better "before" and not "after" - a trash can and slippers in front of lovingly selected a door, but not on the side ... Heck a good thing and very practical. Its main advantage is simplicity and reliability. Latch can not open a master key, almost impossible to break (impact hammers will be distributed throughout the area of ??door), you can only cut the same "grinder." But it's too noisy, and at the heck is closed only if there is someone inside - is a dangerous symptom for a thief. So, until it finds the robber, and sawing, it is possible to have time to call the police or to prepare for a rewarding meeting. There's another positive thing. In the event of a fire door, which was closed for only one latch is always easily opened from the inside. Can not be said about locks, because of the high temperature of their internal mechanism breaks down (stop working all spring elements) and jams - a door turns into an impassable hurdle. Structurally the heck are mortise and overhead, with lock and without it. If the attachment is done correctly, then use the difference between the invoice and the mortise is practically non-existent. Lock is needed not so much on a possible abduction latch from the outside (usually all the doors have steel "overlap", and even the thin object can not push from the outside), and to the door tightly adhered to the door frame and does not vibrate. CHAIN ??is sometimes quite useful. True, given the considerable weight of a steel door, the requirements for the strength of links and fasteners to an order of magnitude higher than for wooden doors. EYE Choosing the eye, you should decide that for you is more important: to have 180 degree vision to see the shoes on my feet the caller, or observe a smaller, but do not confuse the family to strangers (less distorted picture). Installation of doors mounted in 1 day. Installation method, in principle, the standard for all designs. In the box is inserted into an opening in the wall of drilled holes into which pins are hammered. Pins can drive or through holes in the door frame (and then flatten them like rivets) or to the side of her, but always from the inner side of the room. In the second case they are welded. Typically, a standard door requires 5 pins: 2 per side and 1 up or down (it all depends on where the wiring runs). The main thing - that the door was installed on plumb and straight. Journal of Consumer

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