Monday, July 18, 2011

DOORS in residential interiors

Front door of a rare piece of interior performs the same functions as the front door. It hides the inner space of the house from prying eyes, she also reveals it to those who are invited. The front door rare detail of the interior carries the same features as the front door. It hides the inner space of the house from prying eyes, she also reveals it to those who are invited. In this case, the front door - a sort of "calling card" at home, giving a fairly clear idea about the lifestyle, social status and tastes of the owners. In an attention to detail image of the front door of the house has a special role, transforming it into a symbol of the space that lies behind it. These are the doors, whose creators treated them like real works of art, putting them in his heart and talent. However, the same can be said about the use in the manufacture of door materials. Importance of this issue can not be overestimated - they must be very strong, durable, able to withstand heavy frosts, and debilitating heat, and rawness of rainy days. Age of high technology offered in addition to traditional wood and metal, specially treated plastic and glass. Each of these materials has undoubted advantages. Today, the metal remains the most popular material for the front door as in apartments and in country cottages. Typically, the construction of a steel blade metal front door is as follows: two parallel steel sheet in contact with each other through so-called ribs. Sheet thickness, the number of ribs, as well as a way to connect with the leaf edges will vary depending on the brand manufacturer and price. "Diegge - Italian syndicate, which manufactures armored. Fire protection, metal and wooden doors. From this rich assortment mention especially the front door "Diegge", the supporting structure which is formed by two steel sheets plated with. Inside the bearing structure are metal stiffeners and insulation filling. Each armored door "Diegge" - is a real security system, consisting of 4 elements, each of which can be implemented in the widest range of options. Primary structure, locking system, finishing, serial and installed at the request of the device. To find your perfect door, start by selecting the type of structural design and the castle, which you would prefer. Then enough to run his eyes over the list of proposed types of finishes and additions - and the chosen model will be the person to your door. There is a collection Diegge "and a series of fireproof door Tgedi" made of wood, with the highest performance of fire resistance and ensure maximum acoustic isolation. Italian design doors "Masteg" all the same: the sheets of alloy steel with stiffeners (the number of sheets and ribs varies depending on the model of the door and protection class). These doors are equipped with lever locks "SISA". After installing the door lock recode (optional master it can then encode as many). The main key is received the host, differs from the installation keys that were on the job. Alternative - safe locks, which have small keys with laser incisions and additional floating element, which eliminates the possibility of making an exact replica of the key. Especially for the Russian factory "Masteg" model was developed door "Anti-Kalashnikov." As the name implies, this door is protected from small arms. Especially for Russia, all models "Masteg" makes with the external opening (in the West all the doors open inwards) and familiar to us, but incomprehensible to Europeans threshold. "Gardesa" - another Italian manufacturer of luxury armored doors of higher European standards created specifically for the Russian market and fully adapted to our climate. Doors are made of solid steel plate thickened with a minimum number of points of welding, reinforced ribs and provide an external opening. "Gardesa" offers a wide variety of color coatings and finishes, with doors exclusive locks firm Mottura and other additional accessories. However, to assume that armored front doors can only be metal - a mistake. In the Italian armored doors, such as "Dierre", "Masteg", "Oikos", there are many options for finishing, which can be used bulletproof glass: a multi-colored and patterned. Have these manufacturers and arched doors and doors with barred window and an imitation patina, not structurally inferior to entrance doors of other brands. Israeli steel doors are known in our country already fairly widespread. Typical design leaf "Mul-t-lock" consists of two sheets of galvanized, stainless steel power frame - five bolts and a rubber seal around the perimeter of fabric for the tight locking. Top of the canvas is covered with vandal-proof plastic (PVC), which is difficult to burn, scratch, key or knife. Israel's door is equipped with a crab lock, ie, when you turn the key of the door frame on all sides are the four pin. DOOR INDOOR A need is a modern house interior doors? It is not often heard that the fashion now open, "flow" space, divided into zones. Everything flows, everything changes, but ... no door we still can not do. What would be the avant-garde ideas may arise from designers, no matter how modern philosophy tended to open the home interiors, no one has never been able to completely abandon the doors. And, probably not, because the house will always be places that need insulation. Bedrooms, bathrooms, children's closets - agree that these facilities require complete isolation. In addition, residential interior contraindicated monotony and diversity of need, impossible without the use of doors. Door - is not only the architectural details, but the signs and symbols of the space that opens them. Even "simple" interior doors in the apartment can not simply separate rooms, but also to reshape their image, creating a mood. Doors are invited into a room or space is cut off. That looks like the door, gives a complete picture of the importance, scale and even the appointment of the room. Covered with a door can not see one room from another, but because it attracts your attention. A distinctive feature of modern living space - more attentive to the elements of the interior, which earlier traditions-tionally regarded as secondary. The vast majority of people have discovered the "factor of the door, seeing all the different models that have emerged in recent years. It is hardly possible to one article to cover all variety of door types and materials. There are many objective and subjective factors that determine their shape, design, functionality and artistic features. But most importantly - interior design, value and place it interior doors. Therefore, the choice in each case is individual. The doors are smooth and framed with the deaf, glazed and stained glass panels, rectangular and arched, double, folding and mnogostvorchatye, sliding doors, screens, etc. Door material - wood, metal, glass, plastic. The most usual, common material is wood interior doors. Differences between them consist of a number of features related both to the wood, and the quality of processing and finishing touches of the product. Today's market offers a wide selection of doors domestic and foreign production of various types of wood. And the trendsetters in this area on the right are the Italian factory. Factory "Garofonli" issues as the doors of the array, and combined (MDF, for example). In the latter fibers are directed in such a way that they "pulled" the door in different directions. As a result, construction is obtained by "balanced", it does not "lead" in the drop in air temperature and humidity. Solid Wood Door, however, are considered more prestigious, environmentally friendly, but more whimsical. Series models "Io" noted professionals as the most elegant line of door "Garofoli": round box, original design elements. But "calling card" and the pride of the factory is seriv "Slassisa. In this series, the largest selection of wood. A door look really classic and a little old because the framed part inserted into the harness and visible seams. As it turned out, among us, many more people who do not like sharp edges, preferring soft forms and fuzzy lines. It is for these qualities is popular with "Garofoli" series "Splendia. Here you will find the streamlined panels and rounded frames. But there's this series and its drawbacks. Part of the construction of these doors are made of an array, which is known to be badly behaved in a dry place. Therefore, getting the door of this series, the owners should not forget that the conditions in which you want to keep this door. Avoid damage to the doors can be found in the apartment special devices to control temperature and humidity. Those who are far from avant-garde, but wants to keep up with fashion and with time, it may be advisable to purchase spectacular product firms "TRE-P (classical, rigorous models, made with MDF or particle board) and TRE-Riu. Unlike the past that it's current models. People who are not low on money, prefer the doors of pure solid factory "Legnoform" or a combination of door factory "SJB". They are one of the most expensive in Europe. The price of the room is $ 4000. In the case of doors, "SJB" we have just the option, when combined doors more doors of the array. Use along with wood wood substitutes allows factory boldly experimenting with the design of the door. A variety of Italian manufacturers of doors, which was now on the Russian market, can afford to choose the door not only to your liking, but in proportion to their purse. Prices range from $ 500 ... $ 3000, depending on model and factory doors. And, of course, impossible to ignore performed in classical forms door factory "Agroprofil" - Combination of solid, arched doors of economy-class "Vagausse and modern minimal-door two-particle "Lualdi Rogte" zavevavshie popularity in Europe due to an elegant clean lines. Source:

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