Thursday, July 21, 2011

New windows: tips for beginners

At first I thought it would be easier to change the windows. But it turned out that the tricks in this business enough. Unfortunately, we are not the Rockefellers, and the first in front of us was the question of price. At first I thought it would be easier to change the windows. But it turned out that the tricks in this business enough. Unfortunately, we are not the Rockefellers, and the first in front of us was the question of price. Those who are only going to do this business, it will be useful to know that the proposals on the windows fall into three price categories: the cheapest - domestic wood; in second place - plastic (what is commonly referred to as "windows"); imported wood (also with Fiberglass the inside). Cost at least twice and a half more expensive than plastic. Third option was dropped immediately for lack of funds, but the first two we have learned. Wooden windows do, like plastic, in order - from pine (cheaper) and larch (expensive). Less common are ready to frame, but it's not interesting because it offers, say, the right window, and you need the left. Wooden windows are of two types - the so-called operating system (dual window) and PR (separate window). In the first case fold consists of two frames, tightened bolts. In this construction is less than the width (plus), but less insulation, and windows are difficult to clean from the inside, as the need to unscrew the bolts. In separate windows, each glass is in a separate wing, which has its own loop with - these windows are commonly found in Stalin's homes. RR are slightly more expensive than running, since they take more wood. In the wooden frame can be inserted not only separate glass, but windows. As a rule, they must be ordered separately - in any construction catalog is full of ads. Until the new year windows cost from 600 rubles. per m2. That is, if we consider that the area of ??a typical window of about two square meters, obtained very inexpensively. And so the window does not muzzle put on a glass sealant and the perimeter of the window under the hinges allowed gum-seal. At first I thought it was well to do - put a wooden windows with double glazing. Choosing a product, visited two "sawmill". But the frame that it showed I did not like: bad fit with jammed doors and windows. "Do not you worry, you still adjusting! - No, I think, if they have a showroom is worth, what would be "off the assembly line? Although the price is, of course, was democratic - one company had requested $ 55 per box 150h130 cm, plus an additional locks (35 rubles. Stuff), loops (25 rubles). And bolts, fastening sash (20 rubles).. Add sills (210 rub. 140h40 cm over the board, transportation (750 rubles). Setup ($ 200 for everything), paint (buy your own) and painting (200 rub. M2). Thus, a U.S. $ 550-600. In other firm was more expensive: the window cost is 2300 rubles. per m2, but still the total amount does not exceed $ 800. After the wood windows, we have to study the market, "plastic". New windows also are different: a single sandwich glazed with either glazing and an additional simple glass. The apartment okonschiki recommend the second option: so the windows do not fog up and the house will be warmer and quieter. Plastic frames come in 2-chamber and 3-chamber. Camera - this is such a cavity running along the inside perimeter of the frame, She plays the role of an air cushion for greater insulation. My husband and I decided to order a fiberglass windows and additional glass with shutters that open in both directions - for themselves and up (aka Fanlight, or hinged, opening). In some firms for One such additional opening take of $ 25, in the same place where we finally ordered ("Great Window"), this increases the cost of leaf only $ 10. In addition, the sash having Fanlight opening, you can not close until the end and leave a gap of 2 mm (both called "winter aeration). It saves a flat from lack of air when a strong home heating." Wow - we thought - take! "The bell rang, considered the provisional sum. 2050 dollars (3 windows + 4 e - Balcony blocks, all with delivery and installation). We had a discount card from this company, which said that when ordering over $ 2,000 laid off $ 100, and the dispatcher in his calculations that amount deducted. Get $ 1950. But when I came zamerschik and amounted to a contract, the amount turned the other. "But what discount?" - we asked. - A discount we have only ourselves to the window, not a plus installation costs. Without the installation you have not reached two thousand ... "-" But we were told ... "-" I do not know, call leadership. "manual, of course, said the manager, not dispetchersha. Here's a" marketing ploy. "Then began the offer of additional services. It is necessary to cut the nut under the balcony door - please, $ 60 ( refused, gouging hammer yourself for ten minutes), remove the old frame - $ 40, the outer seal (promazyvanie joints frames and walls with silicone - $ 10 per box, multiply by three, and $ 15 for balcony unit (agreed with the installers, bypassing the tariff for a thousand rubles all). For slopes requested $ 100 per window (builders of Ukrainians take $ 10-12, although, excluding materials, but these materials are inexpensive). And then, finally, brought our new windows and before the installation asked them to look for marriage. Everything is normal, it was all smooth. OK. I signed the paper. But it's OK belonged to the time until the leaf piles lying on the floor. When they found out we noticed that a window handle valves are located at different heights. "Put a handle on the same level "- we asked for. -" This is the factory design, nothing here will not change. "Moral: do not sign the paper until after the windows are installed. Because the alignment of slopes in this company we did not order, after installing windows installers have filled the frame on perimeter of the building with foam and it finished its work. And when the next day we cut the foam, we were surprised. The windows were attached to the wall on metal brackets, some of them were more or less smoothly, and some stood out ahead by five centimeters. T. is, to get a smooth slope, it should be hidden under a thick layer of Putty, which is still unknown whether the stay, not to mention the reduction of space. "Yes, nakosorezili guys - appreciated the work of our builders. - Money paid - let rework" . Call for service. Those came: "Nothing can be done because the technology provides." - "But why do such other not?" - "You see, the thing is that there are two ways of fixing frames: at anchor bolts and plates. you put on the plates. If it was bolt-on - would not have stuck. Now we will change nothing. "Surely it was difficult to say in advance: here, they say, there are two ways, and what to do now with these plates, we asked. "Try to find a way out with drywall - has advised the man of service. - I am personally in their homes did so." Elena Gaer

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