Thursday, July 21, 2011

Repair windowsill

The most vulnerable part of the window is a window sill, which is subject to a variety of mechanical effects and moknet rain. Rainwater falling on stained or painted window sill is rotting wood. The process of decay is rapidly spreading to other parts of the window assembly. The most vulnerable part of the window is a window sill, which is subject to a variety of mechanical effects and moknet rain. Rainwater falling on stained or painted window sill is rotting wood. The process of decay is rapidly spreading to other parts of the window assembly. Concrete sills under the influence of moisture and frost can crack. If the wood sill cracked or vyscherblen, it is easy to repair. Remove paint thinner, remove the wood chips and crumbs with a spatula and wire brush. Clean the gutters, "drip" on a window sill of the old screwdriver. Seal cracks and potholes wood putty and let it dry. Then you clean and paint the window sill. Rot - it is a serious problem. If the whole rotten windowsill, maybe, the damage has spread to the entire window assembly, and it will have to change. If, however, suffered a small area, it can be cut out and replace the section of fresh wood. Solid wood is better resist decay, but the replacement can take and soft rock, if they are suited to the material from which made the window sill. If only the front part of the rotted window sill, then the section to replace the mark out and cut so that the back was wider than the front. Then replace the Section is securely fitted to the healthy part of the sill. Surface potholes and small areas of damage to the concrete window sills can clean up vagoy and chisel, and then carefully seal the grout. Sill with large lesions, such as deep cracks, and will require more updates. It will have to remove the damaged site, to make the formwork in the form sill, press tightly against the wall and the window sill and pour new concrete solutions. He wooden window sill. The wooden section that overhangs the wall, attached to the window sill window frame finger joint. U-shaped slot-drain "drip", carved on the bottom edge of the sill does not rain water build up in the back of the sill, and penetrate into the wall. Instead of precast sill, shown here hanging over the wall of the sill can be part of a unified design a window box. Concrete sill. Bottom transom window box swing Casement windows located on a concrete sill, which hangs over the wall. The surface of the concrete sill has a slope that was dripping rainwater. Strip of stainless steel, which is built into the concrete and is in a special trough between concrete and timber box and prevents water from entering inside the room. Replacing the damaged section of a wooden window sill 1. Layout window sill. Scrape excess paint from the window sill, then a screwdriver or other sharp tool to check the condition of the sill and the size of the damaged section. Soft or spongy to the touch part of the sill must be removed. At a distance of about 50 mm from the border of the damaged zone line spend 45-degree angle toward the edge. Behind the extent of damage a pencil line connecting the two angular lines parallel to the edge of the sill. 2. The sample decayed area. On the protruding part of the sill to remove the rotten section by using the hacksaw. In the part of the sill, which lies on the wall, along the lines of the sample done carefully chisel and mallet. Make sure not to blunt chisel on the stone wall. 3. How to cut out the insert. Measure the height, width and length of the replaced part sill and add 2 mm to each measurement, as tolerance for final processing. Using a tape measure and the gauge, move the dimensions to the board, which is slightly thicker than a remote part of the sill. Sawed workpiece on marked lines podstrogayte it to the desired thickness, so that it tightly fills the selected part of the sill. 4. Gouging gutter. Draw two parallel lines on the bottom of the wooden piece so that they coincided with the available on the surviving part of the sill gutter. Clamp the workpiece in a vise or clamp. With a chisel and hammer (instead of chisels can be used fluted bit), select the groove between the marked-up lines on the depth of the existing gutter. 5. Fixing inserts. Drill fixing holes on the edge of the prepared sections - approximately two holes on each 300 mm long windowsill - and razzenkuyte holes. Lubricate with water resistant adhesive paste on the sides and back and push it down slightly helping Mallet. If necessary, remove excess glue. Screw the box to the window sill with copper chrome screws № 10. Screws must be logged in the window sill to a depth of not less than 25 mm. Zenkovochnye Fill holes and cracks in the windowsill all filler. Conventional planers podstrogayte inserted section level with the sill. After that, primed and paint the whole sill. Repair concrete sill 1. Knocking out the old concrete. Gouge out the surface chipped or damaged area chisel and hammer. Edge of the intact concrete hollow try as evenly as possible, and the bottom, on the contrary, with potholes, to better undertook solution. 2. Application of liquid cement mixture. Mix the cement with adhesive agent, for example, with stirenbutadien-rubber latex, as instructed by the manufacturer. Fill in the cement mixture into the cavity of the selected window sill. A solution of the cement mixture is prepared as follows: in an old bucket or other container is mixed 1,5-2 parts sand and 1 part cement and gradually add water and binding agent. Stirred until a homogeneous paste. 3. Application of the solution. While the liquid cement mix, which you inflicted on the window sill, still sticky, apply to the edge of the sill board and trowel fill a defect in the window sill fresh solution. Firmly press down the solution and by pushing a trowel, fill all cracks in the potholes. Remove the board. Zarovnyayte caused by mortar trowel or plate, then close the window sill with a piece of polythene and leave it dry out for three days. Ural LTD

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