The disastrous effect of asbestos on the human body says a lot. For example, the fact that it contains carcinogens that can cause cancer. Therefore, as soon appeared in the press the first publications about the dangers of asbestos, I decided to get rid of the standard sanitary cabins. What is it, for sure it is well known residents of block and prefabricated houses built 60-80-ies: the walls and ceiling in the bathroom and the toilet is made of asbestos sheets. And as soon as circumstances permit, and the means, I decided. The main task - the demolition and replacement of sanitary cabin plumbing the disastrous impact of asbestos on the human body says a lot. For example, the fact that it contains carcinogens that can cause cancer. Therefore, as soon appeared in the press the first publications about the dangers of asbestos, I decided to get rid of the standard sanitary cabins. What is it, for sure it is well known residents of block and prefabricated houses built 60-80-ies: the walls and ceiling in the bathroom and the toilet is made of asbestos sheets. And as soon as circumstances permit, and the means, I decided. The main task - the demolition and replacement of sanitary cabin plumbing, and other "collateral" work. So that nothing is overlooked, the first thing was a rough plan of action. Of course, we should not accept my plan as a dogma: in each case the order and "set" of papers will be slightly different. But on the whole process of retrofitting a bathroom is as follows. I had to: • 1. Dismantle the old bath, toilet and sink. • 2. Break down the walls and ceiling are standard santehkabiny of asbestos. • 3. Remove debris. • 4. Undertake electrical work: install new sockets and switches, make a separate input supply for washing machine (this is especially true for houses where there are no electric stoves). • 5. Of sheets of drywall to mount the walls of a new bathroom and toilet. • 6. Replace and remove a pipe wall of hot and cold water, drain pipes in the sewer. • 7. Install filters in introductory mechanical cleaning the pipes of cold and hot water. • 8. Install new bathtub, sink, toilet. And do not put a bath along, and across to a place to washing machines. • 9. Install new faucets. • 10. Replace the towel. • 11. Lay ceramic tiles on the floor and walls. • 12. Make a false ceiling with embedded or mounted lamps. • 13. Replace the door in the bathroom and toilet. And most importantly - find repairmen professionals, who all make high quality, quickly and inexpensively. Looking ahead, I say: good luck then accompanied me, then left at the most inopportune moment. But what exactly are lucky, so it is with a brigade of the Bulgarian builders. As appropriate, they attracted to the work of electricians and plumbers and ultimately made all repairs, "and from" within four weeks. "Before the foundation, and then ..." So began. As you know, break - not to build. Ax, maul, saw, a little determination - and an old santehkabina from which previously removed bathtub, sink, toilet, in front turns into a pile of construction debris. The question naturally arises: where to put it? The most correct decision - to order a special container that will deliver directly to your entrance. Phone relatively inexpensive service of waste removal can be easily found in any publication of information and advertising. Demolishing asbestos-cement wall cabin, you delve up capital or non-capital walls, "winning" extra inches of cabin width (3 to 5 cm on each side), and especially in height (right up to 30 cm). Thus, the room grows in volume, and ceilings "grow up", and very important. This opens up opportunities for the further conversion of the bathroom: installation of suspended ceilings, post washing machines, etc. Paul Standard santehkabiny is usually a "trough" the depth of several inches and covered with fine off-white plitochki. It can not touch, and a new floor tiles glued directly to the old. What was called to gaze after the cabin wall torn down? First of all, going in different directions pipes that need to be replaced by new opportunities and to remove the wall. Secondly, forlornly sticking a towel (how to do it, I'll tell below). And third, hanging electrical wiring, which previously took place in the hollow walls of the cabin. With it, you need to behave with extreme caution: free of wires, insulate them and hang the ceiling to the capital. Well, come true. Everything has been destroyed to its foundations. What's next? And then begins the process of installing new walls of plasterboard sheets (GCR). It looks like this. First, make a cage (crate) made of metal U-shaped profiles. Then, sheets drywall screws, self tapping screws to the frame. If the sheets are attached to the main walls and other flat surfaces, you can just put them on the glue. Since in our case we are talking about a bathroom and toilet, we need a moisture-resistant gypsum board (GKLV) with special impregnation. Understand that before you is water-resistant sheet is very simple: manufacturers make them in "shirt" made of cardboard green. In the most "vulnerable" for the ground water is recommended to handle the special waterproofing material. Why I chose plasterboard? What is it good for? Primarily to the fact that, apart from ease of installation, it provides rigid support for the wall tiles. In addition, between the double frame of sheet plasterboard convenient to lay the wiring. And another thing: this design has good sound quality, which is very important, for example, in my apartment, adjacent to the elevator cab. How to deal with dust? During the dismantling and construction of a new car may produce dust that permeates virtually everywhere. But to fight it possible and necessary. Do not forget to securely hide the book, standing on Unglazed shelves, clothes, furniture. Wear thick blankets or plastic film Nestle players, audio and video recorders, computers, printers, fax machines and photocopiers. Special protection systems fridges No frost. Their operating principle is related to pumping air. So if they do not turn off or do not protect from dust dense material, they may fail. Before entering into the living room, create a so-called gateways: fasten tape so that it overlaps with the stock cloth interior doors in height and width. And the main thing. Since in the process breaking the old santehkabiny have to deal with panels of asbestos, and workers and employers is useful to wear hats, goggles and respirators. Sheets of drywall are convenient by the fact that one turns out perfectly smooth surface, but you can create a curved or polygonal shape. In addition, this material, experts say, "breathe". Its main components - gypsum board - eco-friendly materials that meet all the requirements of Russian and international standards. Miracles plumbers Go ahead. One of the largest items of expenditure which will be faced with retrofitting a bathroom - the acquisition and installation of sanitary equipment: baths, sinks, toilets, faucets, etc. I must say: obsessed with saving space, I am a sinful deed was thinking about replacing bath shower cabin. Fluctuated until the last, but it decided to economic considerations. In the end, realized that a good bath with shower column and mixer you can buy just for the money, which is enough to buy only the most unpretentious shower. And as a good, versatile enough not exactly. Booth, however, can be constructed (as it will be cheaper than buying ready-made), but I did not dare. Well, so bath tub. In a tub float - it's yours. Now the choice is enormous: there are iron, steel, acrylic, different shapes and sizes. From my own experience I can say: good quality enamel for cast-iron French and Spanish baths, nice design, quality equipment drain and overflow with chrome or gold-plated parts. But there are spots on the Sun: "Achilles heel" of many imported bath - weak legs. The fact that foreigners do leg tubs with screws, so you can adjust the height. Obtained seems to be convenient, but not entirely reliable. Therefore, knowing people are advised in such cases made from the bottom of bathtubs additional support from the bricks, reinforced mortar. If funds allow, can be updated in the bathroom to squeeze even a small bath with hydromassage. But I was completely arranged for a French cast-iron bathtub size 140 x 70 cm, which I prefer products of the Kirov factory (on the enamel of the bath had heard complaints). As for Shell, choosing her, I was guided by a single consideration - that it was as small as possible in width, because next to her was to get a washing machine. In some cases, solve the problem of space-saving help to the angular model. But in the end I chose the Swedish shell width of 49 cm (not 60 as before). Range of toilets, or compacts, as they are now called, is also varied. Models of all kinds: step-or funnel-shaped discharge, handle or push button. In addition, there are hanging bowls, a model with zastennymi sideburns (they are really "hidden" behind a wall), even without tanks, and even electronically controlled flush. Each of these options has its pros and cons, which are already in some detail has been written in previous issues. But I completely gave the usual imported toilet. The only innovation that I quite consciously afford - split flush button with two buttons: one - cost the drain, the second - normal. In the future, when our homes will deliver water meters (and this time is not far off), such a model has been entirely justified. In addition, buying a toilet, I advise you to pay attention to the system of inflow to the Backa: Connection requirements for the lower water, filling the tank, less noise, at the top - more. Rather modest size, that "glory" of our bathrooms, alas, does not allow us to establish a separate bidet. But if this "luxury" is needed, you can buy the cover, a bidet, which simply put on the toilet and connected to piped water. This device is relatively inexpensive. Let's talk about mixers. From their correct choice depends on many things: the ease of use, and how often will have to change "spare parts", and again, saving water. In my opinion, only odnorychagovye mixers (with ball or ceramic cartridge) give the most effective water savings. Lower the lever - and the water is blocked. Raised - again, the water flows at the same temperature. These mixers are so reliable that many foreign manufacturers provide to them, 3, 5 and even 10-year warranty. But it is true, of course, to the known solid firms. If your choice still fell on the traditional dvuhventilnye faucets with a separate control for hot and cold water, then they should at least be with the ceramic discs in kranbuksah. In this case, you at least for a long time forget about the rubber cushions that are in our water must be changed every 2 - 3 months. And another important point. For the smooth operation of faucets and other plumbing needed to install the necessary input pipes hot and cold water filters mechanical cleaning. They will protect the mixer from a piece of rust, sand and other foreign particles, "traveling" on water pipes. On sale are found a variety of models of filters (cartridge, wash), and the prices are different too. But if the money a little better to buy a cartridge filter cartridge with a grid. And if enough time in several months, unscrewing the nut, remove and rinse with tap water filter mesh. One of the most complex and serious issues which will face during plumbing work - replacing the towel warmer, inherited from the old santehkabiny. It can be changed on the domestic stainless steel or import of chrome-plated brass. Importantly - to provide an opportunity to turn it off from the main hot water in case of emergency. Therefore, the plumber will have to do for such a towel parallel branch - Bypass (by-pass), disabling the pre-hot water around the standpipe. Better if it will be engaged in mechanics of DEZa. But it is desirable to professionals, builders have traced the quality of their work and accept it. Once we got down to the capital reconstruction of the bathroom, I advise you to install modern ball valves on the pipes of cold and hot water and a towel. Then you will be able to block the water during repairs or emergencies. You can also make separate valves on the Connection requirements of cold water to Backa toilet and washing machine. With regard to the replacement of pipes, then this too can not be avoided. After 33 years they are pretty ruthless exploitation poiznosilis began leaking, rusted and overgrown kamneobraznym sediment at 85 - 90% in diameter. And therefore Water runs poorly. Pipe liner and drain water down the drain, it is desirable to take this opportunity to replace the plastic, metal, copper or zinc. And one more note. Installation of sanitary equipment - heated towel rail, pipes, mixers, filters, siphons and devices drain and overflow for the bath - should produce only a professional. All equipment today costs money, and the slightest negligence or unskilled work can then be costly to owners in the literal and figurative sense. Installation services of plumbing, typically offer a company selling sanitary ware. Therefore, if you are not sure that the composition of your repair team has qualified plumbers, wiser to accept the offer serious company. Flooring and repairs to the apartment where, as a rule, established a standard plumbing cabin flooring was glued to the cement screed asphalt mastic. And for many years lay on the withered remnants of bitumen to nothing attached. So, when removing the wall between the cabin and the corridor, he may start to fall apart. Hence, damaged flooring will have to change. For what? That's your case - the new flooring, tile, laminate or other type of flooring. But keep in mind - this in turn "pulls" for an other problem: changing the floor level and, accordingly, the additional cost. "With over us upside down?" Now on stage - the ceiling. Breaking down the old cabin, the main advantage of space, we got the height. So, there was a great opportunity for installation of suspended ceilings. There are many options. Could do suspended ceilings, hanging suspended ceilings made of plastic or aluminum, mirrored ceilings, suspended from the humidity-proof mirrors on a special fixture or ceiling of the plastic wall panels, fastened to sheathing. I chose aluminum lath ceiling matte white bars: it looks very impressive, are not afraid of water, and are inexpensive. Also Reiki can be combined: for example, alternating narrow and wide. You can make a ceiling "on a silver, in gold, pink, or any other color - depending on what Reiki is for sale. Briefly describe the technology works. Aluminium slats are placed on corners or T-shaped profile and are fixed to the ceiling slab with metal hangers. Holes for the tubes cut with scissors or emboss a chisel. Speaking of lamps. It is my deep conviction that a bathroom should be the brightest spot in the apartment: it shave, combed, make-up. For a small bathroom is enough three-point-four ceiling lights. One can be placed over the wall mirror. Now on sale a great selection of halogen and traditional incandescent lamps. I chose the conventional lamps, because from my friends heard that a lot of hassle with halogen - they have to be changed more often (especially if the voltage is unstable). There is another option - a combination of relaxing the upper and lower lighting. Very original look built-in floor lamps, lamps, windows with 5 Watt (windows, incidentally, may be colored). Turning off the overhead light, you create the bathroom a cozy shade. Quite good for the fans to relax and take a nap in the warm fragrant waters. The game of "classics" The next step - laying tile. The choice of wall and floor tiles - a difficult task. Eyes literally run away from diversity: shelves and shelves in the shops packed Italian, Spanish, English and domestic tiles ... For sale is a high-gloss, matte and antique, crisscrossed with cracks ... Question: Which to choose? In principle, the choice of color and size of wall tiles - a matter of taste. Equally beautiful and can look a little tile 10 x 10 cm, and is large enough - 25 x 33 cm It is fashionable to do "a dark bottom, light top, and between the curb. But everything depends on the buyer's taste and, naturally, on its financial capabilities. Another thing - floor tiles. By its requirements more stringent. It should be durable and slip-resistant - matt, rough, not to slip. In addition to standard ceramic tile, you can buy a tile from porcelain. It is more durable but more expensive. I know from experience that the prices of ceramic tiles do not depend so much on the store or market, but from the country of manufacture and name of the manufacturer. If you buy domestic tiles, it is certainly cheaper imports. Yes, and it comes to quality, the Russian jets are often no worse than foreign. As a rule, in specialized stores not only offer a wide choice of tiles and borders, but also provide delivery. Now a few words about the installation. A qualified tiler to do good training grounds for wall and floor tiles to select the right mix of gluing, to coordinate with customer size joints (so they were smooth, skilled craftsmen use a special plastic crosses). More important to choose a grout color: it must be combined with the color of the tile. From my own experience I can say: the laid on the floor tiles can be walked within a day or two. Previously, better not - the base had not yet solidified. Important stuff tiles on the walls of several difficult installation accessories such as shelves, towel rack, toilet paper holder, etc. In order to attach them to the wall, you need to do so. Enumerating the centers of the holes for screws, slightly nakernit tiles in these areas tempered chisel-shaped dowel or a sharp drill bit (nakernit - to outline the holes for drilling). Then carefully drill a hole in the tile. Everything else is business as usual. Mirror in the bathroom, which expands the space. You could just buy a ready mirror in the store, but you can install a mirror instead of a few ordinary ceramic tiles (in this case it is better to order it in the studio or in the salon mirror). So everything was done correctly, you must first determine the size of the future mirror (or mirrors) and leave it under him (or under them) to the process of laying tile. Then the wall under the mirror, you must first cover the filler or oil paint, so it does not come in contact with concrete or plaster. Mirror glued with water resistant adhesive for fixing the glass. The doors to heaven And the last phase - the installation of new doors. When replacing doors in the bathroom and the toilet I had to order the bathroom door a little wider - to a doorway could carry a new bathroom. And at the height of a door will also be a few more: The whole point in the same proportions, more precisely - in their observance. This should not be afraid, just be prepared for such an eventuality in advance. And yet. The realities of small-sized apartments forced to think over the question of where will open doors - inside toilet or bathroom or outside. For example, I have in the hallway near the bathroom is the refrigerator. So we had the bathroom door to make an opening inside (good place now is). The choice of doors in the stores today are also very rich, including the so-called "plumbing". Under this concept means that the door to the bathroom or toilet has to be necessarily waterproof. In the end I put the Finnish plumbing doors. They are, first, I liked the outside, and secondly, meet the principal requirements for such doors. This, again, the presence of moisture, plus handle and lock-holder. On what can you save? Besides that the repair is tedious and endless, it is also destroyers. And so it is not completely undermined your fortune, you should try whenever possible to save on everything, except, of course, quality. I would like to suggest some ways to save money: • It can be on walls in the bathroom to put ceramic tile and toilet decorate wall panels made of plastic or MDF. And, you can paste over the wall in the toilet washable vinyl wallpaper (from three waves on the label). • would be cheaper if the choice is not to stop imports and on domestic tile. • Real savings on the balance and styling, if you put on walls in the bathroom and the toilet the same tile, but on the floor - also the same floor. • You can buy a relatively cheap bath and toilet domestic production, saving more and adapters to connect them. • Acquisition of domestic taps with ceramic discs (but only the production of good manufacturers) - the real way to reduce costs. • If instead of a metal ceiling made of plastic, costs will decrease by 2 - 4 times. • Tungsten halogen cheaper and as practice shows, provide quality coverage and serve a long time. • Combining bathrooms also significantly reduce costs: no need to erect the barrier, instead of two doors need only buy one, etc. However, there are some nuances, but this is a topic for another article. Perhaps there are other ways to save, but these seem to me the most real. For example, another good way to save - well thought-out protection from dust and dirt during the repair. In other words, if we protect the wallpaper and flooring (for example, plastic wrap or old newspapers), it then will not need to paste the wallpaper in the hallway, change or tsiklevat parquet. The easiest way to do it - without changing anything fundamentally, to raise the shell (shell version of "lily", for example) and set under it a small washing machine like "Candy" or "Euronews". But there is another option. Demolition of asbestos cement walls cabin, usually manage to slightly expand the bathroom and the toilet due to voids between the structures demolished and the main walls. To further save space, we can replace an old bath 150 x 75 cm on a new 140 x 70 cm and place it along the bathroom is not as wide. Additionally, you can buy a shell of smaller size (width 60 cm and 49 cm). Accounting for every centimeter allows you to set a good washing machine size 85 x 60 x 40 cm, designed for loading of 5 kg of laundry. If you decide to make a combined bathroom, you can do this: when installing a new toilet to turn it 180 ° and close to put the washing machine. And finally I want to give some helpful tips: • After the completion of repair, grouting of tiles are best removed with a cloth dampened with a 9-percent vinegar. • It makes sense to save a few tiles of each type. Manufacturers to change over time of the collection. So if a few years one or two tiles need to be replaced, you can not find them on sale. • Keep at least for a while all the checks, receipts and invoices for the equipment. During the assembly technique can detect defects or lack of details. • Today there are many shops selling sanitary ware, tiles, bathroom furniture, decoration materials, which give customers discounts for purchases over a certain amount. Locate a store, find out the discount and try to make it a maximum purchases. • Repairs to the bathroom "turnkey" gives a real reason to consider replacing the unreliable aluminum wiring that connects Female circuit in the homes of old buildings. Over the years, managed to wear the wire, and outlets are also outdated, and the load increased. Well, perhaps that's all. Good luck and once again remind you - best of all, starting work, consult with experts. Yes, and works all the same advice to trust knowledgeable, specially trained people. Source: Site «»
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