Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sill: window frame

Truism states that the details of construction and design do not and can not be. The most important in the seemingly insignificant nuances and details, without which it is impossible to achieve perfect harmony. Take, for example, window sills and slopes. It seems, anyway, what they are, above all because - the window, not the "framing". Let me note that it is not. Truism states that the details of construction and design do not and can not be. The most important in the seemingly insignificant nuances and details, without which it is impossible to achieve perfect harmony. Take, for example, window sills and slopes. It seems, anyway, what they are, above all because - the window, not the "framing". Let me note that it is not. To begin with, not only during the installation of window units in the new house, but the replacement of wooden frames sills have to change. Traditional housing types of wood or concrete sills is not suitable in size. The choice of window sills in the building market is huge. On anything? The window sill should be strong, durable and "fit" in a design project premises. At one time, have found wide application window sills of the ADI. But they have emerged for the traditional this whimsical material "disease": if formed at least a small crack and has been flushed with moisture, the window sill "bloat." Another thing - windowsills of artificial stone, durability and reliability is beyond doubt. There could not be better manifested advantage of artificial stone in front of natural: it remains warm, even when the window frost. Sills also made of natural stone at low temperatures, freeze yourself, and that very few people like it. However, the greatest demand in recent years still enjoy the plastic window sills are made of rigid PVC with a luxurious coating of special termokleyascheysya film. And this is understandable. The special design of stiffeners provides them with extraordinary strength, they do not transmit moisture, resistant to fire, changes in temperature, sunlight, retain their color even under active influence of ultraviolet radiation, does not require additional painting and special care. Finally, they are not scratched. Having established such a windowsill, you can not worry that the plastic deformation in the sun or circles appear on the vases and flower pots. On the window sill you can safely get up to wash windows, do not fear that the plastic will sag or crack. By the way, cover the wide range of colors: from traditional white to "marble", "Beech", "golden oak" and "mahogany". Designers have to choose from. However, it is today - is not the limit of possibilities. Plastic window sills, which are deposited melamine foil, have even higher quality indicators. They do not break under any circumstances (meaning, of course, living conditions), do not fade, it is absolutely not afraid of moisture and microorganisms. Therefore, they can be installed in any room - from industrial facilities to the baths. If the experiment for the sake of melamine extinguish the cigarette or the window sill with an effort to hold on to its surface sharpened with a knife - no traces remain. There will be no stains and spills from aggressive liquids such as alkalis. Originally supplied plastic window sills Belgians. Market analysis shows that in recent years has become popular and Russian products. It corresponds to European standards and the prices quite successfully compete with foreign designs. True, there is a caveat. If the window sills with termokleyascheysya film here, as in the West, offering different colors, melamine - until just white. Melamine production in color - the question of the near future. But the qualitative slopes are made only until the Belgians. Belgian slopes are not exposed to UV light, allow to warm the window opening, protected from condensation and freezing. They are mounted with either the windowing system can be installed at an angle exceeding 90 degrees. Aesthetically, the strict forms of slopes make it possible to window opening completeness and organically "fit" him into the room. Set the slopes is easy, and in the presence of skill, in consultation with staff specialized firm, you can do yourself. But in order and the window and sill, and the slopes were installed professionally, with quality assurance, it is best to entrust their installation professionals whose services you must offer a firm carries out a similar product. Nikolai Ovchinnikov

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