Do not forget about the reliability of doors and door frames. For a start it is recommended to strengthen the door frame the door: in modern homes it sometimes perpetuate so that sufficient low-energy shock, and it "flies" along with the door. In order to rigidly connect the door frame to the wall, it is necessary to drill into its vertical rack hole diameter of 10 mm. For this drill the jamb usual drill, and drill the wall with pobeditovym tip, so that the drill has entered into a wall at a depth of 50-70 mm, then through the holes clog steel rods. If the walls are wood, it is desirable to insert a metal tube, which then let into bars. If the outer door has only two loops, install one or two more. Reinforce each loop in place of its attachment to the door frame with hardened screws so that they passed through the door frame and entered into a wall of 30-40 mm. As an additional security devices you can install burglar's feet, insurers hinges. They are a steel band and secured with bolts on the door leaf and the door closed resting in holes in the door frame. Strengthen the door will also help to couple pins 10 mm in diameter, fastened to it by the loops. On the contrary each of the pins on the box is cut a deep hole in which to insert a steel sleeve (segment tube) with an inner diameter somewhat larger than the diameter of the pin. When closing the doors of these rods come in a sleeve. These clips make it difficult to hacking side door is not too strong and reliable loops. The best result can be achieved if the conventional door hinges be replaced by special protivootzhimnye having corresponding pins and holes. To strengthen the door frame by locking plates can be used a steel bath, setting it vertically along the entire height. Exterior doorway will not suffer if utolok embed in jamb flush, and then painted to match the casing. Before you install it choose the hole tabs locks and mounting holes. Establish a corner on the screws 35-40 mm long flush. Equip door chain from hardened steel (door chain attached to the doorjamb with screws and striker plate - to the door leaf, necessarily horizontally so as to remove the chain could only be closing the door) or a special door restrictor last much safer as the chain of all You can have a bite or snatch with "meat". In the center of the door at a height convenient for all family members, drill a hole and install the eye, better to get a panoramic, wide field of view and locked from the inside. If you have a chance, then order and install a second door of steel or solid wood, equipping its security lock.
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