Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thermal insulation of windows

The windows in the house has several purposes: provide access to light and air into the room and warn him against loss of heat from dust and restrict access to the street noise. Therefore, they should be large enough and designed so that housing lacked light and was maximum opportunity for ventilation. In the window that closes tightly, always penetrate the dust and cold air. To prevent this, the gap between the doors, and doors and window frames should be sealed with foam strips (sold in hardware stores). They are called "strip for sealing the porch, windows and doors." Choose from the proposed version of the foam strips on fabric basis. Close the windows for the winter should be in dry weather, when the wooden parts of the windows completely dry. Before closing the windows to wash. Window cleaners need two rags, water and old newspapers. Clean the glass with a wet cloth, wipe the water with a dry cloth, then wipe the glass thoroughly enough newspapers to dry. Wood, covered with oil paint of the windows are cleaned with warm water (35-40 ° C) with the addition of ammonia solution (1 tablespoon per quart of water). Heavily contaminated sites clean with a soft brush. After washing the wooden parts of a wet wipe, and then a dry cloth. To wash the frames should not eat soap, soda or washing powders with an alkali, so as to tarnish them and cracking paint. To glass in the winter is not cold, well between the glasses put a few birch coals or put a glass with salt. Foam strips and seal the windows and balcony door. Along the perimeter of the frame window or balcony door impose these strips so that they do not interfere to close the window or door to all latches. Foam should not be nailed with nails. Simply glue the strips with glue ("Phoenix", BF-2 BF-6, "Mekol", "Kitifiks," etc.) or oil-based paint the same color, which is painted in the window. Frame around the perimeter of plaster with a thin layer of glue or paint on top neatly impose foam rubber, iron finger, and then immediately close the flap on the latch and held up the glue or paint. If during the winter you do not intend to open a window, it can be insulated and sealed with cotton wool or foam rubber without fabric-based and paper strips of a width of about 5 cm wool or foam rubber clog in the gap, then placing the paper greased with wallpaper glue CMC. In the absence of glue, use milk or an aqueous solution of starch or flour. It would require quite a bit, and seal will be provided. Silicate adhesive to use is not desirable: for rough handling you risk spoiling the glass. If the hand is not required material for sealing cracks in windows, you can use newsprint. Soak it until it turned into mush, and then the wet paper gruel fill all the gaps. Vysohnuv, she will not miss the cold air. In the spring of paper is easy to remove. Permeability of the window filling may be caused by insufficient sealing between the window frame and the wall, that is, a small number of tows or seal gapping priokonnoy rail (casing) to the plaster. To eliminate these defects should be removed trim and seal the gap between the frame and the wall with a screwdriver vtalkivaya initially dry oakum or rags, and then tow soaked in a solution of gypsum plaster or cement. Then again attach the trim so that between the plaster and the casing was no gap. Great importance for the conservation of heat in the room has good fixing glasses and seal with putty. Putty periodically check and where it is cracked, remove it with a knife with a blunt end, and the appropriate place enclosure, apply fresh caulking. Putty neatly put on the frame. To do this, cut a piece of a knife, soften it in your hands, roll between palms to form the flagellum-twig, put in the right place and Smooth with a knife or chisel. And you can use a metal shoehorn. Semicircular end (any) good smooths putty, remove it surplus, leaving a smooth rounded joint. Winter freeze panes. Covered with frost, they do not reflect light. Scrape the ice should not: You can scratch or break the glass. Better to take a solution of salt, moisten them with a soft cloth or sponge brush and thoroughly clean the glass several times. Ice disappears, the glass becomes transparent. There is another way: to warm the glass with a mixture of 1 part glycerin and 20 parts denatured alcohol. There is one good way to care for the lenses. To keep longer window panes clean and easier to launder them afterwards from dust and dirt, have a clean glass rubbed with a mixture of water (30 parts), glycerin (70 parts) and a few drops of ammonia. Glass, a mixture of pureed, less polluted, the frost in winter are not formed. Glycerin, which is part of a mixture of well water soluble, so washing the glass with glycerin film is easily washed off the dirt deposited on it.

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