Monday, July 18, 2011

Surface preparation for pasting.

The durability and finish quality film and rolled materials largely depend on careful preparation of the base. Pasted over the surface must be flat, smooth and dry, especially when applied thin wallpaper or groundless and self-adhesive film, since the smallest sink and even a grain of sand will be manifested in the form of dents or protuberance. Not recommended for wallpaper and film constantly moist surface of the wall, as this would lead to flaking and deterioration of finishing material. Prepare all surfaces, designed by pasting film and rolled materials, usually consists of several major operations. Repair and cleaning of the surface from contamination involves the same operations as for the painting works. Visible on the surface cracks, potholes and other defects cut, clean up sites with solid plaster and close up the appropriate solution. Minor cracks, crevices, holes from the nails only to close up filler. All refurbished places to wallpapering to be dried. After repairing the surface should be well abraded with the abrasive cloth to remove surface roughness and the individual grains of sand. Surfaces, painted before the glue (chalk) or lime paint, clean from her, washed and well dried. If you do not, download from such a surface quickly come off. Stains on walls, if they can tread through the wallpaper, you should paint the nitrocellulose lacquer, nitroemalyu or glue the thin aluminum foil. If the walls are covered with simple wallpaper, you need to check how firmly they stick. It's enough to moisten the surface with water. Places where there will be caps, must be cleaned of wallpaper. If the old wallpaper cling firmly, then it is possible to glue a new, pre-cleared sanded some roughness and where you left off old wallpaper, and a well-glued them hot paste. All other types of film and roll materials pasted earlier, it is better to remove. Oil paint should not be removed. It should be washed with soda or soap and dry well. Surfaces, painted enamel, and washed and cleaned sanded. If there are local peeling paint or enamel, they need to thoroughly clean the abrasive cloth, bar of fine emery or a piece of brick and glue these places paper or zashpatlevat and start pasting, making no pre-sizing of the paper surface. If the surface is covered with drywall or gypsum plasterboard, gypsum first solution shpatlyuyut joints, and then paste over them with gauze, and sanded again shpatlyuyut sanded. Nails utaplivayut to a depth of 1 mm, hats paint over oil paint, deepening shpatlyuyut and after drying polish. Surface of the chipboard, wood-fiber boards and plywood are prepared similarly. Stitches in the joints of sheet and place in the enclosed sheets cap nails are buried putty for wooden products. Dried surface of the polished and cleaned from dust. Planked surface designed by pasting film and roll materials, pre-upholstered fiberboard or cardboard and then performing the operations described above. For finishing synthetic film materials after cleaning, repair and priming walls soap-boiler rough places or the entire surface again shpatlyuyut and polished with pumice and sanded. Prepared so glued surface (ground) diluted adhesive labels adopted for this material. The exception is the surface intended for pasting stamps izoplenom AB and BA. In this case we can confine ourselves to the repair and cleaning of walls and their subsequent primer. Significant thickness of the material avoids such operations as the solid coating and polishing. Skip the top line provide in all cases except when the finish is carried to the ceiling. Required distance from the ceiling to the top finish marked with pencil or chalk in the corners of the room on each wall. Then with a cord, rubbed pigment or charcoal, fighting off the line. Due to the fact that in some areas the ceiling line is not always the mark of the upper horizontal line finishes, it should be checked with the water level. Take a thin rubber hose and insert the ends of the small glass tube. Fill the hose with water until the middle of the tube and check the levels at which there is water. According to the law of communicating vessels connect the mark will always be a horizontal line. Film or coat surfaces perform divorced adhesives or mastic, designed for the label film and roll materials. This operation is necessary to secure the tiny grains of sand and dust particles that may impair adhesion of the adhesive joint. Before gluing simple paper wallpaper surface promazyvayut paste. First, make cuttings - promazyvayut below the top skips a strip 4-6 cm, as well as in openings in the corners, the baseboards, then the entire surface is glued with the help of centrifugal brush. Waste paper used in the primary walls of wallpaper pasting in order to equalize the surface. For this use, as a rule, newspapers are better stick to the plaster surface. This operation is most convenient to do so: the prepared paper is placed in a pile, centrifugal brush to apply the adhesive on the top sheet, stick it on the wall and smooth the cloth for the disappearance of wrinkles and bubbles. Thin paper glued lap, more dense - back to back. After drying the sheets all the remaining wrinkles and smooth out bumps sanded. Surface designed by pasting films on paper or fabric-based, and should proolifit proshpatlevat. If the wallpaper paste over smooth flat surfaces (plaster, concrete), their primed with a solution of CMC glue, mastics "Bustilat" or "Gumilaks" (depending on what glue to use for gluing wallpaper). In the same way prepare the surface for gluing Izoplit. Surface under pasting groundless and self-adhesive tapes, as well as vinistenom should be prepared as well as a high-quality oil painting. Establish a suitable consistency of glue. Establish the most appropriate consistency of glue can be read. Spread the adhesive with different density (dense, medium and weak), three small strips of wallpaper and glue them on the wall. Which of these bands will be held tight, the glue and use. Fining surfaces with paper wallpaper. Work for pasting surfaces of walls and ceilings consists of several stages. Preparation of materials includes the trimming of wallpaper, the definition of uniform color and pattern rolls, cutting of cloth on their leveling. Before gluing everything rolls to peruse and pick up on the shade. Solid rolls are completed for pasting a single room or several walls. Wallpapers, differing in tone, can be used for papering the walls with windows, which are either in other lighting conditions or partially closed rams and blinds, as well as other places with poor lighting or indoor carpets, walls, partitions. Defective pieces of wallpaper may be required for pasting wall under window openings, with the batteries. When raskraivanii roll should fit the image of one piece to the picture of another piece of cloth and cut to size. Their length must equal the height of the wall from the bottom of the cornice or frieze to the plinth with a margin of 100 mm, while the wallpaper with a fine figure and up to 250 mm at the wallpaper with a large figure, as in the latter case the fit figure can be more waste. This reserve will also eliminate the possible difference of height of the room in different parts of the wall by off-leveling floor or potolka.Izlishek after stickers cut on a plinth, and cover the top border or frieze. In some cases, paper wallpaper have side edges width 1-1,5 cm thick wallpaper, which are glued back to back, the edge should be cut from two sides, which will overlap the seam, and, with wallpaper, designed for application on the right side of the window, edge of the cut on the right side of the other - on the left. Cut edge exactly on the designated line. The most convenient way to do it while sitting on a chair. Place the roll on his knees, cut edge, smatyvaya wallpaper again on a roll. When cut the left edge, roll rewind to make it easier to work with. The required length of cloth cut on the line drawn by pencil in advance by gon. Cutting width, you must follow for combining images, while taking into account that the figure of the material when cutting inevitably will go to waste. The remaining short pieces of wallpaper store. They are useful for gluing small areas above and below the windows above the doors and the subsequent repair of wallpaper. Apply a vertical line with the first piece of cloth sticking to all the following banners were pasted vertically, which is very important to save the graphic. Apply this line can be not only in the corners of the room, but in other places the walls. The first vertical line is applied at a distance from the angle equal to the width of the flag, calling it to the next wall in 10-15 cm discourage this line with a plumb line cord rubbed with chalk. By layers of walls is that the top line spacing, and in the corners and baseboards for durable adhesive wall panels promazyvayut adhesives strip of 10 cm for gluing of the prepared cloth is placed a pile of (no more than 10 layers) face down, moving them relative to each other so that each side edged the underlying cloth stood at 15-20 mm. In this case, the upper cloth promazyvanii paste not zatechet under the edge of the underlying. Adhesive applied with a brush (centrifugal, ceiling brushes or fleytsem) along the length of the cloth, evenly distributing it on the surface. First, hold the strip in the middle, then lubricate the remote side sheets and, finally, the edge that is closest to the operator. Care should be taken that the glue did not get on the front side and that there were no omissions. The edges of the wallpaper should be lubricated with special care, otherwise they will keep up with expansion joints. Thin plaster wallpaper once cold glue (paste), thick - twice as warm. Dense cloth wallpaper, smeared with glue, first soak, become wavy and curl at the edges. This indicates that they are not yet ready for bonding to the surface. Stick only when cloth becomes quite smooth. Thin wallpaper promazyvayut centrifugal brush at a time with liquid adhesive, distributing it evenly from the middle to the edges and removing clots and other tiny foreign particles. Tag on them immediately after promazyvaniya glue. Wallpapering should start from the window, moving into the room: at the edges of panels, glued lap, do not cast a shadow and become less noticeable. When has one person to do so. Take a cloth coated with two hands. First finger and thumb folded it in two-thirds and pick up the other fingers tucked in the front of the part. Flag raised and transferred to the wall. On the marked line is applied to the upper edge of the top line spacing, line the edge (the first flag stick on the plumb line, vertically). Only after the upper side of the established right under the ceiling, and the whole band is located vertically, her smooth big soft brush or lint-free cloth first, top, and then in the middle. In this state, the band can still move and guide the situation. Then turns away and stick the bottom part. If sex is a plinth, the wallpaper is inserted gently with a knife or chisel in the seam between the skirting and the wall, and the remainder of the lower edge of the strip is cut and paste a strip on top, overlapping the seam and the top of the plinth. If the baseboard can be easily removed, its clean, wallpaper paste to the floor, and then re-nailed baseboard. Then the entire surface of the cloth smooth brush, roller seams, making sure that it is well glued over the entire surface. In the formation of bubbles cut through the blade and this place is smooth. Minor bubbles on the surface smoothing should not be - after drying out wallpapers they disappear. If the wallpaper glue close to the ceiling, the edge of the cloth, which is adjacent to the ceiling, tuck about 5 cm, so as not to stain the ceiling with glue. The cloth is tightly pressed to the wall above, and after checking the vertical movements of the brush down smooth. Pencil answer as to cut off the line at the top if it was tuck at the ceiling. Just stick all the other paintings. Gluing everything together is more convenient, especially when bonded to the wallpaper with a pattern that needs to be customized. One lubricates cloth glue, puts it takes two hands and gives to another (so as not to dirty the wallpaper on the transfer of mate, you must grab cloth lying at one end of the corners of your thumb and index fingers of both hands, lift and bend it back toward the rest lie on the floor of the cloth about a third of the total length. Average fingers to pick up cloth from the bottom to a distance of the second third, and pick up from the floor, letting him hang on the middle finger. In this position, panel will be bent three times, and smeared with glue parts will be converted to each other), standing on a stepladder or staging (table), which takes as one end of the leaf, dissolve it and apply to the wall, starting at the upper end edge to the top of the line spacing, and is located at the bottom evenly tightens the canvas at the bottom and side applies to the vertical line. The next panel is glued, adjusting picture wallpaper to the previous one. Wallpaper light tones to smooth out by placing a brush or rag paper. If the edge of the flag stands adhesive, it must immediately remove wet foam sponge. Hold a brush on glue, stepped out of the seams is not recommended as it can stain or damage the front surface of the wallpaper. Random spots from the glue on the surface of wallpaper should also be removed immediately with a sponge. Paper wallpaper paste to the edges of the overlap in the direction of the window so that the upper edge of the wallpaper was lying exactly along the lines previously beaten off, and the truncated edge overlaps the uncut edge of the previous flag. It is very important in this case follow the combining drawing. If for some reason, drawing not combined, cloth can be pulled down over his previous one until convergence. When he reached the corner of the room, the last panel should try and cut along the way that it overlaps the corner room at 3-4 to see the wallpaper does not appear folds of the cloth covering a corner, before gluing incised in several places. The following flag stick from the corner, focusing on the top of the line spacing and vertical. In operation, special attention should be paid to ensure that the joints are well glued panels. If they are drying to depart from the base, paste them without noticeable defects will be very difficult. Switches and sockets for Wallcovering can not shoot enough voltage to turn off (unscrew the plug or turn off circuit breakers) and remove the cover. Cloth, is not plastered with glue, combined with the figure previously glued canvas to mark the location of its center of an outlet or switch and do the cross-cut through the center. The incision will allow qualitative stick cloth. Space around outlets and switches thoroughly smooth. After drying out wallpapers incised edges neatly trimmed with a razor blade along the contour of an outlet or switch box, fix the cover and include stress. If the walls, wallpaper, pass the pipe, they either painted to match the main color of wallpaper, or wallpaper. Pre-painted pipes to protect against corrosion. Then, paste over two layers of paper so that its edges were glued to the wall on both sides of the pipe on the width of 15-20 mm. Dry cloth wallpaper applied to the previously glued to combine drawing, cut out of his lane and paste over the pipe. After gluing and drying Wallpaper surplus of at the eaves and baseboards clip and proceed to label the curb. Frieze conceals uneven upper edge of the wallpaper.

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