Today, select glass - is, first and foremost, the choice of glass. Modern glass far removed from "ordinary" glass panes - 10-15 years old and have acquired a lot of useful properties, but information about these properties is still relatively little known to the end consumer. Today the choice of glass - is, first and foremost, the choice of glass. Modern glass far removed from "ordinary" glass panes - 10-15 years old and have acquired a lot of useful properties, but information about these properties is still relatively little known to the end consumer. We decided to find out more, they know how modern glass used today in the manufacture of glass, and applied for this purpose to some experts. Modern glass quality affected the whole of manufacturing glass. For example, recently it seemed that the triple-pane windows surely pushed out of our homes and consciousness of single chamber. And now the called the two-compartment packages "morally obsolete." Why? According to deputy general director for construction company Stroiservice Igor Chirkov, because the single-chamber double-glazed windows and a half times lighter than two-chamber, significantly reduced the load on the frame itself, connection and fastening elements. This means that the entire window assembly will last longer without requiring repair. In addition, such windows are cheaper. Of course, we are talking about single-chamber double-glazed windows of the new generation are not inferior two-chamber to maintain heat and to ensure acoustic comfort. These new windows - this is, first of all, new energy-saving glass. Moscow SNiPs (building code) has been established normative value of the reduced drag coefficient of heat insulating glass, which is equal to 0.55 m2 ° C / watt. As explained by Chief Specialist of the Center for Independent construction expertise Sergey Kononenko, the simplest single-chamber glass 4-16-4 (two simple glass thickness of 4 mm and the distance frame length of 16 mm between them) has a coefficient of only 0,32 m 2 ° C / W, which clearly not enough. Normative same level of thermal protection provide dual-chamber or unicameral modern windows with energy-saving glass. The main idea in the production of energy-saving glass - a special coating on the surface of a conducting layer of metal oxides. Heat retention provides just the coating, effectively reflecting the heat indoors in winter and outside it - in the summer. The thickness of the coating is so small that it is completely transparent to visible light and sunlight. Today, most major manufacturers use glass is glass is produced by the leaders of the European glass industry - Glaverbel, Pilkington, Saint-Gobain, and others. Of course, Russia's climate is such that to any building materials in the first place special requirements on teplosberezheniya. But no less important and their solntseotrazhayuschie properties and protection from noise and safety issues. "It would be strange if the experts did not attempt to combine and heat-saving properties solntseotrazhayuschie in one glass, - the manager of special projects for the company Glaverbel Dmitry Deniskin. - And a multi-functional glass, we already have. Glazing, collected on the basis of multifunctional glasses at the same time solve two problems - energy saving and solar control. " Another way of solving this problem - the use of double glazing windows with different properties. In this case, the so-called tinted solar control glass is installed as the exterior, and energy saving - as internal. The most common colors of stained glass - the interim between the bronze and brown, gray and green. Effective protection against noise provides a special combination of different types of glasses. "Applying a double-glazed window glass of different thickness, we can achieve excellent performance for noise reduction, - says Dmitry Deniskin - penetration level of noise in the room can be reduced by 49 dB, which even exceeds the requirements of GOST. Also, do not forget about the possibility of using a special noise insulation of glass panes (laminated glass with a special noise-dampening film) ". Another indispensable feature high quality glass - its strength and safety. There are several options for high-impact safety glasses. For example, a well-known multi-layer laminated glass "triplex" consisting of several sheets of glass, connected by a polyvinyl butyral film. Fracture of glass fragments remain "hanging" on a flexible film. Another option - tempered, that is specially heat-treated glass. This glass is very difficult to break without using special tools. If a strong external impact is tempered glass shatters into small round pieces without sharp edges, dangerous to humans. For manufacture of glass are used almost all types of glasses, their set and the configuration depends on your needs and specifics of the room. The choice of the brand, as advised by Dmitry Deniskin, it is better to do in favor of European developments, which not only satisfy the requirements of the guests, but in some respects his superior. In addition, a proven brand name implies a high level of quality not only the product itself, but also the associated services. "Thermal underwear - is, first and foremost, not a specific set of glasses in the windows, and a guarantee of consistent quality glass of any shape, - the Deniskin. - This is actually the first brand in Russia, which, based on European standards of quality, warranted 15 years plus Escort service - hard time of delivery, rapid replacement of marriage, free expert advice and so forth. " Not less than the quality of the glass, it is important to quality of installation of all window construction. According to Sergey Kononenko, even a very good windows can sweat in violation of the norms of installation. There exists a rule: if the glass surface is well ventilated, condensation formed on it will not. But if during the installation of window sill block completely blocked the battery, chances are that you will spend the winter with misted windows. Irina Reznik
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