Sunday, July 24, 2011

What are the interior doors

Theater begins with a hanger, and the room - the door. Overall impression of your interior is in direct proportion to what section of his band. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Theater begins with a hanger, and the room - the door. Overall impression of your interior is in direct proportion to what section of his band. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Author: Yelena Popova Theatre begins with a hanger, and the room - the door. Overall impression of your interior is in direct proportion to what section of his band. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Theater begins with a hanger, and the room - the door. Overall impression of your interior is in direct proportion to what section of his band. Rolled at least one door out of context - and about the word "design" can be forgotten. Now on the market offer great interior doors, both domestic and foreign production. They are made from solid and veneer of various species of wood, glass, plastic, aluminum ... According to their structural features, ie, in the way of opening the doors are divided into several types. Swing doors - the most common. They come in single, double and polutorastvorchatymi. Swing doors can be opened by themselves or by themselves, right or left - it is necessary to consider the purchase, it was not necessary then to change the set of hinges and locks. In the living quarters often put the door from the array (positive - solid wood - and glued, or glued-laminated), veneer on MDF panels, or more than cheap plastic. Swing doors glass home buying rare - this is the inheritance of office space. The lowest price at which you can buy a wooden door - 3 thousand rubles. for domestic to 4 thousand rubles. for import. But these prices are only at the warehouses and construction markets. At fairs like "Ekspostroya on Nakhimovskom or" construction "on the Falcon, the cost of domestic wood doors vary from 5.8 rubles. to 8 thousand rubles., the Spanish are an average of $ 270-300, Italian - from $ 500 to $ 1000. FurLand "promoted" producer prices even higher. For example, factory MOBILI DI CASTELLO and BIANCHINI CAPPONI, producing a pseudo-Antique doors, manually painted with colors according to ancient recipes and pictures, asking for their masterpieces of $ 3000-5000. But this is from the category of unscientific fantasy. And if you come back to reality, we can deduce some quite clear pattern of price increase on the door. According to the manager on the wooden door of the store network, "Who's there?" Alla Rivkin, the cost can be subject to the glass insert (such door is more expensive, especially when it comes to Italian, which uses a double safety glass with a gasket), non-standard sizes, type of blade (dull cheaper paneled expensive), as well as the material itself ( solid wood is valued above bonded to MDF veneers). Folding doors are more democratic. Usually they put in those cases where you need to save space, but on a more radical solution such as door-coupe, called at the "pocket" in the wall, no money. The door of the two wings (as in bus) is called the "book" of a few - "accordion." Since the folding doors are usually made of plastic, they look cheap: in the front hall accordion better not to. The most demanded place "accordions" and "books" - a closet and dressing room. There are such doors in an average of $ 50-60. Door coupe are movable (one blade) or sliding (of two). They can be mounted on the top, bottom or both rails. In the first case due to lack of sex nut plane visually not "eaten up", the impression of a single space. But there are also negative - with a strong draughty door "walk". Door at the bottom or on the two rails are more stable, but turns nut. Although if you want you can sink into the floor. "Sliding doors - the ideal solution for the zoning of adjacent rooms, such as kitchen and living room incorporated into the studio - says sales manager interior partitions salon Koryna Olga Bulanova. - At any time you can" cut "of cooking zone from the zone of reception." Like conventional hinged doors, compartment can be made of wood (voiceless, framed with glass). For the price they are slightly different from the swing. To create modern interiors often choose door coupe from the ground glass. This material acts as a zoned elements: separating glass, leaves a sense that there are others on the premises. It transmits light and at the same time stop a curious look. Glass doors usually do with the end rail, but there are options, and without them - solid glass panel with a convex glass as a handle. It is worth noting that this is a very elegant look. Swinging door - in an apartment near exotic. They swing open in both directions, as in the subway, so they are very fond of pets. But in a sale they are rare, they should be asking in the specialty stores. Stable door - a kind of conventional swing. As the company "World of household appliances and furniture, they consist of two halves, top and bottom, with their own loops and locks. These doors are very popular in the West, whereas here, they can often be seen in bars. Put Konyushennaya door makes sense if the house has a small child: the lower part, as the gate way to partition off him into the danger zone, such as the kitchen and at the same time busy cooking mama can talk to him through the open upper sash. Whichever you choose, do not forget the basic design rule - all the doors that are visible at the same time, should be in the same style. "Discordant voices" are spoiling the impression of the integrity of an interior. And another important point for last. When designing the space needed to be taken into consideration that the doors be opened from outside the premises, outside - the path of a possible evacuation. If something is on fire at the plate, there was a sharp smoke in the room - pushing the door, it opens automatically and you will lose no time, quickly leave the danger zone. That's right - the total for all areas but especially important to observe him in the kitchen.

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