Sunday, July 24, 2011

Pros and cons of frameless glazing

Fashion Technology in recent years - Frameless Glass balconies. It is believed that this technology - Finnish. But the Finnish manufacturers recognize that innovation is borrowed from neighbors, the Germans. And the Germans? And here it becomes clear that they, in turn, have adopted the idea, dreamed up a decade ago by our craftsmen. Is this true? Hard to judge. But at least the rumors persisted walk among professionals, professionally engaged in the balcony windows. Fashionable technology in recent years - Frameless Glass balconies. It is believed that this technology - Finnish. But the Finnish manufacturers recognize that innovation is borrowed from neighbors, the Germans. And the Germans? And here it becomes clear that they, in turn, have adopted the idea, dreamed up a decade ago by our craftsmen. Is this true? Hard to judge. But at least the rumors persisted walk among professionals, professionally engaged in the balcony windows. Balconies in our days all glass, often - if anyone is in that much, how have enough money and imagination. But increasingly, you can see the balconies of a light, airy design with no frames and uprights. That is how the (outside) the system of frameless glazing. And many of his praise. But we are nothing to his habit of not believing a word decided to look into: what is it good? Perhaps it's just a fashionable fad, the pursuit of prestige, not backed by real benefits to consumers? And again, as usual, I first went to the professionals - specialists companies that provide services to install frameless systems. In two of the Moscow firms readily agreed to give detailed advice. A barrel of honey. Advantages of frameless glazing So, listen to interested parties. 1. Frameless Glass is suitable for the balcony of any type, shape and age, and thus does not suffer from the general appearance of the facade of the building. 2. Glass in a design move freely on special plastic rollers. Balcony can be fully opened, slide the blade of glass to the side, turning them to a wall or folded "book" (there are different companies offer different variations). 3. Standard in the frameless glass used special tempered glass thickness 6-8 mm. This glass is safe: if, God forbid, break - will not be hanging around sharp edges, and carefully osypetsya and turned into small "cubes". However, it can be broken, unless purposefully hitting it with a hammer. After all, tempered - it means having a high resistance to breaking material. 4. Balcony with frameless glazing is protected against noise, rain and mud. Casement take up little space and are securely fastened, do not break even in windy conditions. At the same time opening and closing windows on the balcony does not require effort. And as they fold, they are convenient and clean the outside and inside. Censures on Frameless glazing virtually none. Glass does not break, commercials do not break. Anyway, so say the sellers. Continuing the conversation about the merits, it must be said that the Russian market there are now two types of systems, frameless glazing. The first - "the Finns" - import system "Elegant". In addition, there are two domestic systems - CTC and Estelle. That is editing in any case runs for one of two technologies. What are the peculiarities of each system? Provide opportunity to producers to speak about their products. Clarified: the information I now give you, is precisely the fact that reported his manufacturer of frameless glazing over the Internet, the modules of information publications and flyers. So, what we are told the specialists? The system of "Elegant" aesthetic and easy to use: to open the glazed loggia, partially or completely, rather set the knob to the open position. Then "flick of the wrist" glass door moves to the extreme position against the wall and opens inward. This simple operation is repeated as many times as the required number of valves. The system, installed in each case, depending on the customer may have one or two openings (ie, pens) and, accordingly, move and accumulate at one or two sides of the loggia (balcony). The design of the "Elegant" is used safe tempered glass thickness of 6 mm or 8 mm, to withstand heavy wind and dynamic loads. Aluminum profiles and stainless steel mechanisms provide resistance to weathering design, which is especially important for the Russian climate, with its capricious weather. In addition, the frameless design of the "Elegant" have patented vent mechanism that allows to fix the window ajar for the duration of ventilation (ie, no matter how strong the wind is blowing glass, no lid). Installation of the system, according to the manufacturers, can be done year round. But the order system, of course, need a reliable company. The only way you get a certified product with a warranty. Genuine glazing system "Elegant" is being tested for durability on the wind and point load at the Technical Research Centre of Finland. Subject to the rules of operation and installation, the manufacturer gives its products a 5-year warranty. The price of imported frameless glazing "turnkey" - at least $ 300 per sq.m. ITS systems and Estel "even steeper - not afraid of the word, at least as much about them respond specialists installers. Argued that the system frameless glazing domestic production significantly different from their foreign counterparts - and not only profile design, fitting glass wings, but also the quality of all items, particularly durable and reliable. Different and the price: 1 sq ft of turnkey Letter of frameless glass - about $ 100-180. Domestic Frameless Glass in all its glory. But the main difference is that in domestic systems, frameless glass, glass doors by moving carriages are attached not only to the top, but also to the lower rail of aluminum profiles, so that the fold takes just four points of support - at the top and bottom. As a result, each leaf of the system is based on 4 swivel axis, which is available on 3 horizontal roller. All metal parts of stainless steel. Sash lock rotary valve, as an option can be set to lock that can not open a child. As in the case of the import system, the domestic system by the client may be equipped with two handles for opening that allows you to move accordingly and collect leaf on both sides of the loggia. However, the system of frameless glazing "Estelle" and STS can not only move the sash to the forward direction, but, unlike the foreign systems to move through any angle. So glazed loggia can be fully opened regardless of the configuration (oval, round, with the corners). In addition, domestic systems are used for frameless glazing unit glass partitions for different purposes - with the installation, if necessary, safety devices. This frameless partitions in apartments, offices, conference rooms, shops, showrooms and other rooms. For sealing system between the glass doors are installed transparent silicone sealants. In domestic systems use a hardened punch (not shown) glass oshlifovannymi around the perimeter edges of standard thickness - 6 or 8 mm (height, respectively, to 2000 and to 2900 mm). This ratio, according to the manufacturer for safe operation of the system. Modern technology of fixing glass to the frame profile allows you to refuse to drill in the glasses of any openings, which also contributes to a uniform load distribution. Ventilation gap between the glass - from 2 to 4 mm. Width of the glass is determined by the installation site, the standard width of 500 to 800 mm. An optional glass can be installed with very accurate dimensions (gap). High test results of the domestic systems do not yield the results of tests of foreign analogues. Outside, both systems look roughly equally stylish and attractive. And one can only hope that the producers have reported themselves trustworthy information. At least in general. Fly in the ointment. Disadvantages frameless glazing, but in fairness, we note that not all of whom have had to deal with Frameless Glass (albeit imported, even loved ones), stay away in delight. In addition to the undeniable merits, there are drawbacks in terms of some shoppers - are significant. That's what we were told the happy owners of some of the "frameless glazed" balconies and loggias. 1. First and foremost, minus - Frameless Glass is essentially just the protective structure. That is, the glazed balcony so you do not get extra warm room - temperature in the cold season is only 2-3 ° C above the street. Does not matter how artificial warming of the loggia. So use your verandas will be only seasonal. And it often does not suit our practical fellow, seeking at the expense of improvement to increase the residential balconies or living space. 2. A second drawback - "total transparency", that is all that is happening at your lodge, will be perfectly viewable from all sides - especially if you live on a low floor. Well, if you're on the balcony is not seen, or you do not care for other people's curiosity. But it is unlikely, having ordered an expensive Frameless Glass balcony, you'll just dry the clothes there. Certainly want to use this elegant veranda on purpose - at least during the warmer months. Therefore, if you do not like when your personal life becomes the subject of study for outsiders, it is better to think about blinds or curtains. 3. Another "ambush". Apart from prying eyes, in the summer sometimes pretty annoying insects - flies and mosquitoes. But as in the case of frameless glazing to fix a mosquito net? Alas, mosquito nets to the glass is not pribesh. 4. The fourth negative associated with the Russian climate and ecology of the megalopolis. What are we talking about? On the glass for a short time accumulate dirt and dust that formed divorces. And while the mud, according to experts, without any difficulty is removed from the valves, clean the glass balcony have very often, otherwise the very idea of ??frameless glass loses its meaning. Admit when your loggia around the perimeter surrounding the dirty, slap the glass, the aesthetics of the spectacle is more than doubtful. 5. And finally the fifth "but" - Frameless Glass does not provide complete containment and on this indicator loses modern windows: noise protection are three times less (frameless systems consume up to 10 decibels, windows - 30). As for moisture, then, according to Maxim Bredikhina, an expert from the firm "Dekenik, generating profiles for windows, sometimes Frameless Glass can skip moisture, and snow and temperature extremes can ruin the aluminum profile, by which the moving rollers and a window will be worse open. Let's face it. Expert opinion of professionals engaged in the production and installation of frameless systems typically do not deny the above-mentioned drawbacks. Another thing is that feature frameless glass - primarily just fencing, not insulating. This is ideal for those who are not chasing extra "square meters", but does not want to embarrass myself fixed glazed loggia, which plainly does not ventilate. In this sense, Frameless Glazing at height: wanted - just opened the doors, windows as if no; wanted - shut again, and here it is - a strong barrage barrier: not a thief will not take away any cat will not fall down. Frameless Glass Fencing, but not insulated. On such a balcony is only 2-3 degrees warmer than outside the issue of mud on the windows, the experts just shrugged their shoulders: "Then, contact a firm that is engaged in washing windows ..." but assured that the folding doors are frameless convenient and easy to clean and use and you can spray the most ordinary glasses. The most important thing in Frameless Glass - a quality installation. It is an error during installation may give rise to problems in operation: rollers, which move leaf begin to creak, seize ... According to him, everything depends on the quality of fitting, since for Frameless Glass pens should absolutely freely turned, the wheels - is also free to travel, and wing - easily and without effort to move and take shape. Mounted frameless system very quickly - in one firm deadline installation of turnkey no more than 2-3 weeks. But in the case of a complex individual order terms can also be specified individually. Traditional frames or mod videos? So, after talking with "spice" I realized: the dignity of declarative fashion frameless glazing listed earlier in this article correspond to the truth about 70%. But this will agree, is perfectly acceptable, so that, in principle, Frameless Glass - a thing very well. And then, oddly enough, is much more important moment of psychological compatibility: simply conservatives more likely to choose traditional "framed" windows only because it is familiar. But let's summarize the information received. 1. Frameless Glass - something stylish and fashionable, but an amateur. 2. Insulated balconies with frameless glazing does not work, but in the heat in the house will be pleasantly cool. 3. If you decide to Frameless Glass, from the two existing types of systems - and our imports - safely choose any: their quality is equivalent, but our costs 1,5 -2 times more expensive. In defense of the import system we can say one thing: it is, in our view, looks a bit more elegant than ours. But this, of course, a matter of taste. 4. Much more importantly: ordering Frameless Glass, you need to choose a firm that guarantees quality installation and provide certified products. 5. Domestic materials are used for mounting frameless systems, none the worse for import, and our experts handle the work better than the Finns. But note: The warranty on the windows should be at least 2 years, and the warranty on installation - less than 1 year. And the last. As experts say, very much for choosing the type of glass depends on the type of home. If you live in an old house and you do not even loggia, and a little pot-bellied with curved balcony railing, then the "Frameless Glass" as it will appear absurd and ridiculous. No, of course, we can modernize and frameless glass, but ... Many new buildings, on the contrary, all the balconies have a uniform glaze on the fact that by the time of delivery at home. One thing is certain: the system frameless glazing good at those functions for which are - aesthetic and fencing. And no need to require them to excess.

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